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Noel van schaik is free ....



i received this letter from Jorge Cervantes this morning .....

Nol van Schaik is out of the French prison!!!!!!!!!! I just got off the
telephone with him. He got out yesterday, Sept. 1, 2004. He was picked up at
the Madrid airport when he arrived four months ago. The Spanish government
suspended all rescent international laws when the Crown Prince Felipe and
the Princess Letizia were married. This meant that they scrutinized
everybody that entered and exited the country, especially Madrid.

Nol had an old charge for smuggling 400 kg of hash through France 14 years
ago. The Spanish government wanted to wash their hands of the matter so they
extridited him to France, where he was held virtually incumunicado for 4

He had a trial hearing yesterday and during the proceedings his lawer
pointed out that he had never entered a plee and was convicted in absentia
and sentenced to 5 long years in prison.

Well, the French system fucked itself by not following their own rules and
they had to absolve him of any crimes. He is now a free man and can travel
anywhere he wants.

For those of you who do not know Nol, he is the owner of Willie Wortel's
Coffeeshops in Haarlem and the International Hemp Museum in Haarlem. He is
also the author of The Dutch Experience, a history of Dutch coffee shops.
Nol is one of my heroes and a real strong man. His mate Maruska stood by him
the entire time and thanks to her finding the proper legal council, he got

Nol was forced to sleep on a cold floor and was denied communication with
the outside world. Livestock is treated better than Nol was treated.

The first thing Nol said to me was "the other guys in prison with me are not
criminals and we need to think of them and get them out!"

Long live Nol van Schaik! Go to his website, www.hempcity.net for more
details on his case. It has not been updated yet, this is one of the first
notices of his release.

I do not know if this is the proper place to post this. Please move it to
another thread so that more people will learn the good news!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing that post Wally

Thanks for sharing that post Wally

Its good to hear some more good news about people being freed.

Good stuff mate,
Best regards,


Willie Wortels and Nol

Willie Wortels and Nol

Its great to hear that Nol has been freed.One of my dreams is to one day go to the IC cup and visit the seeds direct shop,and go to Haarlem and visit all the Willies.And meet Nol and Marcel.I've been reading about Nol for along time when i punched in Cannibus travel stories on the computer and came across an article about Nol and his lovely lady Maruska doing a travel and smoke report in Spain,ever since i have been intruiged by this man.He is a coffeeshop pioneer and has done alot for the movement.Great to hear you're free NOL!!! And that you are able to travel freely to where ever you want!www.hempcity.net has been updated with some new info on Nol and what hes up to next.Also read about how he head butted a French policeman when they attempted to arrest him for hash smuggling, great story.