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More Big Money plans to invade the Emerald Triangle


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
is there a property list i want to buy some property out there for my lil resort.. Only at my resort golf will be a full contact sport.. Yes hitting other humans while playing golf now that would be fun.. Also on every hole there will be a hot ass chick waiting to wash your balls... :D and before every hole bongs, vapes and joints will be ready to puff at lil kiosks along with brewski's... the golf carts will be tricked with 22's and loud ass focking stereo systems bumping fly like a G6!!! :D ohh the possibilities... peace n pufs..



Do you suppose if they legalized cannabis that many tobacco smokers would switch?

I meant that tobacco is legal, and nobody grows their own because it's cheaper to buy it from an agricultural company. If it were legal, people would still probably grow their own pot, but there wouldn't be any money in it. For all we know the suits would lobby the government to make it illegal for people to grow their own at home. They're probably lobbying for that now, fucks that they are.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I meant that tobacco is legal, and nobody grows their own because it's cheaper to buy it from an agricultural company. If it were legal, people would still probably grow their own pot, but there wouldn't be any money in it. For all we know the suits would lobby the government to make it illegal for people to grow their own at home. They're probably lobbying for that now, fucks that they are.

People can grow their own tobacco but most people WANT the additives. Smoke a cigarette from big tobacco and then smoke a cigarette rolled with all natural tobacco, they are worlds apart. Marijuana is NOT the same. Nobody would want additives in their mj.


Active member
actually tobacco is cheaper to grow yourself. but without paying the man you can only grow so much

Lots of people grow their own tobacco. Just most don't, just like most people don't grow their own weed, or brew their own beer. You can grow a ton of tobacco at home in the US, just don't sell any of it and nobody is gonna say anything.


Active member
thats bs . i lived on a farm and wanted to grow 5 acres worth. my local aggie guy advised me i couldnt without paying the man. they want their tobacco tax money


Active member
From Humboldt Living:

In order to compete in the post-legalization world of corporate entities and government taxation many have suggested (including Humboldt Living) an official Humboldt marijuana brand name. The following is the basics for creating a 1000 growers cooperative based in Humboldt County.

The high-grade marijuana will be produced in the outdoor terroir of Humboldt County under strict organic guidelines and will be called Humboldt Gold. It will be 2% of the overall statewide demand and target the high-end niche market (essentially the same price that is currently paid). Humboldt Gold will be sold in recycleable glass jars in 1/4 ounce, 1/2 ounce and full ounce containers. The price per pound for dispenaries will be $3300. This accounts for the $800 legalization tax, $500 of charitable donations and $400 in official Humboldt Gold Cooperative testing, certification, packaging, marketing and sales. It also includes a $200 per pound minimum wage for all trimmers. This leaves the landowner / grower with a net profit of $1500 per pound with a strict maximum of 42 pounds per year. Each grower can therefore net $63,000 per year.

All marijuana produced under the Humboldt Gold seal of approval will require the following:

* Marijuana must be produced within the Humboldt County borders.
* At least a 20% THC content verified by the HG testing labs on a per pound basis.
* 100% organic growing techniques and fertilizers certified by HG inspectors on a weekly basis and by thorough final product testing.
* A mold-free certification for each pound produced.
* A mite-free certification for each pound produced.
* A moisture content in the 12-15% range for all packaged marijuana.
* Strict adherence to the HG officially sanctioned drying and curing process.
* A air-tight and moisture-proof glass jar with tamper-proof packaging.
* A printed listing of both the certified strain, strain history, regional designation and a production date.
* A 16.8% charitable donation
* A minimum wage paid to all trimmers.
* A $50 per Ounce Tax to fulfill the California State Law.

The following is the pricing breakdown per pound of marijuana as it will be distributed to the various entities of the marijuana cooperative:


i like this structure.....if they would have put something like this in prop19 i would have voted yes. that 800 dollar tax is too greedy thogh it should be standard 10%...there will be so many growers willing to sell outdoors at black market prices to get around the tax...

and i dont think a golf course is really invading the triangle, they are gonna need to stock up with locally grown herb to supply at the gold course unless they grow their own on site. god damn can you imagine that, playing 18 holes IN a freaking outdoor garden...

a more serious invasion would be big pharma buying huge tracts of land and starting to build massive green houses and outdoor feilds...that would send most momnpop out of business you would have to go underground moving lbs to non med states to survive....


i like this structure.....if they would have put something like this in prop19 i would have voted yes. that 800 dollar tax is too greedy thogh it should be standard 10%...there will be so many growers willing to sell outdoors at black market prices to get around the tax...

and i dont think a golf course is really invading the triangle, they are gonna need to stock up with locally grown herb to supply at the gold course unless they grow their own on site. god damn can you imagine that, playing 18 holes IN a freaking outdoor garden...

a more serious invasion would be big pharma buying huge tracts of land and starting to build massive green houses and outdoor feilds...that would send most momnpop out of business you would have to go underground moving lbs to non med states to survive....

