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Pinstripe's 22W LED grow (Rubbermaid/Osram Golden Dragon)


Grow like nobody is watching
Hah! Yeah I'm always on the ball, lol. Glad I mentioned it but I can see you had picked it up. Lifting - indeed. I had so many freakin issues with watering on my last attempt (s!) to grow from seed. Was quite embarrasing losing wave after wave of seedlings in front of ICmag :eek::

I really started doubting if I was sane. The little pots were so dryyy! It's almost torture. I never got around to it, but I wanted to get my scales (I don't keep them handy) and actually weigh the damn things. Establish a wet weight, and establish a too-dry weight, and from then on it shouldn't be too nerve wracking. No idea if it's a good idea, but it was my idea. :)


Its soooo easy to overwater seedlings when using LEDs, due the low heat....I tend to use an sprayer as the way to avoid it.

Yep its possible to mount directly over the anodized aluminium, because the oxyde layer is not conductive, but its so thin that any scratch produces an electrical derivation. Its safer to use the kapton tape. With the extended copper pad, it penalizes very little the thermal path.


Active member
hey check it out... you may have both watering and pot bound issues.

Here is a way to check: instead of watering like you do, put them in a tray with pebbles on the bottom, about 3/4" deep. Add water to the tray only, just over the tops of the pebbles (not too high as you don't want them sitting in anoxic water). It will allow you to forget for a few days and the plants will water themselves. Also, if roots come out the bottom of your pots very fast, transplant. If they start to look better, you know they were rootbound.

that's what I do, and everything survives my distracted and lazy habits.

oh, and when they get bigger, plant nannies. I always have one in there once they reach a big enough pot, and I've even kept them under the scrog screen. very cheap.


Hi pinstripe, congratulations on such an original and effective lamp sure you've done, I saw that you follow my same technique in the assembly of LEDs, I settle here to see your beautiful spaceship, and I invite you to visit my I monitoring that started a few days ago. If you put glasses of water arise humidity. Sorry for my English



Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating for a while. The lowryder and one blackberry didn't make it, and the survivor was male.
I really appreciate the advice I've gotten from you guys.

Anyway, I've finished a new grow box and have four 3-week-old plants. Check it out at http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=146324 !

Mallorqueta, I've been following your grow on cannabiscafé :) Good seeing you here!

All the best,