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MoonshineMan Mix grow, question about leaf spots...


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So i started these LowLife Blue Berry's from seed a little over 4 weeks ago and there just starting to show signs of "stress" for lack of a better word. I have 5 femmales in 1 gallon bags of MoonshineMan Mix,.. just an equal mix of the 3 soil types in the above article, nothing else. And i've only been adding pH adjusted water every other day on average. I want to know not only how to stop what you see in the pics from getting worse and also how to max out this grow and get the best results out of it as i figure ive only got 4-5 weeks till harvest.





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Hi ... i actually JUST posted a question in the MSM mix thread myself.

From reading through , its common that after about 30 days or so many of the nutrients become depleted and you have to start supplementing.

One of the most common things seems to Calcium and Magnesium deficiency which is what my plants are going through right now. Although the white rhino has the Mag DEF and the Williams Wonder has the Cal def.

So i'd look into possibly adding an organic liquid fert bloom formula and some cal/mag possibly.

all the best


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hmm,.. see on that middle picture with the leaf tips turned up, i was thinking over feeding,.. i read that can be a problem sometimes since the soil is so rich,.. also lowlife blue berry is suppose to really hate over feeding, at least that's what drchronics site says. So im real hesitant to ADD anything and burn them more if that is the pro, ya know Dreamscape? Two are looking great, no spots at all, so i wouldn't do a thing to them regardless, if it ain't broke don't fix it right?
One more thing i think i should point out to help with a proper diagnosis,.. i went to the gallon bags about 2 weeks ago, prior to that i had them in big cups, so i kinda find it hard to believe there gallon of MSM is tapped out already ya know? I'm going to take better pics now...


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Here are some more better pics to make an assessment of there ailment from,.. remember these are from 2 or 3 different plants, so it might be more then one thing,.. even though they've all been grown the same way.

Please let me know what you think each looks like, over feeding or a nute defic or whatever,..










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pictures 1, 2, and 5 are the same plant,.. 3,4 and 7 are the same plant also. maybe burn for 3,4,7 and cal/mag defic for 1,2,5? I don't know that's just my n00b guess. Please help, really counting on this crop to be good!! :)


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ya i have it bookmarked,.. lol... after consulting it that's what made me think calcium magnesium deficiency for pic's 1, 2 and 5,.. and since pics 3, 4 and 7 look a little different I was thinking nutrient burn for them,.. I really like to get confirmation from someone else before I go ahead and do anything, I don't want to make the problem worse you know :)
So I think were in agreement that calcium and magnesium deficiency in definitely part of the problem, but would you say nutrient burn for the other or do you still think it is also calcium and magnesium deficient?


The only thing I can really say with any certainty is that if you've been in the same batch of MSMix for 30days + its starting to run low on majority of its nutrients. again , if you read through that LONG thread it comes up multiple times.

Other than that my next guess is that the other ones are beginning mag deficiencies maybe mixed with a bit of burn in there.


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ya see but that's the thing, I've only been in the 1 gallon bags for 14 days not 30, and with what looks like some burn in some areas I find it hard to believe that calcium and or magnesium are running low. I mean I guess it's possible they could be sucking on those two chemicals harder, in fact I know MJ likes those two a lot, but it just seems weird that such a notoriously rich mix would run low of them so fast especially with such very small plants as the lowlife blue berry im growing,.. I don't know,.. I'm going to add some Cal/Mag or piece of mind to the one in the picture 5 right now because that one looks to me the most like the calcium deficient plant in the picture on the sick plant thread but other then that girl i don't know what to do with the others.


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ok i added a 1/4 cup of Peace of Mind to all 3 plants showing signs of,.. well whatever there showing signs of in the pictures above.. lol
it has cal and mag in it among other things so i thought it would be good,.. directions call for 1/2 cup for plants 1-2 foot tall but since these ladies are only a foot max i went with 1/4. Sure hope this helps stop whatever happening.

PS: I noticed the problems are with the three tallest plants, so maybe they are lacking something more so then nute burned since they obviously ate more :)

Hopefully they respond well from the feeding and if so ill add some to the smaller 2 ladies before anything starts showing on the leaves.


Keep me updated :)

I remember someone had top fed with their peace of mind and watered it in when the hey had a cal/mag def ... I think hahaha :joint:


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Ya i have liquid cal/mag i could have used,.. and i don't see why it wouldn't be considered "organic" it just being cal and mag,.. but since it don't SAY organic on it and MSM says to just add peace of mind i went with peace of mind since it does have cal/mag in it,.. among other things. Just trying to walk in the exact same foot prints others who've had success have made :)


yeah I added some more molasses to mine with the cal/mag deficiencies ... we'll see what happens.

