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Well this is thread is all very interesting, mental masturbation for us all no doubt, LoL

British_Hempire: I don't know why, but all my plants end up expressing more sativa than EM's. We have similar grows, similar environments, he uses soil with Canna butes, I use coco with Canna nutes. I think it might be the way I reduce N a lot as soon as the plants start flowering and give them some PK13-14 every day, we've racked our brains trying to work out why, that is all we can coime up with. The same cuts grown by him and me have turned out quite different. Certainly my OG Kush was a much more sativa expression than EM's. I'll put that down to the way I grew it as we both used Canna nutes.

Hi B_H,

When you say 'similar environments', what were the differences in heat (also during lights off), humidity and air flow?

Reducing the Nitrogen and feeding the PK early and regularly is the biggest factor I'd say in promoting a more indica appearance, as it reduces internodal stretching.

The medium will have made some difference, but I'd say those factors influenced them more.

My 2p worth is that I've grown elite genetics and also specially selected plants from seed, both were top notch, but it's hit and miss finding A+++ plants in seed lots, sometimes you get them and sometimes not.

I'd agree with CC that out of 200 of the best seeds available, you will find 5 'interesting' plants, but on the other hand, I've grown general seedlots of 100 at a time and usually found 1 out of a hundred that I'd bother keeping, but wouldn't say was 'elite'.


Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
You are 100% wrong!
Where do you think these "elites""come from....?
They just drop out the sky..?


Capt. Crip said:
You are 100% wrong!
Where do you think these "elites""come from....?
They just drop out the sky..?

Capt. :wave: Yo! me 2.....sheesh...(10ft = politely - ya might want to do some do some plant research.

Unless you have good friends (who drop out of the sky) or a 100's of seeds to go threw; your chances are slim to say the least of finding keeper elite.

Capt; I am (Fredster) still running your ECSD clone that came from..SS./ & am smoking the D right now.

Hope all is well & your BB's are still kicking ass

Keep looking...it's in there
Capt. Crip said:
You are 100% wrong!
Where do you think these "elites""come from....?
They just drop out the sky..?

100% wrong?? well you and hempire can pull your seed lots, go to sensiland(switzerland) and go test your luck at finding an elite..maybe u get a "interesting" pheno..

any real growers wit elites in US will tell you same. ppl in UK don ave any idea...all your "elites" are waterdowned or hybrid versions...but hey yer in luck.. i heard arjan and greedhouse are putting out REAL trainwreck... :muahaha:

elites come from personal breeders. not $$$$breeders.

if yer talking shit on ELITES, you probably dont have a REAL cut. plain & simple.
ill post pics later of sourboggle and chem kush...and we put it next to your "elite" blueberry... and well let the audience decide. unless you want to agree tat good BB is only good BB and not an "elite"...

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Go away you turd....
You are only here to cause grief...I have all the elite cali genetics and have grow 10X the plants you have son...
When you start growing real gardens come talk to me...
Until then,,,be gone!
I constantly see you starting shit with people here.And you are usually shown the door...Maybe you should stop flapping your gums and try to learn a little something from your peers.....In case you didn't know Swerve and I are partners and this should be enough to let you know I have the genetics you are flapping about...The Blueberry above is as good as 90% of the "elites" out there and a plant does not have to be named to be killer...Someone grew these plants from a seed dipshit.......

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tenfeetofganja: 100% wrong?? well you and hempire can pull your seed lots, go to sensiland(switzerland) and go test your luck at finding an elite..maybe u get a "interesting" pheno..

any real growers wit elites in US will tell you same. ppl in UK don ave any idea...all your "elites" are waterdowned or hybrid versions...but hey yer in luck.. i heard arjan and greedhouse are putting out REAL trainwreck...

elites come from personal breeders. not $$$$breeders.

if yer talking shit on ELITES, you probably dont have a REAL cut. plain & simple.

You're way behind the times tenfeet - Switzerland stopped being a ganja haven years ago - Spain is now the breeding ground in Europe.

Secondly, you're wrong that people in the UK "don't have any idea", as I've grown elite US genetics shipped over from the States, and in fact have access to pretty much all the elite clones in the US, from friends I've made online.

Some very good plants are also found in the UK, maybe I wouldn't call them elites, as that's more of an American term, but some of them are certainly very special.

Whether they're elite or not I think depends on whether everyone who grows it and smokes it agrees it's top notch, and not just a personal preference of one or a few people - i.e. it may be 'elite' in their mind, but not regarded as so by others.

One such example is the UK Cheese cutting, which is regarded as a UK 'elite'.

