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Ohio trying rec again in 2018


Active member
Few details, from the same responsible Ohio guys. Does allow home growing, plant count and rules not specified.

A free market is what they claim. No idea about felons working.

I'd be happy to get a good deal at a store at this point. Even happier to work a grow!


Well-known member
Ain't gonna happen.

First off, the government in Ohio wants a total monopoly.. with them at the head. Just like they have the liquor business. And, always have.

That's why they sabotaged the RO campaign from the very beginning and made it fail.

Now, that SAME PEOPLE as RO.... (OMG! the press will have a field day with that) are putting together another proposal.

The news / gov will focus on it being the same people and burn it to the ground just like last time.

And, people in Ohio are REALLY fucking stupid so they will believe anything they are told by the news.

Dead issue. Ain't gonna happen. I probably won't even bother to vote this time. I doubt they counted them last time. They just said we lost. How would we know? LOL

My house is currently for sale and I am headed to Cali so I'll (hopefully be gone by then).

It's funny, the RO issue failed for the reason the EVERYBODY knows. It was a monopoly and everyone hated it because it was a monopoly.

And, every person that said that got my same response... "Monopoly? Did you READ the petition?"

EVERY person's answer was the same... "I don't have to read it. I know it's a monopoly." Based on the TV news.

Ohio is a fucked up state and I'll be glad the day it's in my history.

Sorry to you OH residents. No individual offense meant.


Active member
I find that a free market issue has more hope than the monopoly issue that they tried. And it was NOT the government that made it fail. It was the people, that wanted a free market and home growing without a lot of hassles like a permit.

Let's not spread misinformation now!


Well-known member
See there... you're just another idiot (no offense) who thought RO was a monopoly. And, you (obviously) never read the actual petition (like most Ohio illiterates). You made your decision and all your knowledge is based on what the gov put on TV. So, it wasn't the PEOPLE. It was the false info that the gov spread on TV. Like I said.

And, don't tell me you read the actual petition because I know you didn't. You watched the news. Otherwise you would have known it was an oligopoly, not a monopoly. (go read the difference, albeit, too late now).

I'll bet ya another thousand dollars to your penny that you are from Ohio.

No personal offense bud but it's people like you who make Ohio the 3rd dumbest fucking state in the entire country (my sympathies to Mississippi and Arkansas. LOL). I know it's not popular in Ohio but....Read next time, instead of watching TV and you can (maybe) make an intelligent post, next time.


Well-known member
I think the issue with the RO ballot initiative was that the would be benefactors (the growers, processors, and sellers) were to be the same people that drew up the initiative as well as funded the campaign. Basically deep pockets jumping in on the green rush. No opportunities for outsiders or other interests, all of the business opportunities were going to go to a gang of twelve. A lot of people that probably would have voted for a cannabis proposal voted no because of this. And I did read the ballot issue.

The other problem is OH is a very conservative state although I believe the right ballot issue might pass here given today’s climate and attitude regarding cannabis.


Active member
Lot's of tokers in Ohio with roots all over the country. Lot's of people that never toked that want to be in the biz. It will always be a battle for a claim.

This thread is NOT about the past issue. It's about MOVING FOWARD.


Well-known member
Cannabis has Always been about history.
I thank and bless the people of CA for making medical access possible.
We should have had a uniform medical program across the country years ago.
No one should have to move for access when they are ill.


Well-known member
Shut up ringo.

The law was a monopoly. Anyone with one ball knows that.


Thanks for proving so many of my points. LMAO

Wow, you are really one stupid mother fucker. No wonder Ohio scores so low. LMAO

I feel sorry for ya bud. Like I said, no offense or hate (like you) just sympathy. ;)


Well-known member
I think the issue with the RO ballot initiative was that the would be benefactors (the growers, processors, and sellers) were to be the same people that drew up the initiative as well as funded the campaign. Basically deep pockets jumping in on the green rush. No opportunities for outsiders or other interests, all of the business opportunities were going to go to a gang of twelve. A lot of people that probably would have voted for a cannabis proposal voted no because of this. And I did read the ballot issue.

The other problem is OH is a very conservative state although I believe the right ballot issue might pass here given today’s climate and attitude regarding cannabis.

OK, here's a guy who's probably NOT from Ohio. LMAO

Nice reply. Yes, the fact that it was all under one roof just supported the 'monopoly' stories. Still, having 12 different companies involved is more than..... network TV for 50 years. The automobile business. The tobacco business. And, many/most of the giant success stories in the USA.

The RO people were a bunch of bumbling fools who were easy targets for the opposition. What was that thing.... Bud Man? OMG could anyone really have been that stupid. Well, obviously yes. LMAO

I think the news will focus on the fact that this is all being done by the same people and that will be enough to kill it in the brains of the typical Ohio voter. I'm willing to bet they will still try to call it a monopoly. Just because it worked last time.

Time will tell but, if I were a gambling man..... LOL


Active member
You belong in prison and not in this thread. You sound like a junkie. Take your bad attitude somewhere else. Go meditate and examine your derraingment. Stop being a bad vibe.


Well-known member
You belong in prison and not in this thread. You sound like a junkie. Take your bad attitude somewhere else. Go meditate and examine your derraingment. Stop being a bad vibe.

I'll bet my Dad could kick the shit out of your Dad.


Active member
I bet your mom could kick the shit out of both of ya!


Seriously that's pretty lame to say something like you did, very low. But I doubt your dad could hurt my dad. My Dad died in '97 and kept a type 56 with a drum clip by the door. His brother was 2n in command at the local police and never got in trouble because of that (locally). He was also a rough neck since Grandpa had his own drilling company and started young.


Well-known member
My Dad's dead too. In that case, my Dad can kick your Dad's ash.


Lighten up dude. And, next visit to your shrink... tell him someone told you that your meds need adjusted. LOL Poor thing.


Active member
Good thing your opinion isn't all you believe it is, talk about delusional.

You TOTALLY DERAILED this thread. Thanks, all cause you think your opinion is fact and it is NOT.

Like I said, you sound like a junkie. This is a cannabis forum, not skid row. Your probably in C-bus from the sounds of it. Lot's of losers there.

Hope a needle breaks off in your arm junkie scum.


Active member
Fact is if someone has an opinion about legal cannabis, then vote at the polls. I for one would enjoy a legal market. NOT getting ripped off by junkies like the troll that ripped off this thread. NOT RIPPED OFF by people like him that take it in the ass in prison cause they have thug dreams and ego.

If ya got skills, prove it in a legal market. Thug skills are not skills anymore than being a bitch.


Active member
Most people do not get ahead breaking the law. Most go to prison sooner or later. It takes one error and you lose everything. There goes the house, the car, the wife/girlfried and kids. Come out with debt, a shitty job, and desire to do it all over again and end up back in prison.

I got into growing because someone gave me seed and I don't like buying from con artists. It's rare to get a good deal in the black market and it's not around forever.

I say let the thugs go to prison or let them od.


Active member
Let's hope for some positive language.

I wonder how long until the feds write laws to under cut the states?

I was reading there are thousands of laws regarding orchards. They may end up making cannabis so complex to be legal and fee's so high that only mega corps can opperate. So it's important we all get to vote and are politically active.


Active member
Ringo, you're saying that the RO bill was good for the people? I did happen to read the bill and it was garbage. Most govt reefer bills are garbage.