So far the one SSH i have isn't taking to it ... at all. Its only getting worse. Next step will be to just do a straight water flush and take it from there.

the issue with the Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Blackstrap molasses i'm using is that its nearly double the amount of potassium in the regular grandmas and brier rabbit molasses.

AND it is said that too much potassium can cause a Cal/Mag lockout ... so again if my feeding from last night didn't work i'm just going to flush and go from there.

I probably should have just done the peace of mind like is recommended in the thread but oh well ... another lesson :)


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I'm interested to know what if any additional problems are acuring from your use of molasses. I tried it once a few months ago in a crazy hydro system i was experimenting with and it seemed to me that the lower leaves within a day turned really really yellow from it. I posted about it here actually: http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2767751#post2767751 but never got much response. I toyed with the idea of trying it again in my current soil grow because i really want to max out this crop and make it the best ive ever grown but im even more scared to now that you're saying your girls aren't taking to it.

As for my problems i guess only time will tell if things don't get worse,.. not like any spots already there are ever going to go away right :)

PS: I remember you said you were growing white rhino and Williams Wonder, whats SSH?


Yeah ... I think I may be experiencing cal/mag lockout from too much potassium. The molasses has alot of potassium and considering how hot the MSMix already is , it MIGHT be causing my yellowing bottom leaves.

Gonna flush out tomorrow and see what happens.


Super Silver Haze

It doesn't appear that my molasses feeding has reversed anything ... i'm not even sure if the leaves would revert back to normal green state anyways ??

Anyhow ... I flushed out my 8 children ... not a super crazy flush but a good medium flush. We'll see what happens ...

For now here are some pics of the 6 that have it the worst. It looks like they each might be going through something a little different. Although i'm fairly positive one of the ww9 is a mag def along with the white rhino. And the Bubblicious is a Cal def. Not quite positive what the others are ... maybe a mix.

The first two are Williams Wonder IX-1 from REZ.


This next one is a C4 from Chimera

Bubblicious from Nirvana

Super Silver Haze

White Rhino from Nirvana

Hopefully that flush does the trick to stop these defs from spreading ... Although i'm sure i'm going to have to start supplementing with some type of liquid fert.

For now i've stopped my use of Liquid Karma and Hygrozyme. Part of me thinks that there is a slim possibility that the hygrozyme may have cause a nute burn. Because the hygrozyme turns all the dead matter in the medium into food and feeds it to the plant. So since the MSMix is so hot as it is , purhaps it was like over feeding ??? Dont quite know ...

From here on out , especially with the MSMix , i'm going to follow the saying "less is more" ... I didnt do anything but water for the first 3 weeks and then i started playing with addatives so i'll just go back to the basics from here on out.

best of luck :)


Also ... after going through the ph fluctuations section of this photo site :


It seems that I may just be having pH issues ... I've haven't checked the run off yet ...

I had assumed that with the 3 cups of dolomite lime I added and the pH'd water I feed it would be all set.


Considering #1. Its been a solid 40 days since I added the MSMix so the nutes are getting lower which means the pH should be going more alkaline if my memory is correct.

#2. I started adding molasses and liquid karma and hygrozyme to the feed with water that I pH'd to mid 6's after mixing... and never tested the run off water because I had assumed with the dolomite lime in there it would buffer the pH.

#3. Under "potassium" deficiencies I saw some pictures that looked similar to some of the ones above and there is just no way , with the use of that blackstrap molasses, that I wasn't feeding enough potassium so again it makes me think pH lockout is a possibility.

#4. I did notice that when I left some water + molasses mix in a container for a few days it was pH'd in the mid 6's BUT when I went back a couple days later to use the same mix I pH tested it again just to make sure and it had actually gone quite acidic , just from sitting around so it makes me wonder what may be happening to the soil.

Back to testing the runoff water pH.


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hey!.. did that yellow in the very first pic start AFTER you added the molasses by chance?? I'm just wondering because that looks exactly like what mine looked like after i added molasses,.. hydro setup though.


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mine aren't looking any better, in fact getting worse,.. lower leaves only so far,.. i wonder at what point the plant just starts dying and some lower leaf change is natural though,.. oh and to answer one of your Q's no the color wont go back to green ever,.. i do remember reading that somewhere.


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here are some pic's of just how far south mine have gone,.. i should have taken some of the buds at the top,.. these are all lower leaf pics, the buds are getting there i just hope the problems below don't catch up to um b4 there harvestable. I haven't tested my runoff yet either,.. i think we both should and report back. Not that anyone other then us two are trying to figure this out, lol ..two blind guys in the dark over here would love some input from fellow MSM'ers out there :joint:





now that i look at our picks on the same page maybe our problems aren't that far off even though you added cal mag and molasses and i added peace of mind early on to try and correct the problem,.. whatever it is for both of us.


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