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NorthernKronic's 2k Basement Blowout


New member
you are right , well you getting a perfect yield , each month. Where thinking the same times between harvest as well but alittle bit different , cuz i go with 3-4 600w. Well thank you for answer , def going to follow this tread!
Peace and happy smoke kronik!
NK- Glad and sad for you homie! We have all gone through it but it never is easy. Maybe it will be a great thing for you later in life! Time makes it better. Glad your still rocking in the basement, cant wait to see how it going! Just remember nothing makes you feel better when your down than some strange, or a great powder day!!! Glad your back with us homie.


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Yall :wave:

Well the time has come to start an (at least) weekly documentation of my current medical grow. Just bought a new digi cam so i should be getting better shots than ever, pretty excited! The thing im dealing with the most right now is plant # management. Pretty serious about keeping my plant count to 24 or under, at least until i get a few more patients.

Lately I have been working with two different grow methods, both utilizing amended promix. One is straight amended promix in 1.6 gallon pots. The other is 3 gallon hempy buckets with Hydroton in the bottom and topped with amended promix. Both give good results but the hempys allow for longer time between feeding and better root growth, they are a pain in the ass to separate and clean the hydroton after the cycle is over, but it seems to be worth it. I think with this next batch im going to add more perlite into the promix so that it wont take quite so long between feedings.

Speaking of feeding, here is a pic of what im using right now, just a general mix of different things for different times.

These are what I have been using to fight my battle againsnt the borg, which after about a month and a half im finally starting to win. Only these older three mongruls have any signs of mites left. Everything else is currently in the clear thanks to a mix of different products and regular spraying.

In veg right now, I have 4 rooted MK Ultra's in 4.5" squares, going to transplant into 1.6 gal pots in a week and a half then let veg to 24" on suggestion from the buddy i got these from. I also have one Mongrul that i used as a doner for this current batch of clones, shes coming back nicely.


Under the Dome I have Two diff phenos of BogBubble, 1 MK Ultra and 7 Mongrul's.

Only have one light on in the flower room right now as there are only 9 plants in there. The six young ones are just about 2 weeks into flower. They went in on 11/30. Like I said earlier, the older three on are the last plants in the garden that have any signs of mites. They all seem to be dieing, but I am still treating them as infected. They look pretty decent still although..





Well thats about all I have for tonight, ill keep updating with things that I find prudent, pics again in a week or less, so stoked on this new cam, gotta fine out how she works so i can take some proper shots. Alright, till then, peace yall.

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Looks awesome man. Love how that purple mongrul ( think thats the name) looks.

I run a 2k setup as well but my strains are extremely stout. We have a really similar setup, just completely opposite on the plant height haha!

Keep it up man, hope all continues to go well.


Grower of fine herbs...
IDO- Thanks for stopping by bud, its been too long! Yea hope to get this place back in shape. I need to get back to the 07-08' days when i used to keep a proper grow journal, finally got the time, and more importantly the drive to get back into this hobby full force. NO MORE MR. LAZYASS HERE :headbange

Slangheat- Thanks for stopping through slangheat:wave: Yea this setup was supposed to be temporary, but it looks like im going to be in my current place for at least another year, so its time for me to make more changes to suite my needs. Yea the mongrul may be called Purple Mongrul now, I have no idea. I was one of the orig testers for this strain back in 07', still got her around now and I love her. Still actually got a couple beans ive been hoarding just for a rainy day.

I have been growing a SSH cross from the same breeder as the mongrul that stay very stout, just lost her this last run though. I have a buddy up north though that is still running her and hopefully i will be able to keep that lady going, Indica stature with soaring sativa buds and yield. She is/was AWESOME! You got a diary around here? I would love to check it out!

Kaossilation Good to see you playa:dance013: Im gonna take a couple snaps of my stash when I get home tonight, gotta check out the abilities of this new camera I got! Oh and link me to ur diary, need to add it to my subscription list!

Alright yall, looks like im going to take some dry budshots tonight so yall can see what im working with. Both Mongrul and Crashtest, dang cant wait to get off work so i can go home and vape some hash, till later. Peace yall



Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Yall :wave:

Took a couple bud shots last night of some stuff ive had curing around the house for a little while. First up is the Mongrul (Purple Bastard x (purple bastardx WW)) This harvest was pretty good, not as good as this next one is gonna be, but I think that will be a continuing phenomenon as long as I keep my mind and heart focused down here in the growroom. I hope I can... Oh and this sample has been in jars coming up on a little less than two months now..







