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Maria's Subtropical Outdoor Guerilla Grows with Connoisseur Genetics (Perpetual Journal)

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Weather has been fairly cold, high of about 16C and low maybe 12C overnight.
Foggy now and then, as I watch the clouds just a little bit higher up the mountain.
Need to visit the garden, check the last two girls and see how the drying is going in this weather...


learning and laughing

Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
I think mayne I am in a kind of mandela effect vortex. I was in a universe where Maria Sanchez was doing a grow project somewhere in Mexico and apparently I have left that world. God knows, perhaps I lived in that universe my entire life and now somehow I find I have departed. I remember kind of clearly she was talkng about the few Mexicans in her area growing some old Mexican strains and she had to keep what she was doing very hush hush even from them or something. If you never said anything like that Maria, Ok, I understand it is perhaps due to the effect of the Mandela effect.

I don't think it is because of the name that I assume Maria is growing in Mexico. I remember being very worried for her because I very nearly got busted with pot by cops in mexico near Rosarito Beach in Baja when I was in high school many yers ago in the 70's. The whole idea of pot and Mexico kind freaks me out still, I really have kin dof a complex about it. It's because my younger brother and I and a friend had lit this beach fire on the beach at night. Turned out I had 1 joint and we fired it up, we were just about finished with it when this cop comes out of the darkness behind us. My brother flicked the joint in the fire immeditaely and it went right into the blaze luckily and we feigned not understanding what he was talking about, he couldn't speak English, we all speak Spanish but feigned not understanding and he started doing these crazy pantomimes to convey that he saw us smoking a joint. He wouldn't leave or let us leave for over an hour. he just stood there wagging his finger at us saying, "I caught you! I saw you guys and I could smell it! I'm not stupid you know!" Luckily I had nothing else on me nor did anyone else and we insisted that it was a cigarette we were sharing. That night the cops showed up at 3 am at the beach cottage my parents had rented, they had my Dad tear the whole car up for them. My Dad had know Idea about what had transpired on the beach a few hours earlier. Luckily my dad who also smoked was not so stupid as to bring his stash on vacation. I was shitting my pants thinking, maybe my father had brought some stuff to smoke, I had no idea whether he had or not. Adding to the stress, A friend of mine had also gone down to Baja to party about a year previous and got into a brawl with the wrong guy and he got him locked him up down there and he was in jail for a few weeks and he told me that they tortured him with electrocution to try to get money or info or whatever out of him. All of that was going through my head as well. And so when Maria said she was growing somnewhere on these abandonded buildings in Mexico, I was kind feeling a bit sweaty and nervous again, I was like, oh hell no, not me, I would never dare to grow in Mexico. But maybe its just the Mexican leaning Honduras pheno I've been smoking from time to time this month with a wedge of alzheimer's disease. I'm not sure i believe in the Mandela effect or not.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Day 135 -- from sprouting!

6 days since last visit and post.
Really bad weather, down to 12C during the day, below 10C at night.
Fog, cloud, mist, and some light rain.
Humidity from 80% to 90% or more...

Really wanted to check the girls in this weather, those growing and those harvested.
Only just made it at dusk, in a rush.
Skinned my knuckles going in, and cut open my finger coming out.

Pro tip: don't grab the long grass when you're sliding down the jungle hill, it cuts like a knife!

Building Two:


Left pot is the SSSTN. Main chunky is 'Little Miss', but the cola on the right is the lower branch of the mostly harvested 'Big Miss'.
Right pot is the last NLD pheno of the Grail Project NH x MM.

2 X Grail Project NH18 x MM pheno 1 (reg) = (NH18 x MM pheno 1) x (NH21 x MML Male) (12-16 weeks)
In a 15L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 50 days / 7+ weeks ago.

Indica pheno is in the jar, but NLD pheno had a touch of botrytis, so I was worried...

