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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say one of the best things to happen to the human race was when canines made the adjustment want to hang out with us in start to become our companions
Defo Petrochemical,,,I'm going to go out on a limb here and say one of the best things to happen to the human race was when canines made the adjustment want to hang out with us in start to become our companions
what is your opinion of the effect that cats have had in their continual attempts to dominate mankind? is this why dogs chase them?I'm going to go out on a limb here and say one of the best things to happen to the human race was when canines made the adjustment want to hang out with us in start to become our companions
I got a ditty to tell about thatwhat is your opinion of the effect that cats have had in their continual attempts to dominate mankind? is this why dogs chase them?
don't be a quitter, lol. pets do not live as long as we do so that we can experience MORE of them. i read that someplace, cannot remember the gentle lady's name. i understand, however, the fear of leaving them behind should you go first...So sorry for your loss, armedoldhippy. Our last remaining DevonRex(best cat ever) is 18 yrs old this fall. We'll not have another house pet, when the inevitable occurs.
bless ya. of my very favorite doggos ever is to see her this morning and get some lovinsALL of my pets have been rescued/adopted ... including the cat i "rustled" in Virginia a couple of years ago. half-grown, half starved, bedraggled & wet, it took me three days of kitty treats before i could pick her up. treacherous back-stabbing beast took up with my youngest son, and he took her with him when he moved out. MY last dog was a rescue Giant Schnauzer. breeder brought him to a vet locally and asked them to put the pup to sleep because the folks that bought him brought him back for chewing a pair of shoes... best dog i ever had. wife wants a few months of no pet responsibility over the summer. i can live with that. she's always wanted a poodle...i agreed so long as it was a standard (BIG!) and she could not paint its toenails. gotta have lines in the sand, lol...
I love cats so much because my mom was deathly allergic to anything on four legs. so for the first fifteen years of my life the only way I could be near a cat was to go over to my neighbor's house and love on their cats. they were too pissy Siamese cats like the ones in Lady and the Tramp. the epitome of the ones in the Lady and the Tramp if they could talk. Lmao,so as an adult I ended up going through a phase where I would have four growing tents alternating 12 on 12 off and in those and out of those tents through the ducting ports that you put your air vents through I leave open so my eight cats that I'd rescued from various college students in the area that abandon them when they left for the season. became my permanent part of our cat Pride I used to just feed them boiled chicken and raw meat and fish and we used to back in the day here where I volunteered at the food shelf we get massive cans of USDA Alaskan salmon in white cans and I stockpiled like a pallet of it and I used to feed them that and they loved it they thrived, but my answer to your question in the post would be I'm merely their attendant and I have a feeling that worshiping cats and dogs will get humans a lot farther than any other worship they've been doing. It's one of the things that I ever heard about the ancient Egyptians that they worship cats and that anyone messing with the cat would be put to death something that I personally would have no issue with hearing towhat is your opinion of the effect that cats have had in their continual attempts to dominate mankind? is this why dogs chase them?
You mean wolves made the adjustment. All dawgs come from wolves.veI'm going to go out on a limb here and say one of the best things to happen to the human race was when canines made the adjustment want to hang out with us in start to become our companions
You can tell by looking at the boat that Chief had a good like.This is one of my favorite pictures from an epic road trip Chief and I made 4 years ago, 4 months, 6500+ miles. I lost him the following summer and it gutted me. I finally got another Labrador Retriever last September, and he's awesome but I still grieve his predecessor. And his predecessor.
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You can tell by looking at the boat that Chief had a good like.
... that is because they all have individual personalities just like us hoomansLosing a pet/companion is something you never get over.
This is one of my favorite pictures from an epic road trip Chief and I made 4 years ago, 4 months, 6500+ miles. I lost him the following summer and it gutted me. I finally got another Labrador Retriever last September, and he's awesome but I still grieve his predecessor. And his predecessor.
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Some Labby light from across the Atlantic to AOH, Switcher ,,k-s-p and any other doggie family members,,,,,dammit! neighbors with dog divorced, and the asshat husband took the dog. what a dick...