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Monster cropping-urme de mucegai

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Salut,sunt nou pe forum;defapt e primul meu thread,post de altfel.
Si-acum problema mea:
Am luat doua clone in ziua 21 de flower,le`am pus 24 de ore in apa de salcie apoi in vase opace acoperite cu doomuri improvizate(o punga de plastic si un pet de 2,5l decupat).Pulverizez apa curata de 3-4 ori pe zi.Apa o schimb odata la 3 zile...
Par foarte sanatoase,au frunzele foarte tari,si`au pastrat culoarea,tulpina nu da semne c`ar putrezi sau ceva deci...o duc realtiv bine...sau cel putin o duceau;astazi,cand am schimbat apa,am ridicat unul dintre doomuri si m`a lovit un usor miros de mucegai.Am cautat mucegaiul si`am gasit putin pe micul mugure din varf...am curatat bine cum am putut si`am suflat tare si mult(inca sunt ametit) in speranta c`o sa zbor sporii d`acolo...
Se pare ca umiditatea a fost cam mare...ce e de facut?
Am citit pe un alt forum ca ar trebui inlaturata partea mucegaita insa clona nu va mai avea varf...si`apoi unde mai e smecheria monster croppingului cand inlaturi floarea?Ce e de facut?
Putin ajutor va rog!!!
exista vr`o solutie home made cu care as putea sa ud sau sa fac ceva?
D`ocamdata,preventiv,am inlaturat doomul si n`am mai pulverizat apa pe ea...asta dupa ce`am uscat bine folosindu`ma de plamani`mi puternici :))
Multumesc anticipat...


Smoke weed and prosper
clonele in flower se prind mai greu. cu siguranta ai gresit undeva in proces.


mucegaiul apare din cauza umiditatii crescute si a lipsei de aer proaspat. eu am uitat niste clone acoperite timp de 5 zile si la unele dintre ele mucegaisera varfurile frunzelor. am taiat zona afectata si acum totul e ok

daca zici ca ai luat clonele din flower, era de asteptat sa mucegaiasca bud-ul. acum cate zile ai taiat clonele? daca au cel putin 6-7 zile, incearca sa le lasi descoperite si verifica-le din 30 in 30 minute timp de 2 ore sa vezi daca se lasa frunzele sau daca raman tari. daca se inmoaie frunzele, acopera-le. daca nu, lasa-le fara capac, asa stimulezi clonele sa produca radacini pt a se hranii

incearca sa inlaturi portiunea afectata de mucegai



pure dynamite
eu zic ca "s-a bulit" din cauza ca a intrat aer. ai taiat sub jet de apa?


mi s`a stricat pc-ul in ziua in care am creat acest thread.scuze ca n`am dat nici un semn...
intre timp a terminat si mama de inflorit si clonele s`au stricat complet...
din pacate am scos doar vreo 15 g... :-j a fost prima experienta si a avut oricum de suferit o gramada...
multumesc mult pentru raspunsuri...ar fi dragut sa se dezbata mai pe larg aceasta tehnica...eu n`am gasit mai nimic despre asta(a nu se intelege ca incerc sa ma eschivez)


Nu se iau clone in flo ... !!!!!!!!!!! O clona luat in flo pierde enorm din genetica ... deci nu este indicat .Arunca-le .


Una e sa o bagi iar in vegetatie dupa ce ti-au arata care au putza si alta sa iei o clona de la o planta in a 3 a sau a 4 a saptamana de flo unde inauntrul platei s-au skimbat majoritatea reactiilor chimice , si tot asa . Genetica ..poate ii fortat cuvantul , da ai sa ai plate cu sistem imunitar de kkt(exemplu mai sus) , stresate la maxim , pe la sf floriturii ai sa gasesti multi hermafroditi , bud de kkt . Probabil in flo iei tu clone si la fel cel care te-a invatat , eu personal nu recomand si sunt putini care o fac .Punct . nu fac pe desteptu .. dau un sfat . Fiecare e liber sa ia deciziile care i se par mai avantajoase .


Monster Cropping

Monster Cropping or Flowering Clones is another method of growing that was brought to my attention by one of our members; JWP, who also was kind enough to provide the pictures for this part of the guide. This method involves taking clones of flowering plants and then forcing them to root and re-veg, which eventually leads to very bushy plants with a great number of branches and nodes. I named this technique Monster Cropping because that is what you will get, real monster plants, but also because this method was introduced to the scene by a grower named greenmonster714. He in turn credits a grower named Feral for discovering this technique.

Taking clones from flowering plants goes against all that has been said about cloning cannabis and might therefore seem a bit confusing at first but the science behind the technique is sound and the results speak for themselves.

You start by taking clones of a plant that is about 21 days into flowering. This seems to be the best time to do it but you can also takes clones at a later stage with the same results. The lower branches make better clones as they have not yet become rigid and will also root faster and more easily than say the top cola. Move the new cutting into a glass of water and let it sit for a while in order to make sure that no air gets into the vascular system during handling, as this can be fatal to your new plant. You should make the cut so that it runs along the stem as this will increase the surface area for water and possibly nutrient uptake, depending on what method of cloning you use. Personally, I have found that using a small hydroponic setup or a propagation bubbler is by far the best way to clone cannabis plants. I will not expand on the subject of cloning here, if you need more information on how to clone your plants, have a look at the official cloning thread by JJScorpio

In the picture below, you can see how the clone from a flowering plant been has placed in a propagation bubbler for rooting and re-vegging. This also means that you will have to put the clone back under a veg light schedule of 18/6, 20/4 or even 24/0. Clones do not need strong light so a small CFL will do. You can remove some of the buds at this stage in order to encourage the plant to revert back into its vegetative cycle but leave the topmost flower alone.

