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Political Discussion in The Speakers Corner....


Well-known member
Oh, dear... I just saw this:

Biden has officially proclaimed Easter Sunday as "Transgender Day Of Visibility".

That ain't politics, Pilgrims. That is fucking blasphemy.

Easter Sunday = Mental Sickness

Can I assume no one here of any stripe agrees?

(Note: Also all Easter decorations of a religious type are forbidden now at the White House.)


Happy Trans Day Of Visibility

View attachment 18981184


Well-known member
Transgender Day Of Visibility
When was transgender day of visibility first recognized?


Since 2009, International Transgender Day of Visibility has been held annually on March 31, and the Biden administration has marked the day every year since Biden was elected.

Hang on tight.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
When was transgender day of visibility first recognized?


Since 2009, International Transgender Day of Visibility has been held annually on March 31, and the Biden administration has marked the day every year since Biden was elected.

Hang on tight.
Ahhh yes, the pearl necklace of shame....


Well-known member

What is your purpose of this post?

im sure your trying to imply hillary and/or the democrats are those who protect the slime who rape underage children while you ignore those Republicans who are guilty of the same thing.

Are you for locking them up regardless of party affiliation? I Am.

Will you ignore another post from me because you have no good answer..........time will tell.



Well-known member
Oh, dear... I just saw this:

Biden has officially proclaimed Easter Sunday as "Transgender Day Of Visibility".

That ain't politics, Pilgrims. That is fucking blasphemy.

Easter Sunday = Mental Sickness

Can I assume no one here of any stripe agrees?

(Note: Also all Easter decorations of a religious type are forbidden now at the White House.)


Happy Trans Day Of Visibility

View attachment 18981184


Well-known member
Unca Walt,

you got me on ignore? you got no way to defend some of your ignorant beliefs so you ignore me, change the subject, or quit posting for a few days.

you must be miserable IRL and the potential for people like you to engage in violence once you see how you have been played for a fool is very high. I just hope the violence is directed at the MAGA leadership that is feeding you Fake News.

MAGA = Made Another Gullible American


Unca Walt

Well-known member
A video of Biden his supporters will find excruciatingly embarrassing.

HINT: It is 180-out of what coming out of his mouth now.

Watch it and squirm, Bidenistas - it starts at the 2:00 minute mark:



Well-known member

dont you have any money to send to your faux billionaire to buy the Trump-Thumper Bible or one of the many Trump ego cards that he is hocking.

maybe seek a degree from Trump University where you can learn the Art of the Steel or Art of the Con and then you can celebrate with a Trump tube-steak and an overpriced Trump bottled water.

Trump "loves the poorly educated" because they are gullible and able to be conned out of their money because they lack the ability to critically think or unwilling to do so for fear of realizing what they want to believe is Fake News.

Its easier to remain ignorant and outraged at the next thing they are told to be outraged about then to critically think about what they are asked to believe.....this might lead to many realizing they are getting played by their elected officials and media outlets.



Well-known member

you may have me blocked but ill continue to respond to some of your nonsense to make you look foolish.......which isnt difficult.



Well-known member
A video of Biden his supporters will find excruciatingly embarrassing.

HINT: It is 180-out of what coming out of his mouth now.

Watch it and squirm, Bidenistas - it starts at the 2:00 minute mark:

Owning the libs: Post-truth in right-wing political discourse


Emerging in scholarly discussions about political discourse over the past decade, the terms ‘post-truth’ and ‘denialism’ refer to disagreement not on public policy strategies but on the nature of truth itself. Policy facts are now contested in ways that disrupt mainstream political narratives and weaken institutional legitimacy. In turn, the technocratic response of doubling-down on facts is faltering as the ‘burn it down’ vacuity of post-truth declares equivalent political legitimacy. This strident, self-assured irrationality offers few substantive policy visions, seeking only to bewilder and ‘own’ its perceived enemies including progressive ‘elites,’ science experts, and academics trying to understand the phenomenon. This article discusses disruption in the political discourse about fact-informed policy issues, focusing on a looming period of epistemic instability and the futility of using systematic analysis and logic to understand post-truth.

