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Simple Candida Indicator Test

Owl Mirror

Active member
Pardon me Ms Babba but, I came across this info and thought the many women on this forum might benefit from it.

Candida is the common term used for Candidiasis, which means Candida overgrowth. Candida has the ability to change into its fungal form and spore all the way through the intestinal wall and to other parts of the body.
Candida is often associated with vaginal yeast infection for women.

Candida Indicator test

Take a glass of water to bed and leave it on the bedside cabinet.
When you awaken, spit into the water.
Do NOT try to gather spit from the inside of your mouth, just spit whatever you have, however little, into the water.
Allow to stand for 15 minutes, then gently swill the contents round in the glass.

Hold glass up to the light.
If the spit remains on top of the water, or dissolves, you are OK.
If it turns the water cloudy, you have a Positive Indicator.

If legs appear descending through the water, you have a Positive Indicator.
In cases of POSITIVE you should consider contacting a doctor.


It seems like a simple enough test to conduct and may provide you with an early indicator, serving to prevent you from future discomfort or illness.


ICMag Donor
Very Interesting Owl, thanks for the info. Im sure there are alot of us that dont know about this test. Ill have to try it out and see what happens. Thanks again.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
Interesting. I am not a lady but did experience candidiasis for over 10 years, it was life changing, no kidding.

It took 6 months to discover I had it. I had numerous blood tests with my GP because I'd awaken every 2nd day at 3am with extreme bloating belching and gassing from everywhere ;(

I had what seemed a Migraine Headache for that whole 6 months, that would increase and decrease in intensity half a dozen times throughout the day and the GP gave up. Finally I found a Naturapath who diagnosed me and suggested changing my diet and the headache will stop.

3 days later it did.

It took me over 10 years to heal my weakened immune system sufficiently to be able to eat properly again. I hope it doesn't take you as long mrs. B :)


Active member
Interesting. I am not a lady but did experience candidiasis for over 10 years, it was life changing, no kidding.

It took 6 months to discover I had it. I had numerous blood tests with my GP because I'd awaken every 2nd day at 3am with extreme bloating belching and gassing from everywhere ;(

I had what seemed a Migraine Headache for that whole 6 months, that would increase and decrease in intensity half a dozen times throughout the day and the GP gave up. Finally I found a Naturapath who diagnosed me and suggested changing my diet and the headache will stop.

3 days later it did.

It took me over 10 years to heal my weakened immune system sufficiently to be able to eat properly again. I hope it doesn't take you as long mrs. B :)

Interesting.. I am not a woman either but i do live with one who i care for very much, the last six mo's she's been having some problems similar to yours in addition to her IBS which is pretty bad, she was given an injection by a naturapath to check for fungi etc and she did get a reaction to it, so there might be something in it.. There are no problems going on in the area where you'd usually get candida though. I have a tendency to write those alternative medicine people (believe me she has seen a lot of them) off as quacks, but this guy might have found a real problem.. i think the fact that he's also a MD might boost his medical insight some..


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
The Natural Medicines do indeed have something to offer SH. Throughout that 10 year period I went to maybe a dozen, including practicing GP/Naturapaths in our wonderful Northern NSW Region, and have leant much along the way.

I will attempt to post something helpful once I find a few hours to myslef to give some real thought to the task, until then let me share a source of well researched pro-biotics that I recommend would be to look at something like "Natren" product, which looks much different to how it looked when I used it maybe 10 years ago but then I doubt I looked at any website, here's a link - link

A2 milk I also attribute to helping me recover.

The problem with this illness is just how hard it is to remove all sources of food and renewal for the bug/fungul form.

Every person is different, and at different times I was more sensitive to different food types than at others, usually depending on just how strong I was being with the diet. I found it really really hard.

i couldn't eat..

- fruits with high fructose (or any really, at times) like ripe bananas , or no fruit or to limit intake massively once symptoms have dissapeared
- no mushrooms (fungus)
- no red wine (can't remember why, maybe cos it keeps getting me in trouble hehe)
- no walnuts
- no grains with gluten (no wheat, rye, oats) I replaced with quinoa, amaranth, rice and when weller spelt grain. Buckwheat is ok, it's great. Not as great as quinoa or amaranth though ;)

No sugar is the big one eh. Everyone is different, maybe you can hold to the diet long enough to remove the spores and all that crap from your body in 6 months and get well fast. i didn't ;)

But I changed.


How do I kill my Candida?

My first thought when a person says, "I have Candida",
is "lucky you".

Candida has a powerful purpose in human physiology and
for some...

Candida is the only thing keeping them alive.

Here's the real scoop on Candida...

Candida Symptoms

Candida is a micro organism which lives in all humans. Symptoms
associated with Candida seem to intensify if:

1) You or your parents/grandparents have taken antibiotics.

2) You've experienced reoccurring vaginal, urinary or prostate
infections or thrush.

3) At the same time every day you feel "spaced out" or you
have mental "black outs", where you stay upright and simply
lose time.

4) You have continual fungal episodes on your skin, especially
toes and fingernails.

There are other symptoms and these usually are the most pronounced.

Candida's True Function

Candida's true function is to serve as a secondary digestive system,
when our primary digestive system is overwhelmed. As such, when I
hear someone say, "How do I kill my Candida?, I have a little cringe.

Specifically Candida metabolizes/digests/breaks down necrotic (dead)
material in our bodies. Debris which is to toxic or difficult for
digestive systems, is handled by Candida.

If a person is successful killing Candida, many times their weight
balloons and digestive challenges set in which get worse by the day.

This happens because if Candida is killed, then the necrotic (dead)
material Candida was digesting begins to backup and buildup.