It will take several weeks for the clone to root, some never do, so it is best that you take a great number of clones at the same time in order to ensure that at least one makes it on to the next stage. It might be a good idea to place the clones inside a humidity dome, which can be bought at gardening stores or custom built for your specific needs. The high humidity inside the dome will make sure that the plants do not dry out and die. Ventilate the dome every day just to make sure that the plants don't get attacked by mold.

Keep in mind however that the most important thing when it comes to cloning is to provide the fresh cuttings with plenty of oxygen and that is why the propagation bubbler is so effective compared to other methods.

The clones might be a sad sight at first but as soon as they root, they will also revert back into the vegetative stage and start growing again. Once the clones have rooted properly and started growing again, they will put out single unserrated leaves at first but the normal leafs are soon to follow. It might be a good idea to apply some training at this stage, tying down some of the tops will encourage even more branching. You can also provide some heat underneath the clones as this will speed up the rooting process considerably.

When the plant starts growing again, the incredible branching power of the flowering clone becomes apparent.

As you can see, this plant has grown into a real monster, and all this without ever topping the plant. That's the beauty of this technique; you can forget all about topping and FIM'ing since the flowering clone will sprout all these new branches all by itself.

This plant is now perfectly suited for a SCROG or perhaps even a SOG grow. This one plant can easily fill up an entire Scrog net in no time. Several of these plants grown in SOG will definitely give you a grand harvest.

There are other benefits from using this technique; it also removes the need for keeping mother plants. When the newly re-vegged plant is flowered, it can also provide more clones for a perpetual harvest. Recycling at its best. This might be of interest to those who need to keep down their number of plants.

Needless to say, this method is highly effective thanks to the heavy branching that occurs after a flowering clone is re-vegged. With further training and some patience, you will get some real monster plants and thereby also a monster harvest.

Happy growing

Asa multi hexperti...


Bah ce jmekerie.. pai gata cu toppingu .. fimmu .. de tinut mame ne apucam de clonat in floritura. Astia nu-s fraieri ! Da.. Kodiak,feral asta cine-i ? lol


bah ... ia uite aici : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e7ryWtnUIU&feature=related facut de sensi in colaborare cu biobizz.. unu dintre cele mai bune tutorial-uri care exista pe piata .Dak nu shtii limba .. iti traduc eu sau qouldyoubreakfree(roaga-l frumso) si anume : NON SI DEVE MAI INDURE LA PIANTA MADRE IN FIORITURA PER CHE SUBISCONO UNA DEGREDAZIONE GENETICA . nu trebuie pusa una planta mama in floritura pentru ca sufera de o degradare genetica . Acum ca eu sunt ignorant ramane un punct de intrebare . Si ca sa imi merit banu la care tu te rogi imi permit sa te foot in gat . Esti un copil cu plante in computer case.. caruia ii curg mucii pe tst . Nu ma intereseaza ce stii tu , ce ai facut tu. ce cresti tu . Fiecare abordeaza o cultura .. in moduri diverse ... da sa ajungi sa jignesti oamenii cum iti vine .. nu-i frumos pustiu .
da-i click la video pana ajungi la mantienimento de madres en sistemas biologicos.. sau ceva de genu .. si roaga si pe cineva care stie sa iti traduca .. si tie si lu ala de mai sus ..


Nu stiu eu vorbeste limbi care vorbesti tu la tine.
Stai acolo in banca ta. Esti sigur ca traduci bine ?
Chiar mi-as dori sa nu mai fii printre noi... ca tot ai zis de ce am sters acolo.
Super cropp-ul distruge planta din interior, nu-i asa canadianule ? :))


Am incercat sa fiu de ajutor.. si sa impart conostintele mele cu voi . si eu la randu meu sa fur de la voi . E ceva rau ? nu fi rautacios.. si hai sa fim prieteni .. ca-i mai frumos :) . Am footut threadu omului .. sa ne fie rushine . :)


Bine .Deci , in ceea ce priveste planta de canabis tu ai ajuns la stadiu sa stii tot. :) Roaga pe cineva sa iti traduca(dak e sa cauti bine e tradus in f multe limbi .. si nu degeaba).. informeaza-te ce e cu tutorialul ala , de cine e facut , cum , unde (cumpara-l ca sigur o sa iti fie de folos ) si dupa aia dak am spus o prostie imi dau fustitza jos . Deranjez ? Probabil . Acum fiind vb de clone . Vezi tu .. la aproape toate plantele in parte se poate face una , dar nu oricand. As vrea sa stiu cati dintre cultivatori(si spun cultivatori ) extrag clone in floritura ! lol . Repet fiecare face cum stie :) ... ramane de vazut si rezultatul final . Si cu asta am inchis subiectul .
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