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10,000 dead since 2016: Mom argues safe supply would save lives and taxpayer dollars​


Cindy White - Aug 17, 2022

he latest report from BC’s chief coroner on toxic illicit drug deaths shows the crisis continues to claim thousands of lives.

“I can confirm as well, that in July our province reached the terrible milestone of 10,000 deaths in British Columbia since the toxic drug public health emergency was declared in April 2016," announced chief coroner Lisa Lapointe at a news conference on Monday.

Yet still, the government is not doing what experts have recommended for years; ensure a safe drug supply.

“I think politicians think that safe supply is political suicide," commented Helen Jennens with Moms Stop the Harm. She lost two sons to overdoses.

The latest stats show most deaths happen at home, and the average victim is a man in his mid-40s.

She says responding to overdoses in private homes puts a huge strain on medical services, while there have been no deaths at safe consumption sites.

“If you think what is happening right now is going to save taxpayers dollars, it’s not.

“If you look at the cost of sending six first responder vehicles to an overdose and safe supply, or a safe consumption site, it never happens.

"It’s a huge saving to our first responders, to our emergency room at the hospital. It’s overwhelming what safe consumption sites will do as far as overdose deaths,” explains Jennens.

She wonders how many people have to die before politicians listen to the experts.

“You know, they talk about it like they’re going to do it and then it’s ‘well, you know….It’s the same.

“We have to change. We have to start putting people first and politics second.”

Moms Stop the Harm will be marking International Overdose Awareness Day with a public event at Kerry Park on the evening of August 31, followed by a candlelight vigil.


Well-known member
Yup most illicit intravenous drug deaths are not homeless people on the street or kids, its middle aged men in thier own homes! Does this change your perception of who uses "hard" drugs? Its easy to hate homeless people and blame drugs for thier mental illness but in reality they are just propaganda for NARCS and NAZIS.
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