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Little miracle marijuana stories


Well-known member
Hi farmers,
After a series of events involving mariJane, I realized this is no coincidence, and there is a connection with this mystical and magical herb
Today I went for a 6 hours hike plan and in the middle of the mountains I was greeted by the owner of a small coffee/tea shop who ended up smoking me up for hours with tea and dates, and providing me with a bit of weed that I am enjoying now. As a bonus met an old buddy of mine, think liked the food, just a hunch😉

So if you like storytelling and enjoy reading nice stories, anecdotes, or even just chat as brothers and sisters feel free, you would make me a Happier person

Read you soon


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Well-known member
Hiya lovely Farmers,

While waiting on Easy with his LSD story (have one too where with a Japanese friend we took some for 2 days staight)

I decide that I needed to repay the hospitality of that brother…so not having much I have decided to bring him some wet mango smelly Green crack and a super young carbonated tangerine wine I made…hope we will have fun


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Well-known member
Hello farmers!!!

Need musicians for my SONG

My love has seven leaves
True love is what she brings

My love smells ans stinks
True stickiness is what she brings

My love is pure bud
Only sativa of the pure blood

My love has addictiveness
True mistress of the faithfulness

Ah my love my love
True love true love


Well-known member
Premium user
Hello farmers!!!

Need musicians for my SONG

My love has seven leaves
True love is what she brings

My love smells ans stinks
True stickiness is what she brings

My love is pure bud
Only sativa of the pure blood

My love has addictiveness
True mistress of the faithfulness

Ah my love my love
True love true love


Well-known member
Premium user
hard to do any critical thinking until I have eatin something ,had another cup of coffee and had a morning "visit".
give me some time!


Well-known member
hard to do any critical thinking until I have eatin something ,had another cup of coffee and had a morning "visit".
give me some time!
Yes sir!!! Let me know if you want some of my fine Greencrack for creativity purposes… i am giving them a last haicut before curing them in the freezer


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Hey Farsi Poet Farmer.

Super nice nuts.

It's quite a long crazy story, and today I have time to put it into words.

The story of the fruity flute will be told today.

Stay tuned.


Well-known member
Just finished freezing the Greencrack 😂

Thanks kindly for sharing the story and pics. I'm very jealous of the amazing place you call home.

Are you interested in a realy cool LSD story?
By the way i am high most of the time so…no need to be jealous, buy a ticket and come visit, i take care of the rest, hows that for a change


Well-known member
Hey Farsi Poet Farmer.

Super nice nuts.

It's quite a long crazy story, and today I have time to put it into words.

The story of the fruity flute will be told today.

Stay tuned.
Damn this guy is so funny…ill call u Trippy from now on…bro will it take 9months or u gonna spill da beans bra!


The year was 2001, I think, it might have been 2000, my memory was wiped from Yumboldt and Triple Zero, Malani Cream, and more.

We were headed to ADam and Christiana, Demark, from the US east coast. We were going to visit my friends friend who was a member of the upper group of hash traders in Christiania in Copenhagen to make a large purchase to return to the states.

I knew I wanted my prized LSD for the journey, to make extra special memories and I brainstormed a way to discreetly carry it out and across Europe. As a kid I had enjoyed what we called the fruity flute candies which are now called whistle pops.


You could play them like a slide whistle since the handle extends and allows for different notes. Lots of fun, candy and music!!

So being a crazy hippy, I took a vial of pretty nice liquid L and started dosing one pop and letting it dry, redosing it over and over again until the whole open space in the pop was filled with approximately 70 or 80 drops. I wrapped it back up in its wrapper and put it in a baggie with 9 undosed Fruity Flute pops that were other colors. It was the purple one (I think) that had the L.

We flew from DC to Heathrow and began traveling by train towards Copenhagen. There we were treated as honored guests of the Danish hash hippie mafia. In Christiania we were in heaven on pusher street with all the hash stall vendors with their wares set out on velvet, on top of metal slabs with heaters below to keep the hash just the right temperature for potential customers to examine for purchase. There was hash from all over the world at good prices. It was fucking wild. They all had shrooms and flower too, but no hard drugs were tolerated, not even any chemicals, like L or E. Just things that come from mother nature.

And there was the old Danish guy who had a different vegetable every day carved in to a pipe. He'd be sitting there every morning carving a new one out of a carrot, or apple, or some other veggie. He smoked hash all day long every day.

We drank a bunch of Carlsberg beers just like the locals. It was as if no other beer existed, just Carlsberg.

