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NorthernKronic's 2k Basement Blowout


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey yall:wave:

To those of you that dont know me im NorthernKronic. I'm back from my hiatus of a couple months and wanted to have a new space to show you cats my garden. Ive missed a lot about IC, but most of all its the good friends that ive made over the years. I just want you all to know that I am back to stay, and ive made quite a few changes to the setup (positive only I promise lol) so please bear with me.

I've moved on to a new house and a new basement. New advantages and new problems, I guess it all just comes with the territory. First problem with this basement is I really dont have a place to exhaust my hot air out of the basement. I just recently found a 6" hole going into my chimney, so I am praying that I will be able to use this when it starts to get really hot in a couple of weeks.

I guess we can start with a breakdown of the equipment that I have and what I am currently using.

What I have:

2-1k mag ballast's 1 switchable 1 HPS.
1-8" Hydrofarm radiant hood
1-6" Supersun 2 hood
1-400watt MH and batwing hood
1-non-cooled hydrofarm radiant hood

1-45 pint/day Dehuey
1-can66 filter (needs to be replaced with a larger model)
1-6" vortex fan (think that I will use this to vent the basement through the chimney once I get a new 8" and filter for the lights
-using Gen Hydro Flora Nova this run.

What I need:

8"-vortex fan for lights
1-can75 filter with 8" flange

Hopefully this will keep me from having to add AC in the summer, but we will see. I might even try a heat exchanger instead of AC because I really dont have a place to vent the ac to.

Lets start some pics now. Here is the veg, Its just in a side closet in the basement that is a very nice size for vegging with the 400 MH. These 5 are going to be my mothers, CT1, CT2, Mongrul, PC and TWxWW.

Here is my working area, got the soil cooking bin, where I add the bone/blood/kelp/lime and let it cook for like a month.. Makes the best soil ever.. Having the work sink is very key, along with having this new pump so I dont have to hand water anymore is going to save me a lot of time.



This is the entrance side of the garden. Very Ghetto, but its only temporary until I get enough money to frame it all out.

Here is the long side..dont worry about the romex on the floor its just extra that I didnt use lol..

I will start another post with the pics of the flower room.. Get excited :wave:

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey kron

good to see ya.. Looking forward to seeing the set up


Grower of fine herbs...
Dr.Dog- Good to hear from ya buddy! Hope you like the pics that are coming up in this post, because I think they show how really huge this run is for me.. Nice to see you round, good to be back :headbange

Well lets start having some fun now. These are the pics of the flower room. The area with the plants cover is approx 10-11ft long X 5-6 feet wide. The plants are really loving it. As you will be able to see I waited a little to long to flower some of these but I really didnt have a choice. I didnt want to move house with flowering plants so I decided to wait an extra month to put them in.. Check em out.. the 10 smaller plants are all PC, the other 9 huge ones are a mix of CT1's, CT2's, Mongrul, TWxWW. Check it!













This new cam is confusing, but it sure takes great Macros.




The smaller 10 PC's are in 1.6 gallon pots with the amended soil, its been the easiest grow I've ever done so far. They only need plan water and I feed every third watering. They seem to be loving it and are really nice and big for the size pot they are in.

The larger 9 plants are all in 5 gallon Hempy buckets. This is my first time trying hempy buckets and I am really liking them. I can do one good watering and wont have to touch them again for 3-4 days. Thats something that I couldnt do when I did the 7.5 gallon soil pots and these are actually bigger and healthier. Next time I am going to use hydroton in the bottom instead of perlite so that they will have more water/nutes to pull from the bottom.

I plan on updating with pics about once a week, The large and small ones are 1 week apart. Bigs went into flower on 3-22 and the littles on 3-29.. so 29 days and 22 days into flower.. Looking to harvest at the end of May but its all strain dependent..

But I guess thats all I have for now. It feels good to be back. Cant wait to hear from yall, Peace.


grow nerd

I'd remove the glass lens if I were you. Since you're not air-cooling the reflectors or anything. (Metal-taping a piece of sheet metal / foil to cover the round holes to reflect more light down probably won't hurt either.)