Next we have the Crash Test (SSH x (PBxWW)) This pheno is one that became famous in my old town/state. It grows with the stature of an indica but grows huge spicy sativa buds. Takes about 10 weeks to flower to its full potency and flavor. This last time i let it go to 74 days and its flavor and high are just out of control this time around... Unfortunatly I let this one go without takeing any more cuttings of it, So i wont be able to run it again till I go back up north and grab a few more cuts of her. But anyways check her out.



Again, im still learning how to use this cam. For macro I have to set it to manual then find the correct setting, so its taking me a little while. Also getting a little mini tripod so i wont have any more blur issues. Cant wait till i can get some real closeup shots. Anyway thats all for now. Update with pics again on sunday. Till then, peace yall.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya NK !!

good to c u back on the boards again....and still running some of my gear i c :yoink: lol
as for me, all is sitting on a very very low fire...still have cuts but can't run in the comming weeks....moved house and such thats why i have some probs now...nway hope i'll be able to show off again too :) ;)


Grower of fine herbs...
Core- Hey buddy, its been too long:wave: It feels good to finally be back on IC with a new cam and the ability to update my diary as I need to.

Had a lot of changes in my life as well Core. No more old lady around these parts unfortunately, But its on to bigger and better things I suppose. Seems like im going to be sticking around my current spot for another year, figure i might as well start getting the basement into shape and looking as it should.

LOL yea still running the CT and Mongrul, just cant seem to get away from them I guess. Idk they both are very special to me, but hopefully soon I will have quite a large variety of things going in the garden, my palate feels bland after only having two diff strains to puff through for the past year or two.. Hope you get your grow back up and running over the next couple months, cant wait till i can see you back in action. Until then make sure to stop by, Ill try and make ya proud:tiphat:



Grower of fine herbs...
So its been about a week, time for an update. Going to snap pics today and update will follow accordingly. Till I edit this post, peace yall.

Good to see you back brotha!!!!! Hope the pows been treatin you well. The basements still rockin I see, super glad you didnt slack to hard the last year or 2. Get that old injury all healed up? I know you gotta be jonesing to get on the snow. Stay up homie im going to pick Sir up from the airport rite now. Its been snowing here for a week Pow pow day tomorrow Peace


Grower of fine herbs...
INVB- Hey buddy:wave: Havent gotten a chance to ride yet this winter, might be looking to take a couple long trips out west later this winter to do some real riding, pretty stoked for that. But yea I tried not to slack tooo hard over the past two years, but honestly I did. Got really complacent growing the same strains with the same nutes, over and over and over again. Got a little boring and I was taking less interest in it. But then a couple months ago I really caught the bug again, decided that I when i moved back into my house I was going to get a bunch of new strains and really try and get back on top of shit again. Now im somewhere halfway through that process. Dont have any of the new strains in flower yet, but Hopefully within a month. I have to transplant some of the New MK Ultras up here soon enough. Hope you two have a kick ass time up in the mountains, got this boy over here wishing he was there to take a run with yall:dance013: hahaha, have a great time dude!

Well its been a little more than a week since my last update so lets not waste any time and and get this one rolling. This last week has been good, basment is getting a little colder than I anticipated ( 64 lights on, 59 lights out) and thats even with an extra space heater added to the room. I suppose my grow last winter was about half the size it is now so it makes sense that my supplemental heat isnt up to par now.. Ugh. I think its slowing down the younger mongruls in flower, they just dont seem to be getting as thick as quick as they usually would, but none the less they look really good, and best of all, look MITE FREE!

The clones I took last week are doing well. Both Bogbubbles are rooted (two in dixes far left), really excited about this strain, could really help me to keep my between harvest time shorter with some 50-55 day strains! The one old iffy MK Ultra really came through and rooted well with the heat mat now under the tray(Second from the left top). All 7 of the mongrul clones look to have taken well.

Heres the rest of whats in veg right now. 4 MK Ultras in the 4" squares and the mongrul mother. 2 of the MK's are ready for transplant up into bigger pots today and will get potted up into a lighter mix of promix and fox farm happy frog fruit and veggie dry fert that I use for veg. Going to make sure this time to add more perlite though so i can have better drainage and quicker dryout times.




This is what its looking like over in flower right now. Still just running one of two lights, like I was saying earlier just a little too cold in my opinion. The young mongruls are 21 days into flower as of today, as u can see, this pheno is purple inside and out.




Now here are some pics for the bud porn kids out there.. These are mongruls somewhere around two weeks from harvest.. Looking tasty, and this will be my first molasses flush in a long time, very excited.



