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New Sunlight Supply Sun Hut (best tent on the market)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Something else I forgot to mention is seen in the last pic with the bent pole in it. That is the Dark Room 150 floor and if you notice the paper/cloth like thing, whatever it is, it is MOLDED.

Yea, mold.

Not sure if the new DR's (aka grow lab) have the same thing again, but I was really pissed when I saw that cuz it may have been contributing to my mold problems I had every now and then.


wow so i was gona buy a dr100 but now i think i want to get this.. even tho it is much much bigger and i dont know what im gona do with all that space..

:( uhh..


nice review

i love my dr40..even with a 150w hps in that small tent i can close all zippers and vents etc and turn out all the light in the room so its pitch black and i have 0000% light leaks in my DR. seems very well made as well . i know their are DR's and DR street versions which are cheaper versions..maybe some have the cheaper version dr's?


Power Armor rules
MrDizzle - I have two Darkroom tents and they do just fine. They contain 99% of the light, with only tiny leaks around stitching and zippers. If you want a completely light-proof environment then build a cabinet. Do not blame people with Darkroom tents giving their opinions that you purchased a "shitty" tent. Your slander only proves the obvious which is that hindsight is 20/20.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
nice review

i love my dr40..even with a 150w hps in that small tent i can close all zippers and vents etc and turn out all the light in the room so its pitch black and i have 0000% light leaks in my DR. seems very well made as well . i know their are DR's and DR street versions which are cheaper versions..maybe some have the cheaper version dr's?

Nope its definitely not the street version read before I ordered back in the day heh. I never owned the smaller ones, but they may seem sturdy for being small but the 4x4+ are probably made of the same stuff and its way too weak for that size of a tent. Somebody in the thread mentioned this earlier and I give a lot of credence to the theory of the small ones being ok and just large ones not good.

You can't bring a jon boat deep sea fishing and that is what my experience was with my DR and pretty much saw the same thing in their predecessor the Growlabs.


I believe the Sun Hut may be a fine tent, but to go as far as to call it the best on the market is a bit much.

My Growlab 120 is a 4x4 by the same people that make the Homebox tents and it is excellent. High quality thick durable plastic hinges (they send extras just in case one snaps, which they do not) connect powder coated (rust proof) connector tubes. It is a very sturdy design, right on par with what seems a durable setup from the Sun Huts.

Enjoy your Sun Hut, it looks to be a great tent, but there are other great tents as well.

HUH? GRowlab is shitty? I dont think so, I have a growlab and it works just fine, seams are good, zippers are good, sleeves work just fine, holds 100lbs from ceiling, windows, snap to put up. So thicker means better? I dont think that is a true fact, thicker means heavier, less flexible, harder to put up probally, more weight for no reason, Yes you have grown alot of flowers, but I dont see the difference in the two that makes any difference. More of ego stroking about how much smarter you are than everyone who owns another brand when in reality your tent may just be thicker or not? So thanks for the info, but maybe more interesting would be , the equipment you use, do you use a controller? soil grow? any problems with heat? what size exhaust fans? stuff like that.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes you have grown alot of flowers, but I dont see the difference in the two that makes any difference. More of ego stroking about how much smarter you are than everyone who owns another brand when in reality your tent may just be thicker or not?

Not going to argue with people that have not put them side by side. The difference is undeniable. Sorry, your opinion rests on the only tent you have and you can answer your own damn questions with comments like that.

Seems like the only one with an ego problem here is the one being offended by someone's review of 3 products they have hands on experience with. Smarter? huh? Take it somewhere else.


ICMag Donor
Thanks for all the great info 40amps! Thinking strongly about picking one of these up, especially since a ripper got a couple of my gals the other night. I think $240 is well worth the 4 x 4 Silver XL. I like the cinches on the vent and power holes as well as the dimpled reflective material. Zippers and seams look light-tight.
No outgassing issues is also a plus.

The Strain Man

just got my new sun hut for 220.00 its way thicker than my dr240w no light leaks the darkroom has small pin holes in it and some light leaks through the zippers the plastic corners in the darkroom and the poles that dont clip togeather was kind of weak the thing I love about the sun hut is the size it's like almost a 5x5. all I can say is do your home work before you buy.


I did A/B comparison in a store between Sunhut silver and Hydrohut silver. Sunhut is a better deal for the money, IMO. And when you look at how big the thing is and all the parts, compared to say a high quality backpacking tent, it's a screaming deal.

If you're a "hit and run op" type, who doesn't use the same spot more than a few shows, tents are pretty versatile. I'd prefer a room, but all the work going into rooms is essentially wasted when you change spots, plus you often have to re-do everything back to "normal".


i got burned by hydrohut on a 4x4 with the offgassing. the next big thing was darkroom which was innovative at the time, so i got the dr60 for veg and dr80 for flower.

both tents emit a small amount of glow and the dr80 has pinholes here and there. i try not to be in and out too much to avoid making pinholes on the door.

the sun hut looks pretty legit. i feel pretty bad about throwing my tents in the trash. is there a way to get them recycled?


ICMag Donor
Can anyone tell me if I need to suppliment CO2 when using a grow tent? Thanx in advance!!


I won't diss any other product by name but I have had issues ( off gassing and lost 2 strains because of this ) and resolved them by purchasing my Sunhut...which by the way is the white pvc lined hut with no issues. This tent is built like they should be built...tough!! If i had the choice at the time i would have rather had the silver lined unit, but they hadn't developed them yet.