Some other people find special plants too, like B_H has, but I don't know if they could be considered 'elite', compared to the US cuts, as maybe B_H and his mates liked them, but would everyone on here agree they're super special......maybe.......maybe not?

Out of the all the seedlots I've grown, I would in all honesty say I've never found anything worth called 'elite', but I have certainly found some quite special plants which I liked a lot, and I am a very good judge of quality.

I have great respect for the US scene, especially in Cali, as that's where it all started, but I don't appreciate your comments badmouthing UK growers as ignorant and stupid.

I also remember your pussy posts about the incident in Amsterdam, so your rep will always be tarnished with me now, and I don't take your comments to heart, because I know you're a prick anyway.

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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Good to see you bro and glad you are still with us...
That ECSD stinks up the place eh?

All is going well here and I hope the same for you!!!

Gotta go work for a couple of hours but will return soon.........................................CC

Are you going to the Dam this year??


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Capt. Crip said:
Go away you turd....
You are only here to cause grief...I have all the elite cali genetics and have grow 10X the plants you have son...
When you start growing real gardens come talk to me...
Until then,,,be gone!
I constantly see you starting shit with people here.And you are usually shown the door...Maybe you should stop flapping your gums and try to learn a little something from your peers.....In case you didn't know Swerve and I are partners and this should be enough to let you know I have the genetics you are flapping about...The Blueberry above is as good as 90% of the "elites" out there and a plant does not have to be named to be killer...Someone grew these plants from a seed dipshit.......

That says it ALL>> no wonder you get weight on yer shoulders over elites.. swerves got everyones waterdowned shit... hows that PURE KUSH??? :laughing:

p.s. dont flatter yerself

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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Will you be at the cup?

There's nothing out there that I do not have access too...
Your arguments have no merit.....If I want it I can get it or already have it .............I'll leave it at that as you are not worth my time...You have proven repeatedly that you are here to troll....Remember Karma has a funny way of catching up when you least expect it so maybe it's time to start adding something positive and stop with the attacks on people here...You did not discover a single "elite" so why do you take it so personal when people have a comment you do not agree with.....

I've seen your silly arguments with others here...
We were having a perfectly good conversation here without your negative input...You come in here to start problems and troll....Do you realize your tactics are against the TOU of this site?
I can see your time here will be short-lived.....

You have givin' us your valued opinion so now you can go away and troll somewhere else...

Take care......................................................CC
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I introduced the Abusive OG Kush and Cheese to a major northern city last year and although folks liked them, they didn't cause a stir as the old clone lines they had locally were of equal quality. The Trainwreck seeds went down well too from what I've heard, but folks here just don't give two hoots about names and legeneds, if they like it your buds from the cut, they will grow it and see for themselves, it's a completely different culture. To say we don't have our own elites here is plainly stupid, there are lots of cuts floating around the UK and the ones I've smoked or grown were all good, many were exceptional, and to me, the qualification for the 'elite' tag is to be exceptional, to stand out from the other plants as something special, and there are plenty of stand-outs available here.

I'm not claiming these plants are particularly superb, but what I will say is they are unusual and have desirable qualities, have been enjoyed by those who have smoked them and have been shared as cuts as folks wanted to try them for themselves. They all came from seed in the last 18 months, I am sure plenty more special phenos can be found from seed, thing is, the elite clone hoopla has meant less and less people are bothering to start seeds and find those phenos.

Purple Afghan, exceptional yield and colouration, lovely high and taste, I grew it from seed last year, I'm sure it wouldn't look out of place among the US purples like GDP and Urkle:


'El Yucateca' Mexican Sativa, yes, she's from bagseed, yes she might not be a pure Mexican, yes she produces the odd nanner, but oh my god what a speedy racing high and never had anything yield better. This one is clone-only as there is no male and no more seeds, but the cut is spreading around the UK fairly rapidly as a plant that gives a pure sativa high but performs great in hydro under lights is unusual indeed.


'Kentish Cream' Jamaican - a lucky story behind this one, a guy went to visit his family in a rural part of Jamaica and was given a superlative bud to smoke. It had 5 seeds. He grew one in his back garden and it turned out to be one of the most special plants any of us here has seen. He took one clone and gave it to Elevator Man who has saved the strain by sharing the cut with folks. Resin production is amazing, much higher than either OG Kush, Sour Diesel or Trainwreck, the trichomes are also huge with long stalks and huge round heads. Potency and taste are both right up there with the best I've ever smoked. Everyone loves her here.


