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New seed stock prices thru the roof!!


Dam the Big Kahuna is in here??How's everything Gypsie?? I have a question Ive been meaning to ask you..do you know roughly when you will recieve fresh stock of Nirvana seeds?? Most of them are sold out on your website...just wondering when you will have the more popular varieties back in stock..such as ak48,white rho,nrthern lgiht etc...


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Dam the Big Kahuna is in here??How's everything Gypsie?? I have a question Ive been meaning to ask you..do you know roughly when you will recieve fresh stock of Nirvana seeds?? Most of them are sold out on your website...just wondering when you will have the more popular varieties back in stock..such as ak48,white rho,nrthern lgiht etc...


...we have a few packs left in stock......and more on order....and I'm doing just fine man....thanks for asking..


IMO i don't see seed prices at bein to high at all as long as ther selling the real product

I'd spend the 160 on SSH from Mr.Nice ANYDAY bcus i kno for a fact i could find at least 1 keeper mama of the best potency n taste from jus droppin half the pack

Although i do see y other ppl would b mad buying seeds that are 8-10$s each (most companys only hav 10 per pack)if they only get 5 of 10 seeds germ n 2 of the 5 are female n only 1 a keeper

But in the end if u look at it n do ur studying u can find great genetics n really in a sense rip off the companies

If u bot SSH u could make F2's n keep mamas n u wouldn't ever need to buy another bag of seeds again so in the end 200 bucks for a lifetime of cannabis i ain't complainin:noway:

Jus my :2cents:


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....find one good female plant......clone her...

for a $10 seed......you could end up not having to ever buy good weed again ....for the rest of your life....how much is that worth?


The thing is I don't mind paying $50+ for a pack of seeds. Over $100 is out of my budget. It is just the way it is....
People have to realize that providing seeds is kind of risky business.....but there are seeds for everyone...


wat ppl dont realized is real breeders put ther life into makin these strains n stablizing them they've spent most ther lifes tryin to make these thngs perfect n we sit bak n complain bout prices

If Sam never crossed buds n Nev never made the seedbank the world of cannabis wuld b a hole lot dif.

i think wer luckythat we can get a bunch of strains that wuld usually take howard marks smuggling skills to get em instead now all we gotta do is go to a website n order


so all the people who dissed this thread ,have NO problem with price gouging?? when it rains is it OK for umbrellas to go up $100 each? if you mention your REALLY hungry at a resturant should they charge you more ?? we all know its a fact of life that we pay more than stuff is worth when we buy retail but we dont have to like it .its certainly ok for someone to write a thread about how it bothers them. imho i know alot of work and time goes into breeding stable seeds but anything over $10usd each seems like a total rip to me (unless its rare or limeted strain)... anyone who has pollenated a girl knows that a good size plant can throw THOUSANDS of seeds.. even at 1000 seeds at 10 bux a pop there still making 10 grand per plant!! also fems at $35 each could bring $35000 per plant or more .. just another 2cents ...


Active member
so all the people who dissed this thread ,have NO problem with price gouging?? when it rains is it OK for umbrellas to go up $100 each? if you mention your REALLY hungry at a resturant should they charge you more ?? we all know its a fact of life that we pay more than stuff is worth when we buy retail but we dont have to like it .its certainly ok for someone to write a thread about how it bothers them. imho i know alot of work and time goes into breeding stable seeds but anything over $10usd each seems like a total rip to me (unless its rare or limeted strain)... anyone who has pollenated a girl knows that a good size plant can throw THOUSANDS of seeds.. even at 1000 seeds at 10 bux a pop there still making 10 grand per plant!! also fems at $35 each could bring $35000 per plant or more .. just another 2cents ...

Yeah, seeds are overpriced period, even the $20 nirvana seeds... But thats the reality of a grey/black market. At least you should be getting 20/40/50+ seeds per pack at the prices they charge...


Yeah, seeds are overpriced period, even the $20 nirvana seeds... But thats the reality of a grey/black market. At least you should be getting 20/40/50+ seeds per pack at the prices they charge...

