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FYI i'll be getting a 400 hps very soon. i can't skip on this, because like someone said "months of work for what whould last me about 2 weeks" is devastatingly bad. i'll be a little broke after that... so sugar water is all i'll be feeding for a while
thats gotta be the nicest plant i've seen here... don't even gotta ask i bet its that sdibl... man ... nice f-ing leaves bro... how you got it to do that i'd like to know...
well, 7 seedlings have their head above the soil. 5 of them are showing marijuana leaves, so i guess things are looking pretty good. last time i grew skunky haze, they loved the outdoor weather. so i might move them if they grow too slowly.
outdoor for sure especially in your part of the world man...you can seriously get a 400 and veg the hell out of plants and flower them outdoors for monster yield...peace
Today confirmed 10/10 germination. 2 are still stuck in the shell. 1 other is of week growth. The other 7 have marijuana leaves. Looking good!
i'm probably going to order super tea in the next couple of days. i left the light on 24hours for the first day, the light will be left off for 6 hours and 18/6 will resume from now on. budswell is 0-7-0 don't plants need more potassium during flowering? i guess pbp soil formula is best, might do that.
High Mountain Compost arrived yesterday and today I could not resist transplanting a couple of sick seedlings into new jiffy's with the spent substrate and some perlite. They are looking better already. Also it was nice to see what the roots were looking like. I did also transplant a healthy seedling into the HMC. This will be fun to report on, I spent $45 for the stuff hopefully its the bomb!
All plants appear to be thriving in HMC.
I saw what can happen when a plant doesn't get a lot of light.
After 5 days, 2 plants had new leaves. Fed 1 or 2 times with molasses.
Leaves are eating up a lot of moisture in their humidome.
Humidome has to be sprayed with molasses water, 15 times daily.
Carbon dioxide implementation starts tomorrow (experimental.)
Some plants are losing cotyledon (turning dark green to black and wilting.)
Leaves are robust. Foil was added to increase light efficiency. When should I feed them small dose of Guano Company Super Tea?
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Need PBP Soil (or budswell+meta-k)Formula...
PAR Watts...
Anybody got used equipment to refurbish??? PM me.
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Changed my setup from Vertical use of the tubes, to Horizontal. They seem to have enjoyed this adjustment. Its cooler, more accessible... Those Big Bang seeds are something.. growth pattern of the leaves indicates something that is "1 of a Kind." Skunky Haze is a competitor in the room...
some zinc deficiency.. wondering if cal mag can fix this..
PAR watter arriving soon hopefully...
sorry there are no pics yet.. i think no matter what you will be surprised in the end...
Peace Love The Journey


actully spent $45 on like 10-15 pounds of "Mushroom food"

all it is, is really really high Nitrogen, Horse manure with bone meal, gypsum, super phosphates, maby some urea, lime, molasses, and hay.

for the price you spent on it, you could of made 2-300 pounds worth easy, you just have to compost it. PH is about 7 to for mushrooms so you might wanna ph-it.

let me know how it works out, I have a heaping pile of it just waiting for portabellas.
mmm portabellas...

well i don't know whats going to work best..
of all the pictures i've seen... there's some bias i must say...
i'm leaning towards perlite/vermic watered with my homebrewed tea pH adjusted...

homebrewed tea is:

Some very good composts from around...
Budswell (flowering)
Cal Mag
Hydroguard (don't know what to do with this 1, for my rez?)
Clearex (does this stuff really work?)
don't seem to comprehend supplementing potassium the best way without overdoing it
guess its all in the compost?

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