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Racial Slurr's? ....vote here!

Racial Slurr's? ....vote here!

  • I don't mind the word 'Wigga' (on this site)

    Votes: 620 82.0%
  • 'Wigga' is a racist slur.....BAN THE WORD!

    Votes: 136 18.0%

  • Total voters
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lol..... those badass internet gangsters lol It's just a word I find funny. I guess if I tried to act as if I have an uneducated knowledge of how to talk and my pants where falling off my ass and someone called me a wigga I would take it as a complement if thats the way I wanted to present myself?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Does anybody actually understand the definition of racism ?

It is not about hating or abusing another group as most think, it is a belief in racial superiority.

If we are not racist about our fellow human beings, then why are we all so happy to be racist about marijuana varieties ? After all, paying $200 for a pack of seeds you believe are better than $20 seeds makes you a [plant] Racist.



I am at least two races, an indigenous person of the continent incorrectly called North America. Refer to me as such or I will get pissed off. You could call me IPotCINCA.

I am unfortunately also one of those northern European white devils my grand mother warned me about. I stay up all night figuring out how to plunder my own land, give myself smallpox and sell myself whiskey.

I am not speaking to myself now because I called myself a filthy Indian.....Somebody tell that European white devil (me) that I am not and never will be from India.
While you are translating tell that godless redskin that he will be buying his own whiskey.

This is all normal and I will smoke the peace pipe with myself and make up until I use another racial slur on myself.

Meanwhile back on the ranch my wife is a Portuguese or Portugoose which would make her Spanish and African. She also has an Irishman in her woodpile.

This would make my children all mixed up, so very mixed up that no person can tell WTF is their race. We use racial slurs on ourselves so our skin is thick.

I would vote that I do not care about racial slurs, or religious slurs. Beauty is skin deep and I have thick skin.


Active member
This shit really is so stupid. I've just read 35 pages and quite enjoyed myself. What's funny is black folks can say nigga or wigga, and white folks can't. Black folks can say and do a lot of things that white folks cant do. It's funny to see white folks getting so upset at things like this while BET television constantly refers to themselves and "we" and "us" in almost every program they have. Fucking hilarious that white folks get so uptight and offended. Personally I don't give a shit who says what. Ignorance is just that. Ever wonder why Sharpton or Jesse don't show up when a white man gets killed by a black man? Fucking hilarious our society here. Grow up, get over it and move on. Even the term reverse racism is racist. Here's one for you, "African American". Most of the afore mentioned weren't even born in Africa or have or had citizenship there but they get the status of African American. I'm portuguese according to my grandparents but you'll never see me allowed to call myself Portuguese American because I was born in the USA. I just sit back, watch and giggle now and again. Racism will always be a big topic because Sharpton and Jesse make a fucking killing on racism. Without it who would they be? No I'm not racist, not at all, but I'm not fucking blind either.


the thing that bugs me most of the time is that when people bring up the topic of racial appropriateness, who can say what: a black person can say nigga/er, is that there is really an illusion that there is some overarching group watching you if you say the wrong word. really, most of these terms/words are used in contexts within friends and when you are with friends, you can say whatever you want regardless. it is only in the media or between acquaintances or strangers that this segregation of words really comes into play. it's kind of strange really, but usually when I use the N-word, which is FAR more often than when I say wigga, it is joking, sarcasm or insult. I wouldn't call a friend a nigga... after all, I'm white.


I will quote myself
I am at least two races, an indigenous person of the continent incorrectly called North America. Refer to me as such or I will get pissed off. You could call me IPotCINCA


I've been thinking of lobbying congress on behalf of the other Russian-Ukranian-Romanian-Canadian-Americans like myself to get a national month in order to recognize the contributions to society of my people. Hyphenated Americans eveywhere- rejoice! :biglaugh:


New member
The only way we can break down stupid old school views and mindsets is by having fun with words like wigga. The word itself comes from a amalgmation of two words one of which is considered naughty and the other not, now just cos something is made of bad stuff it doesnt make itt bad. So a harmless fun word like this should be embraced like the wigga has aembraced or emulated the hip hop afro-american culture. If not we will all end up a bunch of stuck dare not express our true selves politicaly correct drones. Also they wiggas i know can normaly take a bit o stick and i belive there to be a little wigga in everyone.