In fact, many experts have noticed the symbiotic Candida/Cancer relationship.
Thinking through this for a moment, you'll immediately understand why these
two friends usually travel together.

When Cancer and Candida occur together, Cancer is usually a backup mechanism
which has kicked in because Candida has become overwhelmed. Cancer's purpose
is to "temporarily" partition mutating tissue from integrous (good) tissue,
until such time as our normal systems can break down and expel these.

As necrotic material builds up and our digestive system is overwhelmed, Candida
begins to overgrow to digest this material, so it can be safely eliminated. If
Candida fails, Cancer cells form to encapsulize and partition/store this necrotic
material for a future time when the body has recovered enough energy to break down
the "fibroid jails" Cancer uses as storage containers.

A Better Way To Consider Candida

One way to think of Candida is as a "canary in the coal mine", a strong indication
there is some serious work required to balance your bodies digestive/immune system.

I say digest/immune system, as the Pancreas can be though of as the seat or core
producer of immune substances. The Pancreas creates many of the substances which
can either do the heavy lifting of digesting dead/cooked/processed foods, or be
about the work of extreme longevity.

Quality of immune function strength and speed directly tracks digestive fire, the
efficiency of our digestive function.

Rather than killing Candida, we're served in listening to Candida and supporting
Candida to complete it's cycle/work quickly.

And here's how...

Supporting Candida's Rapid Completion

The progression we use with our clients supporting rapid completion of Candida's
work generally takes the following sequence:

1) Cease all excipient intake.

Excipients destroy T-Cells (primary immunity) and block nutrient update.

More about excipients here:

Are Excipients In Your Health Supplements Destroying Your Immune System

Excipients Reloaded - Immunity Destroying Supplements

In essence, excipients are substances added to caplets and capsules
which ease/simplify the encapsulation process. Only purchase from
excipient free companies like Radical Health and Premier Research.

If there is no explicit "We are an excipient free company" on your
supplements, best to use them on your garden rather than internally.

2) Reboot strong digestive fire. Many of our clients have been running
an experiment of eating high quality, Himalayan Salt to taste and
having one Digest/Salivarius/Crystal Manna (Algae) with and between meals.

Digest unloads our Pancreas from digestive work.

Salivarius is an aggressive probiotic which facilitates rapid transfer
of nutrients from our digestive tract, through our fluids, to our cells.

Crystal Manna is the only cold processed, Blue Green Algae and
acts as a probiotic Super Food greatly enhancing probiotic function.

3) Upgrade dietary sources of necrotic material. Primary sources are
animal products, cooked or processed food and excipient rich supplements.

Rather than trying to upgrade every food, better to start with step
two above and use Digest/Salivarius/Crystal Manna and your body will
naturally begin to enjoy expanding your upscale eating choices.

4) Phase in Super Foods as much as possible. Products like Raw Chocolate,
Goji Berries, Bee Pollen, Hemp, Vanilla Agave - ounce for ounce have
huge quantities of clean burning, low calorie nutrients.

The real secret about Super Foods is the nutrient/calorie ratio. Usually
people experience a dramatic drop in caloric intake when eating Super Foods
because we eat for nutrients and stop eating when our nutrient reserves are
full up.

Yes there may be other reasons and to know for sure, most people
may be served by balancing physical nutrient related issues first,
then proceeding on to emotional/psycho-spiritual considerations.

To me, the primary root of over eating is people are starving from eating
foods which contain insufficient quality and quantity of nutrients, so
their bodies overeat trying relentlessly and unsuccessfully to satisfy
nutrient requirements.

The reason we designed our Coco Chai product is so people no longer are required
to seek out 50+ Super Foods, mix them in correct ratio to create ambrosic flavor
and highest function.

Anyone can invest 2 minutes/day mixing Coco Chai, Vanilla Agave and Water for
a full day's supply of Super Nutrition.

Candida Support Outcome

If Candida is supported, so it can rapidly complete it's cycle, then Candida
breaks down necrotic material (it's food) and as it's food supply exhausts,
it naturally goes dormant, ready to swing into action when required again.

Many times as Candida is dramatically supported any pre-Cancer and Cancer
symptoms naturally balance as a side effect.

Our bodies are complex in nature and extremely simple to support.

Our only requirements for optimal health are to

1) keep our pipes and tubes flowing freely and

2) flood our body with clean burning, low calorie, nutrient rich foods

Optimal health is then simply a side effect.


Well-known member
interesting, not sure how much truth there is to all this, but deserves a bump.

As far as naturopaths, that's finally where the source of many of my health problems was found. Went for years of trying to figure my unrelenting pain and many other symptoms. I'd been told i had 'fibromyalgia', and there really were no drugs that were approved for it, back in those years. They tried many pills, brain pills, pain pills, pills for parkensons, pills for depression, just to see if anything worked. Nothing worked, or had bad other effects, so was rather bummed at 'regular' docs, after a few years of that. Moved to Az and found a very good naturopath clinic. They were the only ones to even consider that i'd maybe been metal poisoned. Did the test, and oh my yes, multiple metals, lead, aluminum(lots of aluminum), cadmium, too much of other stuff, zinc, copper, you name it.
Went through ten weeks of I.V.'s to pull that crap out, as much as possible in one series, anyway. Having that done was a blessing.

And MMJ, was the only medicine that provided relief, before moving to Az, during and after that treatment. If i were back in Az, i would probably have already gone through another round of I.V.'s, as they did say that the first round would probably not be enough, as it probably only 'cleaned up' the outer layer of bones and organs. Still, i feel so much better, but there is damage done.

Although it is somewhat unrelated, i wanted to put my vote out there for the natural healers. I also had a chiropractor that i miss, he was also a nutritionist, and did acupuncture. He helped me through some tough times.
