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Looking for something few ppl have...

Hey guys I'm looking for something few of you are..

Looking for the real. By the real I mean a NON WASHED OUT version of the standard deviations, caucasian widows, master ushes, etc.

Have any of you been around/doing the real thing long enough to know what I'm talking about?

Point of reference: If you are from NYC the level I'm looking for starts at $100/3 girl sd....

NOT looking for grape apes, mazars, or any crosses.

NOT looking for F1's.

STABLE genetics only... Low-yield is fine as I'm looking for that real deal.

None of these seed banks seem to have it... no one in Cali either unless you prepay for the entire grow... maybe out in CO? So tired of this factory shit.. what's coming out of cali nowadays is almost the same as the canadians just without the M39s/Freeze. If any of you feel like defending the M39s please go back to school.. your green-card will be taken from you.

Can anyone help?


LOL, it's like that for a reason. The true shit is kept in small circles of OG growers (from my experience). I know of people that would kill for their OG genes, seriously. But then again there are quality cuts out there, ive come across some good bubba's and masters and others at clubs out here in cali....but i will agree that most shit is done commercially, and if its not the right genes its just mids. As good as its done it just aint top shelf. Its taken me years to get the genes i have, and i don't hand them out to just anyone.

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