Well thats all the pics I have for this week. Unfortunatly as soon as I get the spider mites beat I get an infestation of fungas gnats:fsu: Ive been mixing azamax into my feed at levels directed for a soil drench. Also added mosquito dunks on top of all soil and sticky traps. Hopefully I can get them knocked out soon. These fuckers are so annoying.. Well till next week. Peace yall.

Glad those MK's are rooting up for ya, seems like they've been in the process for a while now. I figured a heat mat would help... When I use the aero, they'll drop roots when its colder in the room but they fall about a week sooner if heated up a bit.
Also pumped on that BOG... I just topped mine since it's been looking haggard, I wanna see some new growth from that one.

Everything lookin great as usual homie. Take care.


Grower of fine herbs...
Kaossilation- Whats happening brother:wave: Got a bunch of shit to update on today. Had a great trip out west got to chill with some great homies and locked down some sick DNA.. Ill be by your place to checkup soon. Your gonna love these pics man, things sure are growing up quick..

Howdy yall, sorry for the lack of updates over the holidaze, got a chance to take a nice long vacation out west and I jumped on it while I could. Finally had someone around that I could trust to watch the grow so everything is looking great. Got a lot of pics to put up today so i figure we better start now.

Took 4 MK ultra cuts and 2 Mongrul clones last night. They have been doing great now that the heating pad is going strong.


These are the MK Ultras that were put into flower last night. between 11-14" tall.



These are the cuttings that I took on the 21st. They are all rooted and have been transplanted up into 1.5 gallon pots now. 4 Mongruls, 2 BOG's and one MK Ultra. Here they are b4 transplant.


And After..


Now here is the flower room. Doing well but it is still getting too cold at night down there (into the 50's). I need to run a dedicated line for a heater this week so that I can run it as needed, right now I just dont have the amp's I need.

These are the Mongruls that are 5 weeks in right now. A little smaller than usual but I think that has a lot to do with how cold it has been getting in there at night. Looking good even with the stress, just a smaller than usual.




Here is the flower room after I moved the 4 MK's and 1 mogrul onto the other table.. Really like how much brighter it is in here with the panda plastic up on the walls. Also the day temp is a lot better with the other light back on now.



Well thats about all I have for now. Harvested 5.23 zips off of those last three mongruls that were up. Smaller than usual because of cold, really need to run this dedicated line tomorrow. Guess its Lowes in the morning. Peace yall.


Tarus Bulbar

Great update N.Kron!!
Your def. goin to have some bountiful
harvests once those temps average
out a bit between day/night
Keep us posted!! Cheers Bro


Grower of fine herbs...
Greenadian- Thx for stopping by buddy. Yea these temperature fluctuations have killed my last two yields. With my mongruls I can consistently pull 2oz a plant even during the middle of summer with bugs in 1.6 gallon container. Now that temps have been way low I get average around 1.6-1.75oz per plant. My actual min/max temp diff wasnt that huge, it was just wayyy too low. 55low at night and 62 high with lights on. Shit has been killing me for the last couple weeks. But after some hard work today I got that all taken care of and things should go back to what they were or better now that the bugs are all gone. But anyway thx for stopping by, hope to see you around.

Kaoss- Dude the room is just finally getting into the shape it should have always been in. Bugs are now gone, temps are under control and got some new genetics flowing.. All of this has got me very excited. Cant wait to see what this next year will bring, I have never had the ability to work on making the garden more permanent until now and I plan on using it. Also I have never been able to run all the new circuits I needed for things like supplemental heat in the winter and air-conditioner for the summer. Now I finally have that so I think things are going to fall into place nicely. Also finally have CO2 for veg as soon as I can afford a regulator for the tank. But yea, hope to really get this place going pro soon.. very soon..

Well just wanted to come in to say that I wired up a dedicated 20amp circuit for supplemental heat and cooling. Got the room up to 72 lights on and 67 lights off so were looking pretty prime. My electric bill is going to be bananas but thats just part of the game I guess.

The new MK's that I put into flower are doing well, the bigger ones took their first drink of week one flower formula. For my own records I will write it here.

Week 1 flower (Day 1-7)- all amounts are for 2 gallon watering can.
1/2 teaspoon - Dynagrow Liquid Silica
1 tablespoon- Diamond Nectar
1 tablespoon- Liquid Karma
1 tablespoon- GH Floranova Bloom
1/4 teaspoon- dry ph up

Thats all I got till the update this weekend. Till then, take care of yourselves yall. Peace.


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