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Most narcotic strain against insomnia



i have try som different high cbd strains
also normal strong indicas

i have insomnia many years.
My medicine dont bite anymore

i have only grow one plant that got med sleep heavy and pretty quick. It was super narcotic.
Problem it was from a mixpack seeds, dont know name :(

Please suggest me an easy grow super narcotic strain .
i really need sleep

best regards jrelax
Biker Kush from Karma Genetics can put people to sleep. My tolerance is pretty high, and this is the only one I trust to help me sleep in emergencies. It also doubles as a magnificent smoke. My favorite is to take it in a one gram joint with a gram's worth of freshly pressed rosin (of Biker Kush of course) wiped on the inside of the paper. Nighty-night

Come to think of it, I give my insomnia patient this one. I often forget about that because half an ounce for a light smoker has been lasting for a good 9 months now lol. All he needs is a one-hitter dose and he's resting like the dead. I'm actually writing this as I'm waiting for the Biker Kush rosin I'm vaping to put me asleep.

Best of luck, I've seen first hand what this disorder can do. I hope you get your life back as quickly as is possible.



Active member
I've tried quite a lot of strains, something around 150 not including siblings, F2s, etc. and average about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. From my experience it's not about going to bed high as you'll get conditioned like one of Pavlov's bitches to the herb to get any sleep at all but more about being burned out both physically and mentally. So instead of giving you strain advice what I'm going to recommend is putting in a full day's effort to exhaust your body and then find some weed that burns you out with the comedown. It would honestly be better to put in an equal mental effort to the physical one but if you can't do it get some weed that has a really shitty comedown and quit smoking at least an hour or two before bedtime. Really make it a drawn out process that feels like shit the whole time and the second your head hits the pillow both mind and body will let out a sigh of comfort and release which will have you nodding off in no time at all.

If that doesn't sound too appealing make some cannabutter out of all the shade leaf you can and then make it into cookies or whatever. It'll barely get you high but will definitely bring on a yawning fit and then some.

Oh and as a final recommendation if you vape your weed you can collect up all the vape poo, aka spent material which smells, tastes and looks like shit, and put it in some gel caps. I recommend getting 00 sized caps and a packing machine to help the process along. Those pills will barely get a buzz going unless you take like 8 of them but if you take say 3 or 4 it tends to creep up on you until the high simply feels like going to bed would be the best thing ever. It's almost like couch lock but without the high, without the lock and a bed instead of the couch. That said you absolutely will not dream on them and the quality of sleep is pretty damn shitty to say the least. I've never once woken up from them feeling reinvigorated and ready to take on the day but if you absolutely must get some sleep that night they work wonders for dropping me like a sack of potatoes.

Good luck and I hope you get the night of sleep you need and deserve.

St. Phatty

Active member
I've had recent good results from Blueberry Headband.

I remember a few years ago I was surprised that a G13 combination, G13 x Hashplant x G13 x Cinderella, created not just a strong buzz but also ... if I smoked it at night, 1/2 hour later, I'd fall asleep.


Well-known member
About once or twice a month I have a hard time sleeping for a few nights. Figured out it helps to eat some LSD and stay up all night listening to music or getting stuff done in the garden. Next week or so I sleep so well.

As for strains.... Not into the sleepy ones. Querkle has knocked me out. Grand daddy purps usually makes me sleepy. Tried a back of black domina and could not stand it. About half hour after smoking I could feel sadness wash over me and the days was just crap after that.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
About once or twice a month I have a hard time sleeping for a few nights. Figured out it helps to eat some LSD and stay up all night listening to music or getting stuff done in the garden. Next week or so I sleep so well.

As for strains.... Not into the sleepy ones. Querkle has knocked me out. Grand daddy purps usually makes me sleepy. Tried a back of black domina and could not stand it. About half hour after smoking I could feel sadness wash over me and the days was just crap after that.

Nice. Reminds me of my days in high school in northern ca...:dance013::dance013:



Autistic Diplomat in Training
My solution for this has always been overripe flowers. A couple times in the past I've let plants run past the 15% amber I prefer (I grow indoor). The results at 50% or more amber have been super narcotic, unable to stay awake, cannabis.

