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pumpkinpie eyes

he grew fast budz crap, he knows. i'm sure hez not in competition w/ fb. gawd, asn understatement.
newbie, learn, read- not reviewzs


New member
he grew fast budz crap, he knows. i'm sure hez not in competition w/ fb. gawd, asn understatement.
newbie, learn, read- not reviewzs

Not going to get into an argument with someone who spells the word has as "haz" you completely neglect any valid points I've made as to why it's logical to be skeptical but you just continue, Ignored.


New member
Not going to get into an argument with someone who spells the word has as "haz" you completely neglect any valid points I've made as to why it's logical to be skeptical but you just continue, Ignored.

Correction: He's.


bro,i hide from horse to eat pizza and find argument, no no

the baeuty of forum is that when you read something written by someone, you can actually see if they are indeed full of shit by looking at their post history, not like a random review on a proprietary website that has "johhny said: these seedz are goodz, just received and growing big nugz already". If you take the time to see aridbud's posts about his/her seeds, you will tell easily that he/she knows their stuff;

i wanted to show you a post in the hydro forum. It's from a guy from 2 or 3 years ago, growing in hydro (weee), but getting results that were not satisfactory, with the excuse of being experimenting. i think i burned two J's reading that entire thread.

It's really depressing seeing a thread with 68+ pages of nice people telling him exactly what to do, and yet he rejected all advice and only really listened those who agreed with him in complacency or ignorancy. There's stuff in there that is GOLD, but the kind of gold that you want to grab and hit your own head.

My point, listen to the guys, don't reply immediately, just listen, read, think and get to your own conclusions after some smokeeeee; you know when they say that if the river is making sounds is because it is carrying rocks? (hahaha that's spanish) Don't put fast buds team shirt just now because you spent some bucks in their seeds; wait and see.

Best luck and no fight no water! Horse is looking for me, i am done with the pizza.

For your reference i am growing sensi seeds skunk and black domina, also have greenhouse superbud and king kush (both shit growth so far) and BSF's GGauto, which i have no faith at all. So i'm not biased entirely, i want to give them a go without much hope. None of them are expensive seeds, only the proven breeders will get my pesos. Which are horse's pesos.
I smoked too much Panama and drank too much coffee this morning, too many posts.


New member
bro,i hide from horse to eat pizza and find argument, no no

the baeuty of forum is that when you read something written by someone, you can actually see if they are indeed full of shit by looking at their post history, not like a random review on a proprietary website that has "johhny said: these seedz are goodz, just received and growing big nugz already". If you take the time to see aridbud's posts about his/her seeds, you will tell easily that he/she knows their stuff;

i wanted to show you a post in the hydro forum. It's from a guy from 2 or 3 years ago, growing in hydro (weee), but getting results that were not satisfactory, with the excuse of being experimenting. i think i burned two J's reading that entire thread.

It's really depressing seeing a thread with 68+ pages of nice people telling him exactly what to do, and yet he rejected all advice and only really listened those who agreed with him in complacency or ignorancy. There's stuff in there that is GOLD, but the kind of gold that you want to grab and hit your own head.

My point, listen to the guys, don't reply immediately, just listen, read, think and get to your own conclusions after some smokeeeee; you know when they say that if the river is making sounds is because it is carrying rocks? (hahaha that's spanish) Don't put fast buds team shirt just now because you spent some bucks in their seeds; wait and see.

Best luck and no fight no water! Horse is looking for me, i am done with the pizza.

For your reference i am growing sensi seeds skunk and black domina, also have greenhouse superbud and king kush (both shit growth so far) and BSF's GGauto, which i have no faith at all. So i'm not biased entirely, i want to give them a go without much hope. None of them are expensive seeds, only the proven breeders will get my pesos. Which are horse's pesos.
I smoked too much Panama and drank too much coffee this morning, too many posts.

I will check out that URL the minute I finish this last study-session I am on right now, I appreciate you taking the time to write a detailed response without being condescending, I truly do appreciate it.

I am simply trying to put my perspective out there, I am in a Discord community of very experienced growers, I met someone on there who has 20+ years of growing experience and they brought me here and I am glad they did, but I have one community of extremely talented growers who have posted their results of Fast Buds seeds and I have shared with them this thread and they are all telling me the same thing, they are saying that it's obvious that someone who makes profit from their seeds is going to badmouth a direct competitor and I already knew this before they told me, they said if he had bad luck with multiple strains off of 1 breeder that most likely they made an error on their part and they just wrote off the entire brand and on top of that, they are pushing their own products.