Miss Grail (NLD pheno) -- Day 135 = 42V + 93F:


Just when I thought she was maybe finishing off, she's still putting out quite a lot more fresh pistils.
Over 13 weeks flowering already, within OJD's range of 12-16 wks.
No more botritys than before, even in this weather, so I'm just going to leave her to do her thing!
Foxtail girl, this one, pretty sativa haze lady.

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)
In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 57 days / 8+ weeks ago.

Big Miss SSSTN: Harvested Day 129 = 32V + 97F

In this weather, was also worried about drying of the harvested Big Miss.
She's fine, though, hanging there.
Slightly drying, no surprise in this humidity, but no rot or mold.
She's lost more color though, even in poor light (sunset in maybe 15 minutes...) she is a shade of gold now.
Still need to keep an eye on her drying process.
Need some sunny dry days at this point!

Little Miss SSSTN: Day 135 = 63V(?) + 72F



Big puffy buds, looking chunky but very airy, let the airflow and keep the mold away!
The tiny mold she had before has not come back after I removed it.
She's only at week 10+, and the Big Miss came down at almost week 14, so I'll just let her go and do her thing.

Quite a few male flowers popping here and there, but I don't care.
When the ThaiFrican male was ready she had barely shown a single pistil, so she didn't get pollinated then.
Some selfed seed would be interesting.
But unless she changes a lot in these next few weeks, she really doesn't look as wonderful as her Big Miss sister.

Though I often practice: No (flowering) plant left behind!

In the end, glad that the drying and flowering is doing okay in this crap weather.
A couple of warmer days coming, but then cold again...
Perhaps early next week will show some sun and lower humidity.
At least finish off the drying, even if these last two girls are not ready for harvest by then.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Good luck on the finish line, Maria!
Thank you my friend!
My hands are still a bit cut up today, but nothing too bad or painful.
There's a bit of sun and its warmer, probably a little drier, just what I need.

My next task is to get the seeds from the lower colas of the Big Miss SSSTN x ThaiFrican male.
Then cut down the drying plant into branches and main top, put them into the laundry bag to dry further.
Maybe do a little dry trimming as I go, but not much.

Hopefully get the Big Miss dried and jarred before the Little Miss SSSTN and NLD pheno Grail Girl are cut.

Need to get a better way to sort out my seeds for proper storage, too.


Well-known member
Day 129 -- from sprouting!

5 days since last visit and post.
Warm very sunny weather.
Highs from 25C-28C.
No rain at all.
RH around 70% midday, up to 95% overnight!
Temps and sun are great, but the humidity has been a big concern!

Building Two:

2 X Super Silver Sour Thai Nevil (fem) = Swiss Thai Nevil 1 clone X SSSDH OJD cut Reversed (10-12 weeks?)

In a big 20L pot.
Last pollination day 69, 62 days / 8+ weeks ago.

View attachment 18962480

Definite multiple instances of botrytis.
Most of them are quite small, but they are here and there.
On both the big and smaller SSSTN plants.

Big Miss SSSTN: HARVEST Day 129 = 32V + 97F

Therefore, chop time!
Otherwise would have liked to leave her a bit longer.
Though, day 97 is a day short of 14 weeks.

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I removed the small botrytis affected areas by hand.
Damn my fingers got sticky, hahahaha!!!

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Still plenty of lovely juicy flower left after that, so don't worry!

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I cut her down using the saw blade on my Victorinox pocket knife.
Had to saw away there for quite a while.
I note that in some other threads of SSSTN grows, people say they are thin stemmed.
True, they aren't thick, but mine were very strong.
I think plenty of wind at this outdoor site strengthened her up.

I took the drying Grail (indica pheno) from the laundry bag
Lots of seed with that, too.

Then cut the two seeded branches from SSSTN (from Mr ThaiFrican father) and bagged them.
Need to catch the seeds from that cross, as this girl looks so good up to this point (testing pending).
Left a big lower branch and some small lower fluff on the main stem, see what happens with them!
The rest of the plant I just hung upside down, no trim.

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Back behind her inside is the Little Miss SSSTN.
She's getting very bulky very quickly.