Start with something like Sensi Star and let it run until it's mostly amber trichomes. Should only take a puff or two and you'll be lights out in 15 minutes. ;)


Pyramid Anesthesia = NLxBD

delicious, super calming instant effect, super smooth,potent yet never over powering even at high doses, just maximum chill. great indica


Well-known member
i did some research months ago and found those:

Bubba Kush
Black Domina
Granddaddy Purple
Northern Lights
Skywalker Kush
The Black
Sugar Black Rose
White Rhino

haven't tried any yet, but i'm very interested of them. i'm searching for morning/day-time sativa/hybrid and evening/night indica/hybrid and also for bad nights something really narcotic stuff. probably i will over-ripe 1/4 stuff to 20-50% ambers.

if someone know more about sleepy strains, tell it for us, thank you!


Active member
i myself am also looking for a heavy down indica.
when i say heavy down indica i mean couchlock/bodystone, short-term memory loss, munchies, red eyes, giggles.

so far i tried (2017-2018):
1. sweet seeds s.a.d. s1 (black domina selfed) - nope
2. freedom of seeds - dr. kush (purple kush s1?) - nope
3. paradise seeds - dutch kush - nope.

next move would be taskenti but i m not able to grow atm.

anyway, i'd be glad if someone suggest something _actually_ couchlock, based on personal experience and from seeds which are readily available as of 2018. i got no couchlock, munchies, memory loss from those above, just chill herb.

St. Phatty

Active member
I think it helps to have access to more than one strain when you're having trouble sleeping.

Of course I think it's good to have access to more than one strain - all day !

One of the best strains I've ever had for a late night smoke was Brothers Grimm White Widow.


The best plant had a smell like Frangelica, the Hazelnut Liqueur.

I also had good luck insomnia wise with a G13 double cross, G13 x Hashplant, crossed with G13 x C99 (from BCGA).


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Active member
i myself am also looking for a heavy down indica.
when i say heavy down indica i mean couchlock/bodystone, short-term memory loss, munchies, red eyes, giggles.

so far i tried (2017-2018):
1. sweet seeds s.a.d. s1 (black domina selfed) - nope
2. freedom of seeds - dr. kush (purple kush s1?) - nope
3. paradise seeds - dutch kush - nope.

next move would be taskenti but i m not able to grow atm.

anyway, i'd be glad if someone suggest something _actually_ couchlock, based on personal experience and from seeds which are readily available as of 2018. i got no couchlock, munchies, memory loss from those above, just chill herb.
You want strains that have lots of myrcene in them. That is the compound in cannabis that will make you sleepy. There're some test results from USA in the internet, if you can find them, that can help you find some of those myrcene-rich strains.

Harvesting plants really late will help abit to make them more stoney, but it won't do miracles, so it's better to look for genetics that are naturally stoney. But sure, you wanna harvest your sleep-smokes later than you'd normally would.

For narcotic effect i suggest you try Afghan Kush from World Of Seeds. I grew some of these from their original release and some plant s were quite narcotic. They seemed to have changed the line abit cause the old version has different looking seeds to the seeds they are selling nowadays, but i'm sure it's still worth to look into it. The seeds don't cost too much; under 25 euros per 10 regular seeds.
I have few packs of the "new version" also but i haven't grown any yet.

Thou not the most narcotic smoke, I found a keeper in CBD Critical Cure from Barney's Farm that is one of the best sleep meds i have smoked. It won't put you to sleep right away, but once you fall asleep it keeps you sleeping better than many other strains i have tried. I think it has a good bit of myrcene in it.
CBD-rich weed helps you calm down and give you more "centered" feeling, and the effect is not so rushy/over powering than with THC-only smokes. You can also mix CBD-rich smokes with THC-only weed to make your own blends.



Active member
...You want strains that have lots of myrcene in them. That is the compound in cannabis that will make you sleepy. There're some test results from USA in the internet, if you can find them, that can help you find some of those myrcene-rich strains...

I've been down that route but cali scene consists of clones onlies so there is not much meaning to that unless you have access to verified clones.i mean terpene profiles are almost always for clones. and i'm not from us. when it comes to seeds, i don't know if any breeder provides average terpene content for their strains. otherwise my tries gave no results, as all those 3 i mentioned are supposed to be myrcene-dominant and yet give no couchlock. thanks for an afghan kush suggestion. it was among my list but nobody could validate how is the smoke, same with nirvana's aurora indica.. some say couchlock others say nope, have changed or what i dunno. let us know if you'll compare old and new version of wos afghan kush.