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Ioni Botani

you do realize it is a religion right? it isn't just about music. lol

Yes King. Seen. I see the lineage of Selassie, dating back to the time of Solomon and David. However...this is something much less a religion than all other "institutionalized" groups...having it's basis around

  1. Ganja
  2. Music
Seeing this is a Ganja website....I thought I'd put it in the Music thread...The "Religion" section fell quite short of Rasta's influence... I felt the music section would be much more....umm....FITTING for Rastafari.
Soundsystem Kulcha, seen?

BLESS all entering the gates of Mt. Zion...and bless all those who only stop and look. :D

BURN DE WICKED MON. Or just show em the light, and teach em how to BURN DEM SELF!

RastafarianISM may be a religion.

But IonI RAStafarI.



Ioni Botani

Also, I didn't want this to become a religious free for all....

THIS THREAD ISN'T ABOUT WAYS I DIFFERENTIATE...IE finding differences between one another...thus creating ism and schism.

IT'S ABOUT JAH WAY I RASTA UNITE...IE attempting to relate to one another.

Through the blessed sacrament and music....the true voice of Jah.

This is not a debate (if or if not)...it is a positive confirmation ;)

MIDNITE! Spin Doctors.

"How they spin Teams of people who be hired Just to do this thing Believe it or not They get on the news and in the room Sit around and decide how the outcome must come down smooth And shape it in the news, in the news yeah" -Midnite
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Rare Dankness
My anthem. Chuck Fenda's "Herbalist Farmer"

"If ya see smoke comin tru my nose I just put food in my Brain."

I feed my brain often and stuff it full........
from the Kebra Nagast.

on the way back down the hill to the village, Benji tells me that he knew a man once who was down so low that he tried to take his life. he went out into the bush and wrapped a vine around his neck, and was all set to jump off a tree, when he saw a ripe banana. so he plucked the banana and ate it. then he wrapped his neck with the vine and was preparing to make the leap, when he saw a starving man, eating the banana peel he had just cast away. the sight if a man eating a banana peel on all fours like a dog brought the fellow to his senses.

"there are no angels," Benji explains, as we come back into the bustling village of port maria. "just man."

"what about jah?" i ask.

"that is what is meant by I and I," he replies. "man and jah, together, in this flesh, in this moment. the only angel we'll ever need."




LOVE it. He just played in South Florida, MISSED IT. Damnit....

Midnite kills it. Great thread Ioni

you guys should check Romain Virgo.. Ridiculous sounds comin from his way. Young kid from Jam.

bless UP

MillIon Stylez



Mr. Patze... Put up your arms if your a real herbalist.. A high Grade specialist







Yes I!
Midnite kills it. Great thread Ioni

you guys should check Romain Virgo.. Ridiculous sounds comin from his way. Young kid from Jam.

bless UP
Yes I!

"all my life" is on my best of midnite. another stellar track is "the gad" which i've only seen once live. it almost finished vaughn. i'd say "old robe" is up there to with great midnite songs, mostly because they kill that song live, same with "late night ghetto". "The outcome" is a great early side project track that is less known. "arose" is another overlooked great song for its simplicity.

It's all about the (ex)team of benjamin bros with dion/abijah/phil. They could play so many different riddims, and styles, effortlessly. Now they are stuck to one or two styles and a few riddims. I've seen them go through multiple band lineups over the past years, and re-start songs many times because the drummer or someone was off.

Niyo is going to be big. He is one of the up and coming VI artists with many ties in the US. I like his style, he just needs to grow into his man voice, lol. Ises unto the most high as I take huge sip from my chalice.


"all my life" is on my best of midnite. another stellar track is "the gad" which i've only seen once live. it almost finished vaughn. i'd say "old robe" is up there to with great midnite songs, mostly because they kill that song live, same with "late night ghetto". "The outcome" is a great early side project track that is less known. "arose" is another overlooked great song for its simplicity.

It's all about the (ex)team of benjamin bros with dion/abijah/phil. They could play so many different riddims, and styles, effortlessly. Now they are stuck to one or two styles and a few riddims. I've seen them go through multiple band lineups over the past years, and re-start songs many times because the drummer or someone was off.