He may be telling the truth but when a massive group of growers are telling me they had the opposite experience with fastbuds it's hard to take the word of someone who has given me zero help with my thread and instead just bashes a competitor and pushes his seeds, I have read reviews of fast buds (Specifically the pineapple express auto) on seedsman and other reputable banks that carry FB genetics and 90% are all positive reviews including the reviews I get from this other community of experienced growers.

Do they claim fast buds is #1? no, but they have proof of massive yields and success and a massive number of people are saying the same thing, and then I have 2 people who use the same seeds and 1 of them profits from them telling me that the seeds I ordered are trash and all the genetics they have are trash neccessarily

He may have more experience than me, but he should know better than to push a product and trash talk a competitor, that stuff only works on low IQ individuals who don't do their research before coming to a conclusion, if someone makes a profit if I buy their seed they promote and they tell me other seeds are trash then as an educated man of science, I must do myself a duty of doing my own research and coming to a logical and educated conclusion based on what I see in front of me and that is 1 person making profit trying to bash a competitor vs dozens of experienced growers who have pictures and logs of their grows available that have nothing but good things to say.

My point is, if someone tells me I bought crappy seeds, I need more than just their word. I have no idea how they grew their seeds so logically how can I take their word for it especially when they profit off of their own seeds if that makes any sense?

I appreciate your words and I am grateful for this community, I just wish it was easier to get my point across without upsetting people.

Anyways, my seeds just shipped today and I will be germinating them in a month or so, I will make a log/journal for this entire community to witness. If they are trash, the results will show, if they are not, then the community will know too.


My point is, if someone tells me I bought crappy seeds, I need more than just their word. I have no idea how they grew their seeds so logically how can I take their word for it especially when they profit off of their own seeds if that makes any sense?

I appreciate your words and I am grateful for this community, I just wish it was easier to get my point across without upsetting people.

Anyways, my seeds just shipped today and I will be germinating them in a month or so, I will make a log/journal for this entire community to witness. If they are trash, the results will show, if they are not, then the community will know too.

everyone has their own opinion based on their own experiences and knowledge, and from the people surrounding them. for one, i don't like avocado, never had, indeed it makes me vomit. But in here, people are crazy about avocado, maybe 99.8% love and would kill for a correctly ripe avocado. So who is right and who is wrong?

But none will debate if the avocado is rotten or unedible.

So then, grow the seed, live the life, get schwifty, and make your own conclusions. I know the thrill of the new grow, but again, don't put any bank's team shirt just yet. I would only wear my own team's shirt, which has holes. :tiphat:


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Go for it med student. After 39 yrs in healthcare (Master's degree), 46 years growing, 13 yrs growing and breeding/selling autos, I know nothing about nothing. Won't be offering up any further suggestions.

it would be a shame if you stopped contributing here to this thread AB'
your knowledge in the topic is second to none and it would be very useful for all to hear your thoughts on anything auto' related


New member
everyone has their own opinion based on their own experiences and knowledge, and from the people surrounding them. for one, i don't like avocado, never had, indeed it makes me vomit. But in here, people are crazy about avocado, maybe 99.8% love and would kill for a correctly ripe avocado. So who is right and who is wrong?

But none will debate if the avocado is rotten or unedible.

So then, grow the seed, live the life, get schwifty, and make your own conclusions. I know the thrill of the new grow, but again, don't put any bank's team shirt just yet. I would only wear my own team's shirt, which has holes. :tiphat:

I want to be smoking on whatever you're smoking on my man :tiphat:


I want to be smoking on whatever you're smoking on my man :tiphat:

Cannabiogen's Panama.

6.5 months from seed to cut, outdoors.
Excellent smoke for cold rainy day, as today.
I don't think there's any bad review or grow report on CBG's strains. They are really good, i would clean the toilets of their facilities. For money or grass obviously.
Be patient and get rewarded.
Copa America will begin now. :dance013:


Well-known member
bring some links of those amazing resulting autos or "your pheno"(whatever that means), or go home and study.
Your plant will probably do well enough.



New member
bring some links of those amazing resulting autos or "your pheno"(whatever that means), or go home and study.
Your plant will probably do well enough.


I would have to go back up to 8 days of conversations on discord and scan for pics in order to do that.