Grower of fine herbs...
I'd remove the glass lens if I were you. Since you're not air-cooling the reflectors or anything. (Metal-taping a piece of sheet metal / foil to cover the round holes to reflect more light down probably won't hurt either.)

Yea, I actually have one light with the glass on and one with it off. I am planning on hooking them up to the fan in the next week or so, but if I wasnt going to I would def be using some aluminum tape. Thanks for stopping by:wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Those be some trees bro...

So I count 4 bulbs?

Justa suggestion for ya

I would trim out the lower stuff, on trees that big, they are not getting any light


Grower of fine herbs...
Those be some trees bro...

So I count 4 bulbs?

Justa suggestion for ya

I would trim out the lower stuff, on trees that big, they are not getting any light

Yea the two small lights arnt really in use. One is a green CFL for working during the day on weekends. The other is a white CFL for taking pictures. I really want to get another 400 MH to put right in the middle between the two 1k's because I think that could really help my density and spectrum, but we will see because I need to get a bigger filter and a new fan so thats going to be my next purchase.

Yea I did a big trim out at 14 days flower. I def need to trim out some more on the small ones that are 20 days in. I will probably trim out a little more on the bigger ones when I pull them all out to move the lights around hook up the ducting to cool them. I will take some shots tomorrow after I change the lights around and give them one final trim. Thanks for stopping by Doggy, good to have some input on the garden again:wave:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i remember you ....LOL.....
good you got everything in order again.....seems like a fine space to grow....and bigger hehehe....and you still growing some stuff of mine...:yoinks:
if you are up for something else, please let me know ;)


Power Armor rules
Your new spot looks great as do your plants. I can't wait to see what kind of numbers you'll hit.



Grower of fine herbs...
Core-Good to hear from ya buddy:wave: Having the extra space is really nice, I am still trying to figure out the best way to max out my yields while staying within my plant count #'s. Trees seem to be good in these new hempy buckets. If I can do 9 five gallon buckets per 1k I can have 6 moms. I figure its about time for me to try some new strains. As you know I have been working with these for awhile, but theres a reason for that :dance013: There the shit lol! These mongruls are pretty awesome, the #2 pheno is going to have a huge main cola that will be totally purple. Hopeing to try some new strains in the future here soon, but def have turned a lot of people on the the CORE genes lol.. Again, its really great to hear from you again. Hopefully I can keep making you proud:headbange

FunkBomb- Thanks Funk, its a little ghetto and disorganized right now but I will clean it up this weekend. Hopefully I will do something decent out of this. Its kind of a comparison test between the smaller vs larger size plants to see my yield differences. Should be interesting, but would def be a better experiment if they were all the same strain (DOH!). Thanks for stopping by.

Well ment to go and do a bunch of trimming downstairs tonight but got caught up doing some other stuff around the house. I plan on doing a bunch of work like changing and venting the lights, and other stuff on Saturday once I have more time. I will snap a couple more shots once I get the lights rehung. Thanks to everyone who stopped by. It feels good to be back! Peace.



Hey man you're killin it! Props

What size and brand dehuey is that?

I'm running a 2k basement right now. have 8 10 gallon and 2 15 gallon in a 4x8 flower room

Stop by and check it out.



Grower of fine herbs...
GeorgeSmiley-Thanks for stopping by man. That is a Sahara dehuey, its working well even though im kinda working it really hard right now because im not exhausting any air out of the basement, but its keeping up well and keeping my RH at 45% steady. Its got the power to take it all the way down to 30% but then I have to go and empty it too often.. I've been in the process of reading your thread from the begining.. Def good stuff going down at your spot.