We ate at an award winning vegetarian restaurant in the commune which was very fancy and expensive considering the nature of the commune. The food was amazing, especially because of how high we were. And I love meat but this place was at the top of the restaurant game.

I bought my Cristiania Freetown t-shirt which was all red with the commune flag on it. I proudly rocked that t-shirt.


AT FIRST, all you had to do was barely touch the pop to your tongue and pull it out as quickly as possible to ingest about 300 micrograms of LSD and off you went. We shared that fruity flute many times, the three of us. Many memories were made with all three of us having carried $9,999 US, we were able to get alot done at the commune, if you know what I mean.

After reshaping everything for our purpose there was a pile of hash shavings from 9 types of hash, maybe a half ounce. It was basically extra and rather than throw it out I wipped up some bangalassi in our nice hotel where we were, now in Sweden. The bang was a hot hash chocolate milk beverage I made in the hotel room coffee maker. It was so potently concentrated with thc that it burnt your throat when drinking it. That day was the highest I've ever been on cannabis, and ever will be. I'm sure I took well over 1000 mg that day. We became physically locked. No one could move at all except to speak, barely. It was quite scary wondering what would happen to us if the hotel caught on fire.

After an important visit to that little post office in that little town in Sweden, which had three businesses, a pub, a bakery, and a Ferrari dealership, we began retracing our route back the way we had come.

We spent a good bit of time in ADam. It was all far out in a good way, Hills Street Blues, the Grey Area, Damkring, all the 'smart shops' with mushrooms sold fresh in cartons like you get creminis in in US grocery stores, hilarious.

All the while, every few days we'd have another link on the fruity flute and get all intergalactic again. I got my lid blown on L at the Van Gogh museum in ADam looking at the depth of his paint strokes which can't be seen on all the prints I had seen of his work, my whole life. A security guard eventually approached me and kindly said, sir there other people that would like to enjoy this painting, haha.

Then there was MA22O, a night club in ADam. It was pronounced Mazzo, but spelled MA22O. I was a club kid back in the day, but my two traveling companions, not so much, so I went out to rave on my own. There I met a very interesting and cool dude from Brazil and we smoked and hung out. It was obvious to him that I was very spun and he asked what I was on so I told him I was tripping on acid. Then he told me he had bought 10 rolls and a ten strip of L from an ADam street dealer and that he had eaten first a couple rolls and nothing happened so then he ate a couple tabs and nothing happened then, either. I said what the fuck, let me see that shit. The 'rolls' were unmarked, solid white and looked like aspirin, the 'acid' looked like notebook paper, haha. I said bro you got ripped off. He was really dissapointed and wanted to trip really bad.

I said my man, no worries, I've got you bro, all you have to do is TAKE A LICK ON MY FRUITY FLUTE. The look on his face was priceless. I said no seriously I've got this lollipop with a shitload of good acid on it. Have a lick if you'd like.

The fruity flute was still going strong at this pointed, you just needed to hold it in your mouth for about 1 full second to trip hard. I warned him but he decided to give it a proper suck and it wasn't 25 minutes later that he was dancing like a psychedelic robot monkey.

As we both started peaking there was a performance at the club which to this day still has me brainfucked. Three men all dressed in all black including hoods over their heads rolled out a large stainless steel gurney, like the kind in a hospital, into the middle of the dance floor. It was covered with many many types of food , from sushi to fruit, jello, many types of cheese and so on. And then I realized there was a person underneath the food, laying on her back, head up, under all the food. All I could see was her head and she was smiling a huge grin. That's when everybody dove in and started munching. It was some very tasty food. As we continued to eat it became apparent that she didn't have any clothes on. Eventually she was laying there butt naked with nothing but some crumbs and fruit juice on her. She sat up, got off the gurney, and did a little dance in the nude and exited. It was an amazing thing to experience while tripping balls.

So now you know that truth is better than fiction and that I couldn't have made this shit up.

There's alot more to the journey we took, but one memory sticks with me. The night before we flew from ADam to Chicago, I woke up, in the middle of the night, to pee in the Hemp Hotel, owned by Mila Jansen. One of my buddies was sitting upright in bed. I said hey whats up man are you good? And then I looked closer and realized he had the fruity flute/ trippy stick in his mouth. He was sucking on it like a 5 year old and wasn't taking it out. His eyes looked like they belonged to an owl. The next day we led his tripping ass around by hand through two huge airports and an airplane. I think most people observing thought he had a mental problem, like he was slow or retarded or something.

And yes we got jacked up by LEO at O'Hara in Chicago, like any good hippies.

