No buzz kill. It's truth. Thco or acetates been around forever, but I know that several of the true heads that tried it said it was overkill, and it messed with their tolerance levels.
In Virginia there's still no legal way to buy or sell recreational or adult use. Only medical can be bought at dispos. All these cannabinoids will be in the gas stations till a user can legally purchase what they want, or Virginia outlaws them. But if VA outlaws them without legalizing retail then those cannabinoids will then be on the street and that's even worse because now they are being diluted and cut even further.
Crazy world nowadays. When I was young and wanted to catch a buzz I had track somebody down play the wait game, then the chase game, took all day..
Kids today can go into a Tobacco Hut and get legal synthetic drugs.
no Coffee? Grab a caffeine shot or a redbull.
Don't have Cigs? Just get a flavored nicotine vape
Don't have weed? Get delta 8 infused hemp flower.
Don't have pain pills? Buy a OPM Kratom extract capsules.
No speed? Legal stimulant ADD+ALL pills.
Wanna huff something? Nitrous Whippets.
Wanna trip? Get Mimosa powder and extract DMT.
Or get "Drunk" on Kava extract.
My local tobacco/vape stores have all your addictions covered! Some even have opium substitute Wild Lettuce resin...( Though I don't actually know if that works like all the other stuff.)
then to Pass a drug test they sell powdered dehydrated synthetic urine, called "Fetish Urine powder" Strange world indeed.
I saw your post after responding to ECG and as you will note edited the last paragraph of my post.
Judging from local experience, VA must legalize it without heavily taxing it, to close the black window market. The first thing the bureaucrats did here was tax everything so heavily that the uncontrolled black market still flourishes.