Well got a lot of work to do on the garden this weekend. I will probably wait for Sunday to change and vent the lights. Until then take care yall:wave:



Grower of fine herbs...
Did a lot of work in the grow last night. Got the lights switched around and ducted so now were staying at a high of 74f which is great.. I dont have em uploaded yet but after work I will put up a couple of pics to show what I did last night. Till then. Peace.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
looking good bro. nice to see ya with trees too

i know how the to big b4 flower is. i am currently shorter than half my room. yikes.
i cant take my own advise. have yet to hook up the wand although i have it ready to go. been handwatering trees myself... my albums have a few pics but i am out of upload space for now. i would have some 7 plus footers without topping n bushmaster lol have quite a few over 6ft hehe.

glad u are back though n have fun working on the room. i know it will be pimped out in no time.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
sorry i posted all f'd up lol
but will check for them pics later!
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Grower of fine herbs...
SIR- Thanks for stopping thru buddy, hahaha when I read that first post I was like, hmmm seems pretty faded.. Oh the things grammer and punctuation can tell you lol.. Yea some of these trees here are a little bit bigger than I wanted them to be. The tallest three are probably just under 6ft tall. It makes it look terrible, and the smaller plants just plain outgrew their space, but still seem to be doing great. Well I got like three pics that I took last night, really shows me that I need a bigger filter and fan, right now I am probably getting almost 200 cfm per light and its going ok.. Just really need to figure out the best way to vent the basement.. But I will get to that later.. Again thanks for stopping though:wave:

Ismokekush-Thanks for stopping by man. Cant beat the lowes 5 gallon buckets for $2.99 a pop, work great as hempys! Thanks for stopping through!

Well figured I would stop by and just drop a couple of pics I took last night when I changed how the lights were hung. I moved them both to the right by about a foot so that I can have room to walk in along the left hand side (as opposed to having them right up against the wall). Temps are doing well staying around 74-75 so about 8 degrees above ambient. I will need to figure out a better way of getting the hot/humid air out of the basement because as of right now it is circulating in the basement which is ok now because it isnt too hot yet, but once summer comes I am going to have to figure something else out.

Because I have this many plants I have had to add another old 30pint a day dehuey in the other part of the basement. I am now keeping the RH around 40% but it means having to drain the water a couple times a day. Yes I know I can pop the drain hole on the better one but I dont have an extra hose long enough at the current time.

Anyway here are 3 pics, the first two are of what it looked like right after I set it up, then after we moved the plants back in..



Well thats all I have for now. I will take a couple closeups tomorrow so you can see the progress. The older ones are really starting to fill out now. Having a little issue with the TWxWW as she is getting a little bit off color, I will have to flush her and check if its a ph issue. But until then peace yall:wave:



Grower of fine herbs...
GeorgeSmily- The answer varies a little bit, but in general way to big lol.. The three that are the largest are all a Sativa pheno of Crash Test they were almost 3ft when they got into flower, so they stretched over 1.5 feet to end up around 5'6" just for the plant.

The ones in the front of the picture are in 1.6 gallon pots they are all Pollen Chuck. They were somewhere around 2ft when they started flowering, maybe even a little bigger. They are about 4ft tall plant only and just really way to big.. They are doing surprisingly well for being in such small pots and from the looks of it are going to produce some really large colas, some around 10-12 inches. So we will see how they end up producing. Most of the others in the large hempy bucket group were the perfect size to flower. But they dont stretch nearly at all when you compare them to the Sativa Crash Test and the Pollen Chuck. I just need to coordinate the different strains better the next time, and I will because I am moving to a month to month perpetual, running one side crash test and pollen chuck and the other with the less stretchy varieties. Hopefully I will get things move even and better looking. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry that I got a little chatty lol..



Yeah the small pots are crazy, I ask because I'm on my first run with plants that I've never flowered so I'm just looking overall at peoples threads. My plants are 36-48 tall from the floor right now.

I know they're too big but I'm trying to figure out how far I should cut them back before I flip...

I know my bubb kush x deepchunch stretches very little. The lvpk I here can almost double.

I'm putting the sativa's hawaiain x cotton candy, g13xhaze and durbans in 2 gallon or smaller. They are in 1's now so I'll root prune, top and flip.

But these big shrubs..... just hard to image what a 48 inch shrub with 150 tops is going to stretch like. It's The Black and its 90% indica so hoping not so much

A learning experience as it were. All my other strains in the past were low stretch. 1 i think was sensi star but not sure..... I was spoiled :D