"Sir, we've discovered the information in your bags about the cannabis seeds you purchased in Amsterdam. All you need to do is tell us where in the United States you shipped the seeds to and there will be no trouble"

Get the fuck outa heeere.

If you made it this far I hope you enjoyed the read.

Peace, love, and hairgrease,


Well-known member
The year was 2001, I think, it might have been 2000, my memory was wiped from Yumboldt and Triple Zero, Malani Cream, and more.

We were headed to ADam and Christiana, Demark, from the US east coast. We were going to visit my friends friend who was a member of the upper group of hash traders in Christiania in Copenhagen to make a large purchase to return to the states.

I knew I wanted my prized LSD for the journey, to make extra special memories and I brainstormed a way to discreetly carry it out and across Europe. As a kid I had enjoyed what we called the fruity flute candies which are now called whistle pops.

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You could play them like a slide whistle since the handle extends and allows for different notes. Lots of fun, candy and music!!

So being a crazy hippy, I took a vial of pretty nice liquid L and started dosing one pop and letting it dry, redosing it over and over again until the whole open space in the pop was filled with approximately 70 or 80 drops. I wrapped it back up in its wrapper and put it in a baggie with 9 undosed Fruity Flute pops that were other colors. It was the purple one (I think) that had the L.

We flew from DC to Heathrow and began traveling by train towards Copenhagen. There we were treated as honored guests of the Danish hash hippie mafia. In Christiania we were in heaven on pusher street with all the hash stall vendors with their wares set out on velvet, on top of metal slabs with heaters below to keep the hash just the right temperature for potential customers to examine for purchase. There was hash from all over the world at good prices. It was fucking wild. They all had shrooms and flower too, but no hard drugs were tolerated, not even any chemicals, like L or E. Just things that come from mother nature.

And there was the old Danish guy who had a different vegetable every day carved in to a pipe. He'd be sitting there every morning carving a new one out of a carrot, or apple, or some other veggie. He smoked hash all day long every day.

We drank a bunch of Carlsberg beers just like the locals. It was as if no other beer existed, just Carlsberg.

We ate at an award winning vegetarian restaurant in the commune which was very fancy and expensive considering the nature of the commune. The food was amazing, especially because of how high we were. And I love meat but this place was at the top of the restaurant game.

I bought my Cristiania Freetown t-shirt which was all red with the commune flag on it. I proudly rocked that t-shirt.

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AT FIRST, all you had to do was barely touch the pop to your tongue and pull it out as quickly as possible to ingest about 300 micrograms of LSD and off you went. We shared that fruity flute many times, the three of us. Many memories were made with all three of us having carried $9,999 US, we were able to get alot done at the commune, if you know what I mean.

After reshaping everything for our purpose there was a pile of hash shavings from 9 types of hash, maybe a half ounce. It was basically extra and rather than throw it out I wipped up some bangalassi in our nice hotel where we were, now in Sweden. The bang was a hot hash chocolate milk beverage I made in the hotel room coffee maker. It was so potently concentrated with thc that it burnt your throat when drinking it. That day was the highest I've ever been on cannabis, and ever will be. I'm sure I took well over 1000 mg that day. We became physically locked. No one could move at all except to speak, barely. It was quite scary wondering what would happen to us if the hotel caught on fire.

After an important visit to that little post office in that little town in Sweden, which had three businesses, a pub, a bakery, and a Ferrari dealership, we began retracing our route back the way we had come.

We spent a good bit of time in ADam. It was all far out in a good way, Hills Street Blues, the Grey Area, Damkring, all the 'smart shops' with mushrooms sold fresh in cartons like you get creminis in in US grocery stores, hilarious.

All the while, every few days we'd have another link on the fruity flute and get all intergalactic again. I got my lid blown on L at the Van Gogh museum in ADam looking at the depth of his paint strokes which can't be seen on all the prints I had seen of his work, my whole life. A security guard eventually approached me and kindly said, sir there other people that would like to enjoy this painting, haha.

Then there was MA22O, a night club in ADam. It was pronounced Mazzo, but spelled MA22O. I was a club kid back in the day, but my two traveling companions, not so much, so I went out to rave on my own. There I met a very interesting and cool dude from Brazil and we smoked and hung out. It was obvious to him that I was very spun and he asked what I was on so I told him I was tripping on acid. Then he told me he had bought 10 rolls and a ten strip of L from an ADam street dealer and that he had eaten first a couple rolls and nothing happened so then he ate a couple tabs and nothing happened then, either. I said what the fuck, let me see that shit. The 'rolls' were unmarked, solid white and looked like aspirin, the 'acid' looked like notebook paper, haha. I said bro you got ripped off. He was really dissapointed and wanted to trip really bad.