“You all don’t get it. I live in Trump country, in the Ozarks in southern Missouri…They don’t give a s*** what he [Trump] does. He’s just something to rally around and hate liberals [political progressives], that’s it, period…If you keep getting caught up in ‘Why do they not realize this problem?’…then you do not understand what the underlying motivating factor of his support is. It’s f*** liberals, that’s pretty much it.”

Excerpt from quote in Loy (2020)

@Unca Walt needs ownership.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

you may have me blocked but ill continue to respond to some of your nonsense to make you look foolish.......which isnt difficult.

You are not blocked. I've never blocked anyone. Here is some more "nonsense" that you must ignore/elide run from... one of the most censored/buried speeches in history:

Here's Obama telling everyone the Dem/Lib/Prog manifesto:

"Ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs."

“The order and progress can only come when individuals SURRENDER THEIR RIGHTS to an all-powerful sovereign.”

Listen carefully he thinks YOU shouldn’t decide your own fate & The State should be in TOTAL control.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
There is no way for even the densest Trump hater to ignore the formally exposed corruption; worst in US history by far.

Watch this Florida Congressman expose the whole Biden Family. (I expect Lurch, and all the others who just happen have their "children" employed in high-paying positions by Ukraine companies to eventually follow with this explosion.)

LATE EDIT ADD: It just occurred to me -- Payments to Joe for his cut (now explicity documented) were never reported to the IRS. I know damn' well if I cheated $10K, I'd have armed agents busting down my door at 4AM.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
And your silence was deafening (as in run-and-hide) when stuff like this is pushed to the front forcing you to See:

Nancy Pelosi and the Dems on the Jan 6 commission suppressed Illegal CIA involvement -- Now forcibly exposed:

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch wondered what the agency, which is not allowed to operate domestically, was doing there.

ATF documents proved several CIA operatives were present.​

Why didn’t the Pelosi January 6 commission, as corrupt as it was, not disclose the CIA involvement? What were they used for? Were they investigating foreign intelligence operations? Were they investigating American citizens? What else have they done related to January 6?

Not a word pointing out how foolish I am. Amazing. Notice that it said ATF DOCUMENTS <-- NOT Unca Walt's crazy opinion. (*gasp*) It was ignored. Address this or not. Scroll back and you will find other times you just hid in silence when confronted with ideas that go against your indoctrination.

Got an opinion yet? Address the above this time. Try not to run/ignore/elide/change subject.

If you would prefer an intelligent discussion between us, you must respond to several things posted that you ran from ignored. My non-answering you directly is a result of your egregious methods.

The example above is one of the things you just "walked by". Just one of several. Want to see the quotes again so you can discuss (and not dismiss) them? They are still there.

I will happily repost some other things you IGNORED/ELIDED. If you skip the posts and their quoted people quickly and you want to change the subject to some pejorative snickering... that is not intelligent discussion.

Lastly: If you want respect, GIVE it. Address (specifically!!) the DATA and TRUTH exposed in my previous post where the Buy-den Crime Family is outed IN CONGRESS (and not just in Unca Walt's mind).
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Well-known member
You are not blocked. I've never blocked anyone. Here is some more "nonsense" that you must ignore/elide run from... one of the most censored/buried speeches in history:

Here's Obama telling everyone the Dem/Lib/Prog manifesto:

"Ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs."

“The order and progress can only come when individuals SURRENDER THEIR RIGHTS to an all-powerful sovereign.”

Listen carefully he thinks YOU shouldn’t decide your own fate & The State should be in TOTAL control.

Since you didnt block me you chose to change the subject opposed to responding to me questioning the facts of your posts.

You mistake me for a dem/lib just b/c I see Trump for the con and liar he is and in case you have missed me stating this ill repeat my opinion on the Democratic party and leadership...........I think they are dumber than a rock due to their inability to show Trump for who he is.

I agree with party positions from EACH party so quit thinking im a dem/lib/Rino even though your media has programmed you to think this way about anyone disagreeing with Trump.
