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Post your germination technique


Even after 3 years of growing I still sometimes dont get perfect germination and I usually lose a few right when I move them to go under the light for the first time.I germinate using the paper towel method and when they bust i put them in either perl/verm. or perl/verm/castings and under a humidty dome.Then I wait for them to pop out then put them under the lights.Does all this sound ok?Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Im far from a pro_One thing i can do right is germinate.All i do is get a plate and bowl from the same set,wet papper towel or poo paper.U can germinate hunderds like this.Put them on the plate wet paper over top and the bowl over that.Put them somewere dark and not cold or to warm.3 to 6 days later they will have all busted open if there were ripe.I use 50-50 soil and prelite.Never lost one yet once there in the soil.I think your tryin to hard.U dont need the dome.If u use the dome u are makin the plant drink from the leaf and u want it to devlope roots.No need to devlope roots if it can get it some were else.Castings i use after the first transplant but only a bit.Good luck.


Was just thinking.How far to u put the seeds down in your pots?When it becomes like the 4th day and i dont see it yet,i dig down to see if it has started.Never lost one seed after its been planted.


Scholastic Warrior
I let my seeds soak in a jar of water for a day first. I then put them in a paper towel, put the towel in a ziplock bag, and place the bag on a harddrive inside my computer case. This keeps them warm and moist for the 3-6 days they germinate. After I see some nice taproots I plant them in 12oz dixie cups with a flourescent light above them to get em started.

Edit: I generally push a hole in my soil about 1", make sure all the root is in, and then have the top of the seed about 1-2mm below the soil's surface so it's not too hard to sprout out.
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Then I bet it is the dome.Some seem to have a fungus on them or maybe even grey mold which I know can come from no air circulation ala the dome.I will try it without this time and post results.Thanks guys.Anyone else?


Soak in cup of water for 24 hours, put on plate or dish in a folded wet paper towel and let sit. I usually see taproots in a few days, and rarely see seeds not germinate. :cool:


After they get a decent tap root I put a half inch or more under the soil level in party cups (50/50 perlite/potting soil) and throw it all under the flouros.


I don't know after looking at your posts more carefully it might be your humidity dome that s cutting your chances, do you live in a dry climate? I only use a humidity dome on clones, and that's only if they need it.


i just pop em in a cup of water with a little superthrive for 6-8 hours or untill they sink then i just stick em straight in the soil and under flouros allways had a 100% germ rate (touch wood)

Big Eggy

Active member
pop them some warm water and put them on top of the fridge (not inside) for 24hours then a normal soil mix prilight ect... as normal but before i put the seeds in i submerge the pot in water for a few seconds and leave to drain for 2 hours, sow the seeds and leave some place warm like on top of the fridge. this has never failed me yet.




i have used the paper towel method before, with success. but every now and then i would lose one or two. after putting into soil. so now i just poke a hole in the soil and stick the little bean right into the hole. let her germ right there, in the pot she will be sexed in.

i have just recently changed my way, but i havent lost one yet.




I would rather have even a little tap root, IMO I like to know whether a seed is going to germ at all before I take time to put it in soil.


"It's just a flesh wound"
DivineComedy said:
i just pop em in a cup of water with a little superthrive for 6-8 hours or untill they sink then i just stick em straight in the soil and under flouros allways had a 100% germ rate (touch wood)

When you place them in the soil, I can't believe i'm asking this, do you put them in pointed side down or does that even matter? If you're getting 100% success rate with your germination I'd like to try for those results.


always drop it in tap root down. I dont use superthrive on seeds/seelings at all, It can cause mutations.
The last batch, I tried something different. I dipped some rockwool cubes in water, just to get them damp. I feel is helps to
soak the seeds first. I put the seeds in the cubes and then in tupperware.

The only advantage is you don't have to handle or stress the sprouted seeds.


spot on kgb

spot on kgb

KGB420, i allways put them in pointy side up!;) its a bit fiddley but i dont have to worrie about damagin the tap root as it aint popped yet........it allways works!:) 100% to date and i have been growin for about 3yrs now and i allways use superthrive and i never had a mutant.
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that is the reason i dont germ in paper towels anymore, cause IMHO, the tap root sees to much stress when they are that small. again that is just MO.



PH control

PH control

When you use the rockwool cubes do you soak them in PH balanced water first. How long do you soak the cubes, 24 hours?

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