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Organic Chemist

New member

My name Is Organic Chemist and I have been working with Med - Man brands for approximately 8 months.

I am a food scientist with 10 years industry experience coupled with 20 years of Cannabis experience!

I have tested Med-Man's Cannabis Affganicus strain with the following results:

Using the ASTA method for spice distilliation, i removed a 2 ml aliquot that I buffered with xylene. My GC reading during the initial test showed a result of:
18.99 % THC
0.98 CBD

I discovered that using a cross section of the bud (sepals, stem, leaves) was not representitive of the THC content in the sepals alone. My second test used only the sepals and I again distilled the sample and removed a 2 ml aliquot and again put the sample through my GC.

My GC reading during my second test was increadible!
22.94 % THC
0.98 CBD

The THC and overall CBD levels in Med Man Brands product was sensational!

I have started to test the free fatty acids in the plant to understand the lipid content within the bud. I believe further research in lipid production of Cannabis is a crucial to understanding the complexity of the plants' sterols.

I will be contiuing to research Med-Man brand products as they become available.

Med-Man has been producing, by far, the most intense strains i have come accross and cannot wait to continue my research with some new samples!



Active member
were those samples taken from flowers produced from seed, or from lower mainland elite cuts ?

My name Is Organic Chemist and I have been working with Med - Man brands for approximately 8 months.

I am a food scientist with 10 years industry experience coupled with 20 years of Cannabis experience!

I have tested Med-Man's Cannabis Affganicus strain with the following results:

Using the ASTA method for spice distilliation, i removed a 2 ml aliquot that I buffered with xylene. My GC reading during the initial test showed a result of:
18.99 % THC
0.98 CBD

I discovered that using a cross section of the bud (sepals, stem, leaves) was not representitive of the THC content in the sepals alone. My second test used only the sepals and I again distilled the sample and removed a 2 ml aliquot and again put the sample through my GC.

My GC reading during my second test was increadible!
22.94 % THC
0.98 CBD

The THC and overall CBD levels in Med Man Brands product was sensational!

I have started to test the free fatty acids in the plant to understand the lipid content within the bud. I believe further research in lipid production of Cannabis is a crucial to understanding the complexity of the plants' sterols.

I will be contiuing to research Med-Man brand products as they become available.

Med-Man has been producing, by far, the most intense strains i have come accross and cannot wait to continue my research with some new samples!


Do you plan on testing anymore strains? I'm seriously in need of a high THC & High CBD strain. Med-Man said one of his strains tested 20%thc & 8%CBD; this is the dream strain for my needs. Please let us know if you test any other strains. :peacock:

Organic Chemist

New member
I will be testing new strains within 3 weeks. A colleague from Temple University advised that CBD levels over 4% begin to be counter intuitive to the Cannabinol production. it is strictly his assumption as very limited data is available to to support his thoery.


how many strains have you grown and/or tested in your 20 years of cannabis experience?

what can you tell us about terpenoid/terpene profiles in relation to the therapeutic qualities of cannabis?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
so my scientist decides to make an appearnce, and mriculously no one has any questions for him?

i am so not surprised lol.

i guess thats what they mean by silencing critics



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
dude....does anyone take anything c-ray says seriously.....seriously lol?

i didnt ignore it, the question was not for me


Organic Chemist

New member
My apologies, I am not on here frequently.

I am in the food science industry, and terpenol is prominent in many herbs.

If you want to debate that researching terpenol, relative to geographical strains, is a crucial aspect that scientists need to persue; thats relevent.

if you believe that terpenol production, within Cannabis; could ever be as high as a mountanous herb such as thyme or oregano then I will say you are incorrect. Further to that the anti oxident/ anti inflamatory properties of thyme far exceed that of Cannabis.

My interest to research sterol production within Cannabis, for that matter; is a moot point.

The truth is, for Cannabis to become relevent within the science community, formal nomenclature is the most pressing need.

Once you create proper naming, the relevence will increase.

To your question of my strain experience; I became an organic chemist because of my love for the beautiful weed. my analytical ability only became relevent with regard to chronic about 8 years ago.

Within those 8 years; I only tested north american sativa strains previous to my test of med-mans afghanica strain.

I cannot stress how vital nomenclature is for the science of Cannabis.

Its also crucal to determine proper cross section for sampling purposes.Cannabis is primarily from the stem and leaves where THC is dominant in the sepals.
Even the afghanica only reached levels of 19% when all extrenuous plant matter was used.


New member
Hi Organic Chemist!

I think by "terpenoid profiles" they meant the amazing variety of terpenes (monotepenes, susquiterepenes) found in cannabis like , alpha-Pinene, Myrcene, beta-Caryophyllene, etc. Do you any have comments on those?

I think "terpenol" is a type of terpene, is that right?

Is thyme really a more active anti-inflammatory than all types of cannabis, regardless of their CBD content?

Organic Chemist

New member
You are correct regarding the variety terpenes, however the terpenol levels are very low in cannabis compared to wild thyme.

regarding terpenol, all terpiniods are natuarlly derived from terpenol. Camphor and Thymol are the most prminent terpenes derived from terpenol in Thyme Oil.

terpenol profile in relation to therupatic qualities are buzz words...

Of course terpenes like carvracol and eugenol have major theruputic qualities, however cannabis does not contain substantial terpenol.

Organic Chemist

New member
you are correct regarding terpenol and its terpene classification. Just as Carvracol, camphor and citrol are all terpenes (aromatic rings -the essential oils that are soluble in CH3CH2OH)

Yes, thymol production in thyme oil (esential oil) is a more active anti-inflamatory derivitive then any terpenoids found in Cannabis

Terpineol- found in most essential oils
Borneol - for example - common to most north american sativa strains - does not contain the anti-inflamatory properties as thymol.
Limonene - is a great anti inflamatory and analgesic found in Cannabis, however the levels in Cannabis are far lower then any citrus fruit.
Myrcene - most common terpene found in Cannabis - has definite homeopathic qualities; and are mostly reprsentive of an analgesic. This is probably the most prolific terpene in Cannabis.

Most food grade plants have much higher levels of the terpinoids you cited then Cannabis, regardless of CBD levels.

Organic Chemist

New member

I am quite familiar with that document and believe in almost every facet of the article.

But you can make the the case any essential oil that is plant derived, can offer the same properties.

I believe the free fatty acid esthers within Cannabis can allow scientists to learn lipid production of a weed that hasnt really been exploited for its amazing sterol production.
Cannabis seed oil has almost the identical properties of grape seed oil, high flash point, great source of monounsaturated fat and relevent level of oleic acid.
we can all cite essential oil isoprene units for our agenda,

I am not an exclusive cannabis scientist, i learn daily.... my difference is when I am not sure, I create an hypothesis and experiment.


New member
Thanks for the elucidating answers Organic Chemist!

So when comparing cannabis to other plants based solely on medicinal terpene profile--other plants beat cannabis, gram to gram for total terpene quantity.

"Further to that the anti oxident/ anti inflamatory properties of thyme far exceed that of Cannabis."

"Most food grade plants have much higher levels of the terpinoids you cited then Cannabis, regardless of CBD levels."

They have higher terpenoids, but is it also true that these plants are more anti-inflammatory than cannabis strains that contain high CBD levels plus terpenes?

In other words, are the terpenes in cannabis working synergistically with CBD and THC making it more effective than other plants with regard to inflammation?

Thanks again!

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