(pic by Elevator Man)

This cut has no name, we just call her 'the smelly one' it's probably a Skunk x indica hybrid of some kind, been around at least 15 years and everybit as good as the more famous Cheese:


(pic by Elevator Man)

Did you know they have an unbelievably good Killa Queen cut in rural Eastern Poland? Or how about the Colombian Gold cut that's well known and popular in Brno, Czech Republic? Point is, there are elite quality cannabis genetics everywhere that people are growing weed and has been for a long time now.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
That Kintish is beautiful bro!!

Looks quite unique..
And the Afghani is a killer looking plant...Been seeing a lot of that one lately on here..
I agree with ya on killer plants everywhere...It's just the US here that puts names on plants and expect the world to beg for it...LOL...
Anyone who grows a lot from seed has plenty of chances to find special plants that stand up to most everything out there...
The thing is that these clones are widely available if you know the right people...And only a handful are truly special...I'm sure they seem like the next hope diamond to people that truly have little experience with cannabis...

I have to have some pure sativa also and can't just rely on the high on these Kushes and diesels...None have that mind altering high of a pure long flowering sativa...I know my NH will keep pace with any of the Kushes if it's experienced smokers doing the testing...

Are you planning to bring some of that purp Afi over to the Dam BH??
What flavor does it carry?
And what about that Kintish what odor/flavor does it carry?
You can actually see purple resin on your fingers from that bud LOL...
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Capt. Crip said:
Will you be at the cup?

There's nothing out there that I do not have access too...
Your arguments have no merit.....If I want it I can get it or already have it .............I'll leave it at that as you are not worth my time...You have proven repeatedly that you are here to troll....Remember Karma has a funny way of catching up when you least expect it so maybe it's time to start adding something positive and stop with the attacks on people here...You did not discover a single "elite" so why do you take it so personal when people have a comment you do not agree with.....

I've seen your silly arguments with others here...
We were having a perfectly good conversation here without your negative input...You come in here to start problems and troll....Do you realize your tactics are against the TOU of this site?
I can see your time here will be short-lived.....

You have givin' us your valued opinion so now you can go away and troll somewhere else...

Take care......................................................CC

im simply a purveyor of truth. i have spent alot of time/energy/effort to get these genetics and when you go out and say something like a interesting blueberry is better than any elite, you better expect some rebuttle. but you all want to be immature and call me names than say im the negative one...shit im just being real.

obviously we differ on the description of elite. so with that ill take my leave and learn a true understanding of how they told me many IC'ers can argue at anything, including a wall.
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British_Hempire said:
This one is clone-only as there is no male and no more seeds, but the cut is spreading around the UK fairly rapidly...

Theres the defenition of elite. A rare quality genetic, that is no longer available in seed or male form.
Re. Purple Afghani:
I stand up and salute you.
I work at a medical dispensary in California, and if the taste and hit match the appearance, you can write your own ticket...(this is not an attempt to conspire to commit a crime, assuming the DEA harvests all IP's from the U.S.)
Edit: just noticed yoiur finger tips.
Whoo hoo !
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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Once again you are twisting members statements to fit your arguments...

I didn't say it was better than any elite,I said it was better than 90% of whats called elite...I'm not interested in arguing with you but be sure you use proper quotes if you are accusing me of saying something...

I do not just rely on others to find my genetics...I like to grow out seeds to FIND special plants and further our genetic base beyond just a handful of known gentics...Until a person has grown out over a thousand Blueberries as I have you have no basis for making a claim that elite quality plants are not in there...Moonshineman has a Blueberry that is an elite,period!!!Kickass herb!But he does not pass it to everyone so it is lesser known..I have found several that are every bit as good as the majority of stuff out there...

Nevertheless,I'm glad we can agree to disagree...
Take care and hope to see you at the cup :) ..................................CC


tenfeetofganja said:
That says it ALL>> no wonder you get weight on yer shoulders over elites.. swerves got everyones waterdowned shit... hows that PURE KUSH??? :laughing:

p.s. dont flatter yerself


10 feet you should take your own advice dont flatter yourself...

rewind i do.. so thats why everyone is tryn to get my gear... hmm interesting..i gue my chem d and my 10 different ogk are all watered down right... hmmm so all my elties are waterdown.. when ahlf of them came from the orignators.. interesting.. . ok pics you ahve where the trichs bro..

oh and im like 75% sure im gonna make it to the dam.. im bringing the watedown tahoe og kush to enter and the waterdown chem d clone to enter. so 10 ffet make it to the dam with your non watered down versions and lets seee...
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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
What up Swerve??
Damn sure hope all works out for you bro...
Gonna be a helluva party!!
I was gonna mention that about the lack of trichs but it seems it was a waste of time...Some folks can only see from there own point of view...

We are gonna have a hash melt-down somewhere over the weekend...Maybe we can grab a corners in Arjans new shop and set up camp.....Hash Blast 08'.........