The last Grail (NLD pheno) also had a couple of tiny spots of botrytis.
Removed, but may need to cut her soon as well.
Pity, because she's still definitely putting out fresh pistils and needs a few more weeks.
Today would be day ... 89 (almost 13 weeks).
Okay, close to OJD's note of 12-16 weeks, and isn't too crazy early to be honest, just start of harvest window.

Namo Shivaya!

Fun, fun, fun!

Love and hugs,
Some of the ssstn’s really remind you just how sticky, sticky can be, right?! Love the show. 😀

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
I think then it would be best to hang them individually In a well ventilated place.
That will minimize the mold risk in my opinion.
It certainly would be best to hang them like that.
But the nature of this guerilla grow is a bit difficult.
Details below...

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Short update:

Managed to visit the garden.
Weather is still bad, weather station says 11C, and 86% humidity.
Give or take a few degrees of temp and a few % of RH, its been like this for a week or so...

I bought in some better scissors, a large 24 oz = 680 ml glass jar (old pasta sauce jar!), and had a smaller about half the size (another old sauce jar) as well.

Drying SSSTN Big Girl:

It has dried a little, but overall after 10 days, the leaves are mostly just limp, some fans vaguely dry, and the main stems still very green.
Not enough to take a cutting from -- hahahaaa!!! -- but nowhere near dry.
They were hanging in the stairwell, so won't get any of the rain or mist.
But at this humidity, yeah, you get the idea...
The botrytis had spread very little.
I cut down the individual branches, carefully going through small flower cluster by cluster, removing anything that still had traces of botrytis or anything else that didn't look good.
And removed some of the larger outer leaves, leaving the smaller leaves.
Then they went flower cluster at a time into the big jar.
I had to pack down the jar quite a bit.
The buds are very fluffy.
That is good for this environment.
The buds are incredibly sticky.
The trichomes are full on the calyxes, and a few on the inner leaves.
My fingers literally got stuck together and I had to stop and use my other hand to put them open during the cutting.
Pretty crazy!
The two seeded branches that were in the laundry bag went into the small jar.
The rest of the plant, main cola and all the other branches went into the big jar packed down a fair amount.

Growing SSSTN Little Girl:

She had a big mold site where one of the middle branches joins the main stem.
Really bad, like I think it would rot through and drop off in another day or so.
So I cut down the middle of the plant.
That was the main top cola cut, with the rest of the plant (quite healthy) to keep growing.
She really is not mature at all, but if I don't cut it's just going to fall on the ground and rot, and then the rot on the stem may continue down.
The flowers on this girl are crazy!
The branching gives this big round bud-balls.
Like the branching structure on a cauliflower, hahahahaa!
Quite a lot of open space, small calyxes, but branches upon branches.
The top cola cut down into individual flower clusters went into the laundry bag to dry.

Growing Grail Girl (NLD pheno):

Still a long way off as many more fresh white pistils forming.
I think it's a second flowering, as the percentage of fresh pistils has actually increased.
Unfortunately she has a number of small botrytis spots here and there.
They were there before, but because of her open flowering they have only spread slightly.
I really don't want to cut her down.
So just trimmed more rot out (like, 2%-4%) and left her growing there.
A couple of sunny warm days to come, so it should spread too much.
But when exactly I cut her is a dilemma.
Just keep observing for now and she how long I can take her.

When I got home I put the SSSTN flowers in strainers and hung above the humidifier for a couple of minutes.
Blow out any water droplets for now.
Was going to leave longer but the aromas just permeated through the house.
So back in the jar for now, and fraction drier than before.
And will put her through another drying process at another site hopefully tomorrow.
Now she is cut down to small bud clusters, if I can get a little higher temp (20C +) and lower humidity (maybe 50%-60% even), then she will get out of this present dangerous stage of the drying process.

One of my general principles for my guerilla growing now is:
Keep nothing at home.
Or keep the absolute bare minimum at home.
Have this stashed at other sites.
Reduce risk of putting everything together.
Reduce risk of anything directly connected with you (at home).
Safety first.

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