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Shiva Baby


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So I just ordered some Nirvana Shiva seeds from everybodydoesit.com. I'm really glad cause it only took a week to arrive here and that's pretty quick since the company's from Britain and I live in South East Asia. Just got them yesterday, I put them a cup of plain water and a very small amount of H2O2 for about 14 hours and took them out and now they're placed in in between damp paper towels in a ziplock bag and put in a dark compartment. Hope all is well, hoping to see them germinate. This will be my first real grow all on my own so I'm really looking forward to this!!! Know Nirvana's not like a top seed company and they mostly sell seeds taken from other companies, but I just thought I would get some cheap seeds to start off first in case of errors made which in turn becomes money wasted. But I'm still hoping for the best, apparently Shiva doesn't grow too tall which is ideal since my cabinet is only about a meter plus tall. Wish me luck guys!!!


New member
Woke up this morning and checked on them and one of them had a sprout sticking out 1/4 of an inch. Went to work, got back, and 3 of them had sprouts with the first one now 1/2 inch. So I'm pretty happy, planted the first seed into loam based compost in my veg chamber and left the rest to grow longer sprouts.


New member
I planted my second seed today, the other two seeds are still resting in between the paper towels and they already have sprouts but not half an inch yet. This morning when I checked on my first plant, I noticed the soil was dry, I immediately watered the soil. But it got me really worried, do you guys know if the soil being dry for a span of a few hours would kill a plant? I did not bother watering the soil because it was already very moist and so I thought that it would retain that moisture but I guess the lights dried up the soil really quick. What do you guys think? I don't want to repeat the same mistake again, and I sure as hell hope she's still doing fine.


I know seedlings are very delicate, I've certainly killed my share already this month! Has the shoot even broken the surface yet? If not, you should be fine, hard to tell until it either dies, or not. Best wishes.



New member
Day 9 and 10

Day 9 and 10

So this is day 10 for Brittany and 9 for the rest, and here's an update on the babies...:)

This is Brittany, any of you guys know why her leaves arch up like that??? But she looks really healthy though, still think she looks the healthiest of the lot...:p


Another picture of her...


And this is Karolyn, will you guys take a good look at her and tell me what you think??? I'm thinking maybe it's a mutuation? Or maybe it's just growing out all its sets of leaves really quick?


Here's another picture of her that you can take a look at...


And this is Megan...She's the shortest of the lot and seems to be the smallest but her 3 point leaves are coming out even though her first two seem really pre mature...Does it make a difference!?!


Another picture of Megan...


This is Teresa, she's the tallest of the whole lot, this one really seems to stretch!!! Seems healthy though...


Teresa again...


And this is the veg chamber...With Megan in front, then Brittany, then Karolyn, then Teresa...


Hope to hear some feedback from you guys...Whatever it is, I could use the help since this is my first time!!! :D
as long as it don't dry all the way up for too long and the plant looks wilted and dead then its fine. i usually do the lift the pot method. water your plant when u think it needs water and lift it. feel how heavy it is. now wait till next time u need to water and lift it. if its light u water it. basically my plants need water every 3 to 4 days. the leaves are arched up because it has to much water. don't water till dry and u should be ok. if u over water they will drowned and there leaves will curl up and die. as long as u let it go it should be ok. other than that everything looks good
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New member


Okay I really need you guys' help. Anyone that can shed some light, I would be extremely grateful. It is day 18 for Brittany and day 17 for the others, I just started them on some 21-21-21 nutes today but I'm afraid maybe I started the nutes too early, they all seem pretty crinkled up now and I want to do anything to save them. Also I put a fan in to blow at their stems to make them stronger and Teresa, the closest to the fan, seems to have its leaves all blown to one side. I hope the pictures help to show what I mean, I could not get very good close ups of them, but any information would help guys. I don't want my plants dying at all and I hope you guys can help me save them. Again any information or ideas would be greatly appreciated...

This is Brittany, as you can see her first two real leaves are bending in, they also seem very lightish green.


This is Karolyn, for the weird mutant thingy (I think) she seems the healthiest, even though her cotelydon leaves seem to be crinkled.


This is Megan, her first two real leaves also seem very crinkled up, shrivelled even...


This is Teresa, apart from being crinkled up, she's also facing one side because of the fan that was blowing right at her which was a small computer fan...


Please help you guys, I seriously want my plants alive and well throughout the whole phase of their lives...Thank you...


New member
Yeahh I thought that maybe I might have been overwatering a little bit. But my loam based soil seems to dry up really quick, in a couple of hours which is why I water it every couple of hours. But the leaves did not seem to turn that way until after I added the nutes, so does anybody know what I should do? Should I flush? Do you think the plants will survive through this all? I need help!!!

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