Exactly my point..for the ocst..and the size,quantity that a SINGLE plant produces..they should ATLEAST give more than 10 seeds..I mean come on..10?? And a single plant can hundreds if not THOUSANDS of seeds..and keep in mind these seeds are mass produces in large greenhouses...I say around 20-25 seeds...per pack..thats not such a big demand..the truth is its simply business...the demand is so HIGH..especially in countries like u.s.a..that the KNOW whatever the prices..well still HAVE to buy seeds..in a way theyr basically saying "YOU DONT LIKE THE PRICES,WELL TOO BAD..IM YOUR ONLY SOURCE OF SEEDS"...:dueling:

But thank good ness for seed boutqiue man..they have the LOWEST prices of ANY online seedbank..so that should be taken into consideration when buying seeds..other seedbank charge quite alot more for the same breeders and strains...:noway:

So yeah,GYPSIE..I really want to order some more nirvana seeds...PLEASE try to get more nirvana strains back in stock...also,is there ANY possible way you can lower the nirvana seeds prices a dollar or so..

I ask because alot of people such as myself use prepaid visa giftcards to order from your website..theres cards with $25 50$ and $100 value..if you drop the nirvana price to around 21 like you had it before..then a nirvana strain plus shipping is EXACTLY $25..not any odd number such as $26 etc..which would force us to buy the $50 card instead of the $25 card..

please conider it..thanks


...anyone who has pollenated a girl knows that a good size plant can throw THOUSANDS of seeds..
Yeah, and anyone who has had sterile seeds understands that the seeds and the time spent making them is worthless. What % of "...anyone who has pollenated a girl..." has kept backups of parent plants in 3+ locations to ensure the same product (seed) every time? What % have gone through dozens of combinations (saving copies of all parents in multiple locations) and grown out the progeny to see what works? Is that time/expense/effort worthless? Anyone can jam a flowering male in a room of flowering females, but it takes YEARS for the worth while breeders to get to that point with each strain, and it takes lots of effort to maintain that production. Do you think that the seed co's MAY have employees who need to make 30k/year to live? Is it wrong for the breeder/owner to pay them? "Sorry, but since each plant is capable of a thousand seeds, they are essentially worthless, and so is your time..."
And I guess there always will be the gap between weed dealers who are in a position to pay anything for seeds and the 'home grower' who just grows for fun, meds and entertainment.
Newsflash, the commercial guys buy seeds ONCE, if that. They find a clone that works for them, and that's it. The seeds are marketed to you and me and anyone who wants something new/special. Roofers buy pickups for work. It stands to reason that they are making money off of the truck, so the initial cost is irrelevant. Joe Homeowner wants the same size pickup to go back and forth to work, and to home depot on the weekends. Guess who buys the $20k truck with the vinyl seats and has it for 8 years and 250k miles? And guess who buys the $40k truck with the nav and the heated steering wheel, and turns it in after 3 years and 50k miles?

I bet the commercial guys aren't waiting on any new releases...

Rather than bitch that seeds are $10/per:
1. Make f2's. If you turn 10 seeds into 1k seeds, $10/per becomes $.10/per. And the weed is free.
2. Run bagseed. 100% of my f2's don't stay in house...
3. DON'T LOOK AT SEEDS THAT ARE $10/per. Don't worry about those of us that HAPPILY pay that for quality products + service. We are OK. :D

EDIT - How can people justify paying anything for f2's when they don't come packaged in a sample of the mother? :wink:
$3/seed for essentially bagseed is cool, but $10/seed for the real deal... :nono:


While I agree that prices are through the roof, one can always make f2's, and that's exactly what I will be doing with some of the expensive seeds I've acquired. $10 or even $15 per seed is fair assuming you will be f2ing them, setting yourself up with an unlimited supply. Breeders know that they will be losing customers in this way, so they must cover their asses by raising their prices.

For those that won't be making f2's, the prices can seem very high, but that is their loss.


rember that its reccomnded when doing f2 yourself to buy a true breeding strain such as a landrace indica from the middle east or landrace sativas from mexico,asia,etc..