Niyo is going to be big. He is one of the up and coming VI artists with many ties in the US. I like his style, he just needs to grow into his man voice, lol. Ises unto the most high as I take huge sip from my chalice.

The benjamin bro's are as real as it gets my man, good lookin out. My favorites from Midnite have to start with..

My #1 riddim

"Make Manifest"

Followed by..

"That's on you" (Owna dirt)

"Right here"

"Respek dem Een"

"Due Reward" (unreal live)

You listen to Romain Virgo at all?

"No Money"

We need to get LAMBSBREAD up in here. Respekt to him, he's shown me the path..


All day every day: Roots Reggae on SKY.fm

If you like electronic dub (and not talking bout (lameas*) dubstep! but serious and deep electronic dub music) i really suggest you to try out these:

Brain Damages (French) whole production. Here is hurtful dub from youtube: Brain Damage - Hurtful Dub

Kanka (French - damn these French new age dub artists kick ass!!) whole production. Here is Buzzing from youtube: Kanka - Buzzing WHAT A BASS?!

Not enough: Try (another French) Alter Echo - pre-emptive psychosis This dude is ...GENIOUS!

...What comes to roots dub my favourite album of all time is:

Scientist - Rids The World Of The Evil Curse of The Vampires

The benjamin bro's are as real as it gets my man, good lookin out. My favorites from Midnite have to start with..

My #1 riddim

"Make Manifest"

Followed by..

"That's on you" (Owna dirt)

"Right here"

"Respek dem Een"

"Due Reward" (unreal live)

You listen to Romain Virgo at all?

"No Money"

We need to get LAMBSBREAD up in here. Respekt to him, he's shown me the path..

great list. they dubbed out "right here" it was so good. nope, never listened to romain. haffi check him out

headband 707

Plant whisperer
That can actually be linked back to the nyabinghi. The idea is to destroy all white downpression. Rasta may relate negative to white, so by default white people take this as kill white people. then eddie murphy did that song, lol.

you have to remember that rasta was born out of complete oppression in response to slavery. it can't make sense because it is a) a religion, sometimes cult (the bobo) and b) reactionary to seemingly unimaginable hate and oppression.

but the core of rasta, which makes it so great, is that rasta is unique to each rastafarian, and InI need as little or much dogma as InI choose. InI gives thanks and ises to JAH, Halie I, and that's really about the only rule. There are labels for the general dogmatic/social groups of rasta: Bald-head rasta, bobo, binghi, 12 tribes, singjays, babylon fake rastas, eastern ethiopian orthodox, the dreadlocks, ect.

All I know is we smoke Chalice, Chillum (with a griti and ras-clat), and spliffs. And we don't touch our lips directly to the pipe in social situations, gotta use the chillum grip.

Yeah I thought it might have been a quote from Marcus Garvey lol .. But hey you know how they twisted his shit so who knows.. I know Malcom X definately said it .. I admired both men peace out Headband707:tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I worked at a hotel once with like 20 Jamaicans. It was the best. I think I like Jamaican/ Rasta culture more than any other culture because it is very down to earth, and is about love and respect being one in the same. Plus the food is really really good.

I think Bob Marley is the closest thing to the second coming of Jesus as any human could ask for, even though he never tried to claim it. the world certainly has gone to hell since he died. (i am not religious btw)


ICMag Donor
Mr Music Man ,, the originator from the equator,, him dat made 'Rasta music' into a everyday dub sound:

Lee Scratch Perry - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEio3UiquFs

"If you like it ,, dub it!"

"All n da yout shall witness day babylon shall fall,, like fire fall,, and the meek and hindered shall inherit all.. as it is written"


Well-known member
one cannot know the rasta unless one looks into the fundamental meaning of the word rasta
it is deeply mystical-a path no less-the rasta that is
rasta is hindi /sanskrit and means "the way"
the embellishing and exploitation of it since 1960's is tragic however and not many elders even know the true history-the knowledge is lost-just like the fabled lambsbread