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Mafia seeds e Spigolaro, tutto il mondo è mafia emm pardon è Paese


Well-known member
great catch of the day bro! How's the water?
Hi bro, are you Italian like me? So, the water temperature is around 16 degrees so I'm still wearing the 5mm wetsuit. I usually change my wetsuit in January, I use a 7mm jacket and 5mm trousers and this lasts until April, then I put the 5mm wetsuit back on and in the summer I make another wetsuit change, switching to the 3mm. My fishing technique is to wait and lurk in shallow water, therefore a maximum of 10 meters but I usually fish even in less depth. It is a very lively type of fishing also because I usually go into the water in the presence of rough seas and increasing or declining turbid water. In itself it is not a type of fishing that requires great freediving but it is also true that you always have to be careful because most of the time the sea is very rough and at the limits of practicability, it is as if you are immersing yourself in a large pot of vegetables flapping from side to side mm I don't know if I get the idea. It takes many years and a lot of experience to catch nice fish in the shallows also because the fish has dropped a lot and has learned to stay away from humans.
I love fishing, it's something that is part of me, I have great respect for fish and the sea because every time I dive I always learn something new and if at the end of the day I don't catch anything, that's all the same, the important thing is is having spent a few hours in the company of Fratello Mare.


Too old Senior Member
Ciao fra, grazie mille per il tuo tempo dedicato a guardare il mio modesto coltivo e sai ti dirò ogni volta che esco dall'acqua a fine pescata un bel cannone me lo fumo tutto ed è una grande soddisfazione specialmente se ho fatto una bella pescata. Ho 49 anni e pesco in apnea sin da quando ero piccolo, mi faccio le canne si ma questo non mi impedisce assolutamente di andare per mare.
Someone more and too many cigarettes (once). ... now a bit of snorkelling .... and a few episodes towards the bottom 4-5 .... 6 meters ... at those depths you have to go a long way to find something ... during the day ....

Anyway you are a bastard inside:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: .... some wonders to a unfortunately "polentone immigrato":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:, they hurt the heart .... and immediately after they make you hungry .... the big edge on the fin a couple of kg?

Small autumn "serra" with a aguglia( o cefalotto non ricordo) like I live


Nothing to do with your huge beasts👏👏👋


Well-known member
great catch of the day bro! How's the water?
Opss, grazie caro per i complimenti sei troppo gentile e anche tu sei un grande appassionato di pesca vedi in passato ho commesso tanti errori di gioventù e mi reputo un sopravvissuto credimi che nei momenti più duri e tristi la pesca per me è stata una vera e propria ancora di salvezza, il mare è stato, e lo è tuttora una palestra di vita non so se riesco a farmi capire. Non mollare mai e crederci fino in fondo anche nei momenti più difficili, il mio passato potrebbe essere riassunto così: aver raschiato il barile sino in fondo, tante cadute e ricadute, molti fallimenti ma cercando ogni volta di rialzarsi e cadere di nuovo, poi nuovamente ricadere farsi male
, molto molto male lottando però con dignità e ora basta perché sto sparlandooo buahuahuahua.


Anne enn Normal
Hi bro, are you Italian like me? So, the water temperature is around 16 degrees so I'm still wearing the 5mm wetsuit. I usually change my wetsuit in January, I use a 7mm jacket and 5mm trousers and this lasts until April, then I put the 5mm wetsuit back on and in the summer I make another wetsuit change, switching to the 3mm. My fishing technique is to wait and lurk in shallow water, therefore a maximum of 10 meters but I usually fish even in less depth. It is a very lively type of fishing also because I usually go into the water in the presence of rough seas and increasing or declining turbid water. In itself it is not a type of fishing that requires great freediving but it is also true that you always have to be careful because most of the time the sea is very rough and at the limits of practicability, it is as if you are immersing yourself in a large pot of vegetables flapping from side to side mm I don't know if I get the idea. It takes many years and a lot of experience to catch nice fish in the shallows also because the fish has dropped a lot and has learned to stay away from humans.
I love fishing, it's something that is part of me, I have great respect for fish and the sea because every time I dive I always learn something new and if at the end of the day I don't catch anything, that's all the same, the important thing is is having spent a few hours in the company of Fratello Mare.
I live in Norway, I love fishing. I usually catch mackerels in the fjord ^^.


Well-known member
I live in Norway, I love fishing. I usually catch mackerels in the fjord ^^.
I was thinking that it would be nice to create a tread on sport fishing and one's adventures, possibly with some photos of fish caught but in which section should I open the discussion?