You are more than welcome to enter the discord community and speak with them about their personal experience with fastbuds and I don't see why they wouldn't show their results.

Just PM me if interested :)

pumpkinpie eyes

what brings me to ask here to get further opinions. nah, dude...
with IC been around long before discord, since before 2007, maybe 2004- this iz the best forum by far. here, it's truth, and learning. you asked for opinionz and got em, but werent satisfied or insulted senior member who donates gear, time for newbies and supports ic, helpz thoz in need. doez fb do that, doez diskc do that? nope. bet not. maybe discord iz the best fit for you. here it's ask, learn, accept then thank thoze who gave it to you str8 up. best o luck over at disc- sand box with ample room.


New member
what brings me to ask here to get further opinions. nah, dude...
with IC been around long before discord, since before 2007, maybe 2004- this iz the best forum by far. here, it's truth, and learning. you asked for opinionz and got em, but werent satisfied or insulted senior member who donates gear, time for newbies and supports ic, helpz thoz in need. doez fb do that, doez diskc do that? nope. bet not. maybe discord iz the best fit for you. here it's ask, learn, accept then thank thoze who gave it to you str8 up. best o luck over at disc- sand box with ample room.

No ones talking to you lmao I'm not even going to read that.


Well-known member
What is discord?

I rely on forum infos because of high transparency and lots of people with knowledge and experience, acting similar as peer reviews. Aridbud is one of those and i trust his opinion more than any other's regarding autoflowers. I'm not interested in hype platforms with confirmation biased users. Also my time is quite tight lately, would get zero benefit with researching more about fast buds, won't even grow them so no need in doing that.
I think you should use the same approach to maybe accept criticism towards fast buds instead of just getting your infos from one source. Or at least don't act like people here don't know what they're saying, it's kind of disrespectful.

Best of luck, how's your plant doing?



New member
What is discord?

I rely on forum infos because of high transparency and lots of people with knowledge and experience, acting similar as peer reviews. Aridbud is one of those and i trust his opinion more than any other's regarding autoflowers. I'm not interested in hype platforms with confirmation biased users. Also my time is quite tight lately, would get zero benefit with researching more about fast buds, won't even grow them so no need in doing that.
I think you should use the same approach to maybe accept criticism towards fast buds instead of just getting your infos from one source. Or at least don't act like people here don't know what they're saying, it's kind of disrespectful.

Best of luck, how's your plant doing?


There was no criticism, the people arguing in this thread have not contributed any criticism regarding my actual plant, it's all opinionated statements with zero information regarding my plant.

If you cannot see how I would want to see more reviews other than the two guys who both use the same seed supplier and 1 who profits from those seeds, saying that FastBuds genetics are all trash could warrant a non-mentally handicapped person to get a second opinion from other communities then we have nothing further to discuss because you may not even understand the extremely basic example I laid out for you, I cannot control how people comprehend words, I can just stay as logical in my thought process as I can be and make valid points and that's all.

As for you stating I get my other opinion from only one other source, no, my opinions I am referring to are from multiple other growers located in different parts of the world who have tons of experience who are able to provide pictures, nute/weight logs and anything else one would want to know, it's not one person speaking on behalf of everyone, it's a community of growers who make zero profit from seeds or promoting unlike the two trolls who came in here just to push their seeds and trash talk a genetic they have never even grown themselves.

As for my plant, it's okay, I found this community to be extremely hostile so I don't plan on continuing this thread with any updates on them, people hijack threads and defeat the purpose of the forum. I am getting help elsewhere and they'll be just fine.


Well-known member
Ah the modern people,

calling people here trolls because their opinion contradicts yours is not right. As you say, there seems to be lots of great results with these autos, well on this forum there are close to zero, so you can understand why the scepticism towards claims as yours. If there were links, the attitude would be different i believe.

But since this is your grow thread i think it's enough offtopic discussions, let's concentrate onyour plant. There is another thread about fast buds autos in which people can continue with the matter.

I only wish you best of luck and hope you'll still keep your diary updated. Not for the trolls but for science and stats.



🦫 Special 🍆
what about calming down ??
help him or skip the topic.
yes there are some modern people amongs us.. i use discord too.. it is one of the best communication tools now.. in the year of 2019...
and i have something with fastbud genetics and it is actually not that bad.. now witchhunt will start on me, because i grew something smokeable with them?