I said my man, no worries, I've got you bro, all you have to do is TAKE A LICK ON MY FRUITY FLUTE. The look on his face was priceless. I said no seriously I've got this lollipop with a shitload of good acid on it. Have a lick if you'd like.

The fruity flute was still going strong at this pointed, you just needed to hold it in your mouth for about 1 full second to trip hard. I warned him but he decided to give it a proper suck and it wasn't 25 minutes later that he was dancing like a psychedelic robot monkey.

As we both started peaking there was a performance at the club which to this day still has me brainfucked. Three men all dressed in all black including hoods over their heads rolled out a large stainless steel gurney, like the kind in a hospital, into the middle of the dance floor. It was covered with many many types of food , from sushi to fruit, jello, many types of cheese and so on. And then I realized there was a person underneath the food, laying on her back, head up, under all the food. All I could see was her head and she was smiling a huge grin. That's when everybody dove in and started munching. It was some very tasty food. As we continued to eat it became apparent that she didn't have any clothes on. Eventually she was laying there butt naked with nothing but some crumbs and fruit juice on her. She sat up, got off the gurney, and did a little dance in the nude and exited. It was an amazing thing to experience while tripping balls.

So now you know that truth is better than fiction and that I couldn't have made this shit up.

There's alot more to the journey we took, but one memory sticks with me. The night before we flew from ADam to Chicago, I woke up, in the middle of the night, to pee in the Hemp Hotel, owned by Mila Jansen. One of my buddies was sitting upright in bed. I said hey whats up man are you good? And then I looked closer and realized he had the fruity flute/ trippy stick in his mouth. He was sucking on it like a 5 year old and wasn't taking it out. His eyes looked like they belonged to an owl. The next day we led his tripping ass around by hand through two huge airports and an airplane. I think most people observing thought he had a mental problem, like he was slow or retarded or something.

And yes we got jacked up by LEO at O'Hara in Chicago, like any good hippies.

"Sir, we've discovered the information in your bags about the cannabis seeds you purchased in Amsterdam. All you need to do is tell us where in the United States you shipped the seeds to and there will be no trouble"

Get the fuck outa heeere.

If you made it this far I hope you enjoyed the read.

Peace, love, and hairgrease,
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Well brother first of all thanks for the story it took me back to Alice’s hole and i an still falling!!! Great stuff which I totally relate to, i once took the bag of my shroom dealer and there was like to fingers of powdered cubensis and he looked at me and said have it if you like, looked back at him and said can i have it with the skittles on your table…the rest is history lasting 48 hours

Wow Grey Area now thats my place when I want to smoke good hash ( had lebanese, manala cream and Afgani there!!!)


Active member
we find ourselves in the year 1989; the GDR had just opened the iron curtain when my girlfriend and I decided to pay a visit to weimar, the city where the greatly revered goethe once worked. planning to stay for a few days, i cut a good piece from a block of red lebanese hash, knowing there would be no chance of finding anything to smoke in the east. on a friday, we set off to the unfamiliar, other part of germany. when we arrived in weimar in the afternoon, all the banks for currency exchange were already closed and would remain so until monday. we embarked on a search for someone who would exchange some money, even though it was highly illegal. we wandered through the city for a while without approaching anyone.

after a good while, we spotted three locals on the other side of the street who, with their long hair, looked like hippies just like myself. we approached them and asked about a currency exchange, a request they gladly fulfilled. after that, the five of us walked through the city for a while. eventually, i asked the guys if they'd like to smoke a joint. they were ecstatic, having never seen hash before and were eager to try it. nn front of us was a bridge, on whose stone pillars i rolled a thick joint. the moment i lit it, i heard a car screeching to a halt behind me. when I turned around, i could read in big letters on it: 'VOLKSPOLIZEI' my heart sank, and i threw the joint into the small river beneath us, which was murmuring softly. i mentally prepared myself for the gulag in siberia. i was familiar with the east german cops from the transit to west berlin, and they had a notorious reputation.

the doors of their wartburg opened, and both cops came straight towards me. 'what did you just throw into the water? are you consuming drugs here?' our three new friends were already changing color, and i knew it was about to get dangerous. so, i put on my most innocent face and said it was just a self-rolled cigarette. the cops demanded that we empty our pockets. everything that came out was placed on the roof of the cop car. when i claimed that all my pockets were now empty, one cop began to frisk me while his colleague searched the others. ff course, the guy immediately felt the lump in the inside pocket of my leather jacket and brought it to light.