Active member
I was thinking that it would be nice to create a tread on sport fishing and one's adventures, possibly with some photos of fish caught but in which section should I open the discussion?
Aprilo in discussioni libere nel nostro forum italian, aggiornerò anche io con papà istruttore di sub (ex, ha 68 anni e tuttora va in apnea) e amante di pesca, tiro con l'arco (istruttore anche qui) e mi ha trasmesso queste passioni... sarebbe bello


Anne enn Normal

Aprilo in discussioni libere nel nostro forum italian, aggiornerò anche io con papà istruttore di sub (ex, ha 68 anni e tuttora va in apnea) e amante di pesca, tiro con l'arco (istruttore anche qui) e mi ha trasmesso queste passioni... sarebbe bello
Or the international discussion thread so we can all contribute without auto translate :p


Well-known member
Or the international discussion thread so we can all contribute without auto translate:p
Forgive my lack of familiarity with the internet but I can't find the international section of free discussions, and I'm also too tone deaf now buahuahuahua.. :growth::smoker:


Well-known member
Hello beautiful people, returning to our dear farm, what can I say today the beautiful Rosy has reached her sixty-first day since the change of photoperiod but she still has more to give because she has reached the point of asking me everything in terms of irrigation and nutrients. At this moment she is absolutely not as fussy as at the beginning, on the contrary she is very greedy and every two days she wants to be watered. The tops are nice and fat but I think they will swell more, however the tops and flowers have bent the branches and collapsed from their weight. I scanned some buds carefully to get an idea of how much is still missing by observing the trichomes with a magnifying glass and in fact it is obviously not ready for cutting, all the trichomes seen are transparent in color, very few are milky colored and here and there some are amber, definitely still early. The buds are not at all soft and airy, on the contrary they are hard as stone and certainly the cultivated seed has more tendencies towards Critical mass. I hope I'm not writing bullshit otherwise maybe the Mafia seed staff could give us some more details it would be really interesting. Let's now move on to the smell side: it is absolutely necessary to fit the charcoal filter because more or less from the seventh week the smells have become more marked and penetrating, as a first impression very harsh and spicy, not at all sweet or delicate but which exude engine oil of a garage with the most spices next to it, let me pass the term sorry, sour like an unripe mandarin these are all my completely personal impressions, they are the sensations of a stoner who likes to grow and smoke good weed and I think that the premises with this strain are all there ALLEEEEE```


Well-known member
Hi girls and boys how are you??!! I hope well, come on. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish my cultivation diary due to an urgent move to be made and so I wasn't able to continue with the report.. The plant was in full bloom so I had to cut the little one, it seems all 'eleventh week after the change of photoperiod and honestly still two-three weeks were needed for it to ripen well in my opinion and therefore, in spite of myself, I cut everything. The yield however was great cabbage really big and quite hard buds but at the same time also fluffy in short, I am not at all an expert on haze also because I have always preferred to cultivate indica-dominant strains. Lately I have started to dedicate myself to these strains and they are fascinating me a lot, I have also read several treads and the history of haze is very foggy but beautiful Truly.
Well, after this long introduction, let's talk a little about this truly excellent herb. A very powerful and bodily high without paranoia or bad sensations. Practically all my friends liked it. The power can be felt from the first puffs. It's not a herb that cheats but she already appears so strong, relaxed but stoned, the thoughts of your subconscious take over but without making you panic or anxious, in fact you are at ease even among people, in short guys obviously it's just my opinion as a stoner of long-standing, very small niche grower who loves this plant so much and does it exclusively for his own peursonal needs. So, we were talking about a very complex herb in the high, it's also strong on a muscular level, it relaxes you well. I don't think it's a very sociable herb , at least in this one cultivated seed I can assure you that there is very little that is sociable 😆😅😂. Continues,,,,,,


Well-known member
You thought you got rid of me ehe?? !! 😅😅 Coming back to us, I don't recommend it to beginners also because it needs to be taken care of well even if I didn't have any problems making it grow as I wanted, let's say that a little more care is needed especially with regards to the feeding during the flowering period.
Very complex and quite evident smells so be careful if you bring some tufts to smoke in company, they must be sealed well because the smell is noticeable.
However, spicy, toasted, not at all sweet but with an authentic hint of humid forest, a complex sourness with a heavy, oily burnt caramel purée. I give it a good 7/10 taste
8/10 smells, 8.5/10 potency you definitely won't be disappointed.

Fully satisfied with the final product, at this point I want to examine some other strains that I chose for my prize.
I know that my opinion is of very little importance but think about how many guys there are like me who grow a few very large plants at a time, well you have to do everything in the best possible way because otherwise you risk harvesting little in the end and then you study, I look at the treads that they approach my way of growing and I observe, I read, in short, the cannabis culture is very vast, interesting and beautiful. I especially like reading about the strains that I intend to grow in the future so for me the choice of seed is a fundamental thing and in any case I we also like to try new banks like this one which gave us the opportunity to try these seeds. Thank you, thank you very much, these initiatives are always beautiful and a big thank you to Icmag for all the work, love and passion it puts in and finally, but not in order of importance, quite the opposite, to all the expert growers but also much less expert ones like myself, well I think I've finished, surely you'll be sick of reading these posts and well come on, the important thing is to have a nice trip 😂😂😂😂

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