The whole reason people dont like making f2 is when using strains that ARE NOT true breeding..meaning they are only hybrids..and when they make seeds..the genetic make up is "lost"..you either get sativa dom seeds or indica dom seeds...this is just a rule of thumb however..but yeah,buy a landrace strain..and the seeds will be 100% like their parents..

landrace gentics have beer "self breeding" for contless generations..I reccomnd a middle east indica such as:

Hindu Kush Hash Plant Maza i sharriff Aghani and any other "true" indica


Mobb brings up a good point. If you're going to do crosses for f2's, an IBL is always a good thing to have.


I think the problem with this is... too many people view cannabis seeds the same as tomato and pepper seeds. When they are NOT, even if they do come from a country or area where they are very similar.

Well they are the same thing more or less:

-Most breeders are legal farmers
-These farmers supply stores with product (in this case coffee shops)
-As a side business they sometimes sell seeds so often keeping stock for customers is not a priority. Getting real product out on the store shelves is.

This is exactly like farming. I said earlier, last Sunday we purchased year 1900 lineage vegetable seeds for $1 a pack. That's real lineage. Sacred lineage. But it doesn't have value because the seeds are simply a bi-product of teh actual vegetables. The seeds is simply no more than the Hard Rock cafe selling a T-Shirt.. it's a just a souvinere.. an ad.. a promo.. same as a bottle of your favorite resturuant sauce being sold in the grocery store.

This is how Cannabis seeds should be viewed. It should be viewed like farming because it *IS* the same as farming and the legitimate agrocultural industry. It's just at a very small scale where it is legal in this world, but it is non the less legal farming. Selling seeds in the UK is legal. It's' all legal.

Now what we are doing at home may not be, but from THEIR viewpoint everything they are doing is legal. We, the consumer, are the ones at risk, and people are beginning to find it insulting that certain farmers at NO RISK are PRICE FIXING seeds at over $100 for seeds that are NOT representative of the cuttings they use to supply the coffeeshops and usually have poor genetics and are/or unstable.

I'm growing 2 year old stock of Skunk #1 from Nirvana and they are the most uniform, stable genetics I have ever grown so price is not the only issue I realize that. I think we all do.

But somewhere along the way, seed breeders.. sorry.. marijuana farmers who breed seeds as a side business (lets call it what it actually is guys) somehow got together and thought that they could price fix a price outrageous profits for the 'bother' of making seeds available. That is an old, legacy idea that is outdated and not representative of the times that we are in when cannabis might soon be fully legalized in California and other places to follow.

The price is currently *SO HIGH*, that it's 1000's of times more expensive than the actual PRODUCT being sold! That is just rediculous and inexcusable.

would i still buy some of those MNS-neville haze if i could afford it? Hell yes i would.

I hope someone from Mr. Nice is reading the above statement from a potential customer. Add me to that long list too. If they want to make more money selling seeds, if they want more market share, if they want to make Gypsie more money, if they want to 'share the sacred herb' like that stuff he goes on about in his videos etc. then he would make it affordable for people to appreciate his years of work. It seems he is more interested in cash cropping a by product of his butter/hash supply to the coffee shops.

Now if places like Mandala, AnnaC, and Nirvana didnt exist, than I could understand you all bitching so much. But there are cheaper alternatives

The point is, there should not be +$100 seeds being sold anymore. It is not fitting with the times, and is uncompetative. It is price guaging and price fixing.

What would happen if I did Amnesia Haze f2's. 20 feminized seeds for $35. How do you think that would be recieved by the farmer of those seeds? Not very well I assure you. Why? Becuase he wants to hold his monopoly. The f2's will never be the same as his f1's, but you will find keepers out of 20 fem seeds. Regardless, he would threaten to pull out of any seedbank I'd want to deal with, he would call the police on me, and who knows what else. He would try to shut me down. I'm trying to say, these are just plants and only genetics. His main concern should be supplying coffee shops (besides all the vacations).

Ultimately it's a plant, they grow, there are seeds as a bi product. This is farming. Some make their seeds available, others do not. They're just seeds and plants. It's all legal for them.

If I do yield 1000 Amnesia Haze fem seeds this fall, watch me donate them to Gypsie under the condition they are sold for $5 for 10 seeds on the auction for a donation for him... or given as freebies for any seeds BELOW $50 to entice people not to support, crazy, over price seeds. (yes I paid too much for the Amnesia Haze but never again).