Also to any racists that do read this , why are you always angry with people of different races they are not your enemy, it is them god damm aeroplanes that bring um. Thats were you want to direct that anger LMAO


If we ban 'wigga' we have to ban 'nigga'. Doesn't matter the usage, both terms are derogatory and should be banned. While we're at it, let's ban 'fat' as a derogatory term. In fact, let's ban a whole list of words...

This is the slippery slope of censorship.

I just invented a new word this weekend, and it should be banned. But because I am of italian lineage and hang out with a whole bunch of Puerto Ricans, they though it was funny. If you use the term, please give me credit.

White-a-Rican: A white person that acts Puerto Rican. Those that know Puerto Ricans in the US know they have very specific behaviors, slang, etc. I happen to know several Americans of Italian descent and they are all whitearicans...
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Wigga is just a stupid term I know plenty of white people that grow up in predominantly black areas in london and these white people sound black when they talk.




My Mother is Austrian, but from Vienna the Capitol, she refers to herself and others born in and who grew up in Vienna as Viennese.

As distinguished from Austrian as that can imply being from somewhere else in Austria.

For her it is pride of place as Vienna was a cultural center of Europe for centuries.

But she came over here after WWII and she of course speakes High German and as Austria was part of the German Reich she was 'the enemy' and heard plenty of slurs.

As a man with a classical education and majoring in Biology and Botany it is clear why one group distrusts and dislikes another seperate group and the more unlike those groups are the more the dislike.

This is not just psychology but deeply ingrained into the genes of most creatures.

The protection and furthering of THEIR group is paramount up to and including destroying the other competing group.

With 100's of millions of years of evolution behind this kind of behavior as a tool for survival it is difficult to overcome, because it comes from a deep place in us.

It is only by our own effort of will and conscience that we can over come instinct and act civilised.

The ability to feel emotions and NOT ACT ON THEM is one of the noble aspects of being human.

These questions of what words one group of people can use as in the use of the word NIGGER by a white person is viewed in most places in america as entirely unacceptable, yet a black person, negro or African -American can use it with impugnity.

And the theory behind this seems to be if your group has had a 'racial slur' applied to it, at any time, then it is okay for you to use the racial slur , but anyone from any other group is not allowed to use as it must be being employed in an offensive manner.

But I have heard these racial slurs being used in an offensive manner within that group on a daily basis.

So where do we draw the line?

At what point do we allow ourselves to be censored and censor others, is that not a slippery slope?

I have seen many Liberal people up in arms about others being oppressed and barred from being themselves, but are they not oppressing others when they say that you cannot say certain things?

Isnt that somewhat hypocritical?

But the argument here is "But that group [women, jewish,african-american, etc] are the REALLY oppressed ones!! Its OKAY to give [insert oppressing group] a hard time because they have done most of the oppressing.They should suffer a little themselves"

I am not kidding, I have this heard stated many times in many forms here in Central California.

But is it okay ?


And how far is it okay to do so?

I am what is considered a liberal myself. Outrageously so in some parts of the USA.

But as time goes by I find myself more and more trying to walk a middle path.

The term 'Wigga' seems rather silly and I have a hard time taking it seriously as a slur.

I do not class it anywhere near, kike, heeb, nigger,spic, dago,wop, wet back..or a kraut, like my mom..

Bu then again it is in no way dignifying their humanity and is at least somewhat demeaning.

Is it a term that came about through respect or through derision?

Perhaps that is the true test of all these expressions.


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