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Samurai Strikes Again!


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So I have seven bagseed and eight cuttings just put into my home built cloner an hour ago! Mad thanks to the source of the cuttings as well. :respect:

Cuttings are...
2 Dj Shorts - Blueberry
3 NYCD (grapefruit pheno)

Pics to come! :woohoo:
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Active member

Just a few questions. They were in the mail for about three days, should I make new cuts or will the originals be alright? Also, some of the stems sit further in the water than the others, what is the best depth?

They all look kind of sad. I hope im doing this right. I couldnt find neoprene or anything like that so i used styrofoam to hold the stems in place.

Let me know what you think! :wave:
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Every last one has perked up quite a bit since yetsterday. Strong smell, too, i blame the nycd. Im gonna need a better air freshener.


The King

The King

I am interested in your home made cloner can you disclose the info on how it works.


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DrDBLR: I basically used most of the "blueprint" from info on this site. Small tupperware bin with aerated water and an aquarium heater. i cut some styrofoam to fit, punched holes to hold up the stems and viola. :)


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The clones are still perked up, but i look in the res and see the area where the cut was made on some of them are turning a rust color. Should I do something?


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From what I saw, one of the NYCD and one of the BB have white nubby roots growing now!

will post pics soon as i find my battery charger.


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Alright, Update!

Its funny to be transplanting in my apartment. I waited till night time when I knew no one would be coming by or anything. Im moving on my tiptoes to avoid the neighbors like "the HELL is this cat doing?"

The transplant is from very small plastic party cups 1 gallon pots. I know, it should be bigger, but this is untill I get my mix for flowering. Theyre just now showing signs of needing nitrogen, I may give them some in a couple of days.

I started with 9 sprouts. Being as they are bagseed, Im being very critical in my choosing. One didnt pop. 90% germ rate! One started off weak, looked flimsy..Culled. Im culling one or two tonight, but only in the sense that they will be force flowered with everyone else in smaller containers.

Im jusdging based on trich's that I see in general, on the seedlings, smell (some of them seem to be a grapefruit pheno. We shall see).

As of now, 1 of the blueberries has a root system growing that seems to double every day. An NYCD is slowly but surely getting hers. One of the ECSD had a nub, but I think the bubbler jarred it and broke the first one off! :(

Sorry no pictures this time, still cant find that charger.

So, questions.
1) When would it be safe to put the clones into soil?
2) What does it take for a plant to lose its good smell? Like for blueberry to not smell blueberry?
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FatSam WC

Yo bagseed aslong as ur gentle ,if theres signs of roots its pretty safe to put them in now.Some ppl jsut clone in soil to avoid transplanting but they shud be fine. Are all your clones showing roots? a little greenhouse is a good idea the humidty helps. are you using anything in the water.I agree with Hideyourbud u shud really cut fresh tips it will make the process a little faster. Cant wait to see some new pics :wave:


Active member
FatSam WC said:
Yo bagseed aslong as ur gentle ,if theres signs of roots its pretty safe to put them in now.Some ppl jsut clone in soil to avoid transplanting but they shud be fine. Are all your clones showing roots? a little greenhouse is a good idea the humidty helps. are you using anything in the water.I agree with Hideyourbud u shud really cut fresh tips it will make the process a little faster. Cant wait to see some new pics :wave:

FatSam: Ive rooted all but one of my 3 NYCD, the rest are all rooted and enjoying some soil till they get some bigger homes in 3 gallons for the flowering girls, 5 for my moms. There is nothing in the water except hydrogen and oxygen my friend. I cut fresh tips and they are doing good. Ill edit with some pics and root porn when they all load up here, even though the lighting makes the roots look brown when they arent.

Unfortunately all three of the ECSD and 1 of the NYCD got thier labels erased (my own blunder) so I have to flower them and see what they are. Unless maybe when they get bigger I can just tell by thier leaf formation or something. Bah!

Stay tuned.
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Active member

Not long ago my landlord came in for a leak. I got a wee bit freaked and trashed the grow for a little while. I destroyed my bagseed plants but kept the Blueberry, NYCD and ECSD. Since ive mixed up the ECSD with the NYCD, im simply going to flower, smoke and reveg when i know exactly what they are.

family photo


And some root porn. I promise the roots are white though, the light made them look off.



Active member
So heres what Im going to do. I put them all into flowering (which i dont expect a good yeild from, just enough for me and a couple friends to smoke a wee bit) and label them after harvest, leave a few shoots on each one. And what smokes REALLY WELL, i keep and label (I should be able to tell NYCD from ECSD by the smoke), and reveg them into moms once i do that. Wish me luck!


Active member
Hazy: Thanks! Im looking to breed some of the clones I take when I make them moms..if i can find a good male for a cross.


hey bagseed, the nycd has fanleafs that are a bit thinner than the ecsd

new growth from ecsd typically starts with 3 bladed leafs

the nugs on the nycd and ecsd you got will look different, you'll definitely be able to tell in flower by the smell + the NYCD gets hairy as hell

here's what the NYCD looks like at around 45 days


here's an ECSD at around 30 days


hope they turn out great for you man, let those babies go at least 75 days... i know how painful it is to want to harvest early but wait for 75 and you'll be pleased

turn the lights out for the last few days too :)


So I see the love has been spreadin' nicley. Your truley the shit of a dude, jason! ;-) (btw this is messiah). Check out my grow thread there are updates, I totally forgot to tell you! You got some nice fucking cuts bagseed. You will find the exact same plants you have at 14 days flowering in my grow thread link in my quote in case your interested, basically what you'll be looking at in the future. The BB will root first, they are quick. If you plan to do any training in teh future with these strains... I would top the ECSD, and LST the NYCD.

Anyways good luck, and I'll be watching.

Nice fucking buds jason, that is what I'm talking about, the ECSD frosts up first (I have a little), well ahead of the others, some of the fastest forsting shit I've grown. I can't wait to have a bush of those buds! I plan on taking all the plants to 77 days :yummy: ... 57 more to go! :woohoo:
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