I'm a nobody I know, and my opinion doesn't hold weight, but I'll announce now that I'm hearby boycottinng Mr. Nice seedbank, Soma Seeds, and Sensi seeds. I will no longer support the old, legacy, 1990's way of doing things. Turst me I can afford all these seeds till the cows come home. It's a difference between right or wrong and doing the fair thing for consumers. No different then any other type of price fixing (gasoline, etc).

I will not support this price fixing, and will not support any high price seeds. I will only be trading and buying seeds around $50 becuase that's the price that we all agree is 'fair' as a max right now in 2009.

Hmm.. $50. Ah yes. The 2008 Cannabis Cup winner is available fem for that price. Someone has the right idea moving forward into 2010.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
For teh lulz...
You can buy a used Harley.
You can buy a used guitar.
A used escort? Maybe.
Used seeds?

On a more serious note. If seed prices were really driven by demand they'd be way higher than they're now.
The icmag fundraiser is a good example for what people are willing to pay.
In that light most breeders are actually selling their stock for less than the market value. Think about it.
What I don't get is all the complaining while it's rather easy to do something about it. Just look at Nirvana's business model, it's not so hard to do...

And I guess there always will be the gap between weed dealers who are in a position to pay anything for seeds and the 'home grower' who just grows for fun, meds and entertainment.

Ummm you cant clone a harlely
clone a guitar???
clone an escort???
also u cant breed harely's or guitars but u can breed hookers...


50 dollars for how many? 1? 5? 18?

Enjoy the boycott, thank you for leaving more packs for the serious growers. Let us know how that works out for you. If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed.
I hope someone from Mr. Nice is reading the above statement from a potential customer. Add me to that long list too. If they want to make more money selling seeds, if they want more market share, if they want to make Gypsie more money, if they want to 'share the sacred herb' like that stuff he goes on about in his videos etc. then he would make it affordable for people to appreciate his years of work. It seems he is more interested in cash cropping a by product of his butter/hash supply to the coffee shops.
I'm not from MrN, but I'm a customer for life because of the way I was personally treated by the owner/breeder. I have said it before, and I will say it again, Shanti does not care about market share, or about net sales, or about gross profits. He has said as much. The point of MrN Seed Co is to get the best genetics, selected over 25+ years now, to the growers that want them. The profit is a byproduct. That's why the strains have names like afghan/sk x afghan/haze, sk x haze, eq x haze... There is no hype. There are dank strains, almost twice per pack than anyone else gives the grower, and a promis that if it ain't right, dood will make it right. Don't believe me that profit is irrellevant? Go to the MrN boards and start talking about releasing seeds, and crossing this and that, and you get ENCOURAGED. When you do the same on a website that is a profit vehicle (like this one), it gets edited out. Good, bad or indifferent, this site makes money by driving sales to GN's seedsites. I wouldn't have bought seeds there if I didn't come here first...

AND no MrN seeds are more than $9/per. (160/18seeds = $8.89 a seed)

Lol, 53 dollars for 5 female seeds. EXACTLY five seeds, and no opportunity to make more. $10/seed. For genetics of unknown origin, from a company that does not provide support to 300million people.
Hmm.. $50. Ah yes. The 2008 Cannabis Cup winner is available fem for that price. Someone has the right idea moving forward into 2010.
...at $10.60 a seed...


ICMag Donor
RE: F2s

Breeding etiquette should follow the simple rule that F2's from another breeders stock are NOT sold. It's simply not credible to sell a rip-off of someone else's work without the original breeders consent / permission. Most F2's that circulate therefore go out as freebies... via underground collectives and online seed outlets.

RE: seed prices

Expensive genetics are usually exclusive/limited or extremely reliable like Jack Herer. The people investing in these genetics usually grow 'mother to clone' as either commercial growers or connoisseurs... so the cost is usually relevant.

Keep it real :canabis:


Quick bit of math here...
Crush would rather piss and moan that seeds are too expensive while paying 19% more per seed than the most expensive MrN seed.

LOL, what are you boycotting, common sense? Have at it, Hoss.

barletta ---> [out]