I think that would be the unstated but intentional effect. This would "protect" our "No on 19 growers" from declining product value. We all know growing doesnt even cost $800/lb even if you waste electricity and by AN nutes and goodies, therefore our "friends" so opposed to legalization can protect their way of life. Not to mention our outdoor friends who dont have to pay for sunlight.

As it is, oz prices are still dropping like mad($200/oz delivered to Bay Area from Mendo) for top shelf and high grade. I laugh as I drive by the nearest dispensary and see rubes paying 60+tax for 8ths.

Outdoor pharma weed will be seeded by intentional ruderalis guerrilla anti-pharma planters. Game over. Pollen is a bitch aint it? Industrial Hemp might by the thing that kills outdoor plants and keeps indoor farmers prices high and happy.


Active member
^yea i see rich lee foreseeing the pollen dumps..the vents to the warehouses are probably super filtered...and there mega outdoor grows will be gaurded like military bases.

but that wont stop me and my dad flying over in a cessna 172 and dumping bags of pollen out the window lol..i doubt they will invest in SAM sites..

i went to harborside the other week..they wanted 395 dollars for an OZ of high grade indoor blue dream. i almost shit myself...in the flood! on the street in san fran OZs are going for 160-180 to the street dealer guys. only the headstash OG kush still fetches 250 an OZ or over 32...

other clubs in SF have OZs but they are still charging 300+....yet tons of people still overpay its not like the inner circles where everyone has pot and is desperate to dump it. kids who used to take 5 packs are now trying to sell their plugs 5 packs....its crazy out here.


Overkill is under-rated.
I'm not gonna be surprised if someone starts doing this all over Norcal next year, the crazy amounts of outdoor weed are flooding the west coast with cheap herb, and its getting worse every year. How many guys are growing thousands of pounds of OD? Greed will get nipped in the bud at some point.

Madrus Rose

post 69
i went to harborside the other week..they wanted 395 dollars for an OZ of high grade indoor blue dream. i almost shit myself...in the flood! on the street in san fran OZs are going for 160-180 to the street dealer guys. only the headstash OG kush still fetches 250 an OZ or over 32...

stand outside HS & take those ppls phone numbers ! ;)
(actually met some pretty good guys a few yrs back
waiting for BlueSky to open )

other clubs in SF have OZs but they are still charging 300+....yet tons of people still overpay its not like the inner circles where everyone has pot and is desperate to dump it. kids who used to take 5 packs are now trying to sell their plugs 5 packs....its crazy out here.

its getting pretty scary out there, but when the going gets weird , the weird go professional . Bout all u can do is get farther up into the 1% of the top 1% as rez mentioned over on this
thread:<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tcat width="100%">"cali strain scene washed up, what do people want"

btw, hav seen 10x the demand for SourD than OG in the past yr . Unfortunately most of the SourD is pretty tame , what i call "baby's bottom & talcum powder" , instead of road-kill fueled dank ! You find that u hav the ticket to ride .



Active member
thats bs . i lived on a farm and wanted to grow 5 acres worth. my local aggie guy advised me i couldnt without paying the man. they want their tobacco tax money

What I said isn't BS, you can grow all the tobacco for your own personal needs and the people you live with. 5 acres is a shit ton lol, and certainly more than any reasonable household would need. Not that it isn't still bs that you'd have to pay taxes on it if you arn't trying to sell it.


shut the fuck up Donny
Cry me a river. Most people who are up there are just into it for the money and will be turning to hard core drugs to make money when cannabis is legal and taxed or they will move to a non legal state.

Why not start your own plans for industry? Why sit back and cry about someone else doing what you wish you could do? Just do it. Get up, get out and do something.

You are telling me if you had the money and the idea, you would just pass it up because you are "big business"? Get real.

Why not realize this is the next California bubble and use your knowledge and expertise to join in and make some money too(before the bubble pops)? Or do you really have the thought that nobody will be able to compete? Yeah because the ONLY burger places that are good or even in business are chains...right???

Get real.


And to be honest humboldtlocal, many growers would consider you not too far from being big business judging from the size of your grow. I know if I lived in the same town as you I wouldn't be psyched about the size of your garden. You should jump on the train before the "big businesses" your referring to do.


shut the fuck up Donny
seems goodluck is not hard to come by_a few buddies are getting 4500+++ all day long with not a single complaint..EVER! when your stuff is better then the rest_people will pay for the Best!


lol. 4500 for outdoor in northern california? (or all of california for that matter)? no.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
LOLOL Probably East Coast...

It feels good to boast when it's such a difference.

They sacrifice for the hopes of a 215 there...


shut the fuck up Donny
4500 for outdoor anywhere in the USA these days are pushing it hardcore. Even some rural town on the east coast with dumb rich kids wouldn't pay 4500. You'd have to be totally clueless.