he spun the hash in his fingers and asked me, 'what is this?' i could see from his face that he genuinely didn't know what it was, so i replied as casually as possible, 'it's a scented candle, something like incense. you light it and enjoy the fragrance.' the cop handed the dope back to me and said, 'show me.' so, i took my lighter from the roof of their car and set the hash ablaze, allowing it to smolder and emit its scent. the cop inhaled and said, 'yeah, that does smell really good.' he then placed the stuff next to my other belongings on the car roof.

meanwhile, the second cop had finished searching the others and came over to me and his colleague, who told him he couldn't find anything on me. the second one then examined the things on the car roof and, with a questioning look, picked up my dope. his colleague immediately told him, 'it's a scented candle,' and that was the end of the matter. the cops gave us an excuse, got into their car and drove away.

i would have loved to see their dump faces later when, in the reunited germany, they attended their first drug education session of their police-lives...


Well-known member
we find ourselves in the year 1989; the GDR had just opened the iron curtain when my girlfriend and I decided to pay a visit to weimar, the city where the greatly revered goethe once worked. planning to stay for a few days, i cut a good piece from a block of red lebanese hash, knowing there would be no chance of finding anything to smoke in the east. on a friday, we set off to the unfamiliar, other part of germany. when we arrived in weimar in the afternoon, all the banks for currency exchange were already closed and would remain so until monday. we embarked on a search for someone who would exchange some money, even though it was highly illegal. we wandered through the city for a while without approaching anyone.

after a good while, we spotted three locals on the other side of the street who, with their long hair, looked like hippies just like myself. we approached them and asked about a currency exchange, a request they gladly fulfilled. after that, the five of us walked through the city for a while. eventually, i asked the guys if they'd like to smoke a joint. they were ecstatic, having never seen hash before and were eager to try it. nn front of us was a bridge, on whose stone pillars i rolled a thick joint. the moment i lit it, i heard a car screeching to a halt behind me. when I turned around, i could read in big letters on it: 'VOLKSPOLIZEI' my heart sank, and i threw the joint into the small river beneath us, which was murmuring softly. i mentally prepared myself for the gulag in siberia. i was familiar with the east german cops from the transit to west berlin, and they had a notorious reputation.

the doors of their wartburg opened, and both cops came straight towards me. 'what did you just throw into the water? are you consuming drugs here?' our three new friends were already changing color, and i knew it was about to get dangerous. so, i put on my most innocent face and said it was just a self-rolled cigarette. the cops demanded that we empty our pockets. everything that came out was placed on the roof of the cop car. when i claimed that all my pockets were now empty, one cop began to frisk me while his colleague searched the others. ff course, the guy immediately felt the lump in the inside pocket of my leather jacket and brought it to light.

he spun the hash in his fingers and asked me, 'what is this?' i could see from his face that he genuinely didn't know what it was, so i replied as casually as possible, 'it's a scented candle, something like incense. you light it and enjoy the fragrance.' the cop handed the dope back to me and said, 'show me.' so, i took my lighter from the roof of their car and set the hash ablaze, allowing it to smolder and emit its scent. the cop inhaled and said, 'yeah, that does smell really good.' he then placed the stuff next to my other belongings on the car roof.

meanwhile, the second cop had finished searching the others and came over to me and his colleague, who told him he couldn't find anything on me. the second one then examined the things on the car roof and, with a questioning look, picked up my dope. his colleague immediately told him, 'it's a scented candle,' and that was the end of the matter. the cops gave us an excuse, got into their car and drove away.

i would have loved to see their dump faces later when, in the reunited germany, they attended their first drug education session of their police-lives...
Ha ha ha, great hash story… reminds me of we should not overestimate cops! With a friend we were transporting 20 seedlings to the caspian when we got pulled over… thats what I call You Fuck Up my High situation! The cop gad no clue abd my friend told him it is some medicinal plant from far east… we got out of it with a fine we happly paid


Active member
Ha ha ha, great hash story… reminds me of we should not overestimate cops! With a friend we were transporting 20 seedlings to the caspian when we got pulled over… thats what I call You Fuck Up my High situation! The cop gad no clue abd my friend told him it is some medicinal plant from far east… we got out of it with a fine we happly paid
man, i have so many more dope-depending storys, plenty of them are as unbelievable like the one above...