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Lets take a SMOKE RIDE!~~



Yes im new, sorta, check my thread in the intoduction forum with eye candy :D : http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=559569#post559569

and to come :) 4 diff strain, 18 plants, 14 local strain, 2 local kush, 1 mr. wierdo ;p and 1 haze ? lol(i explain somewhat in the intro thread) also a few s1 seeds from the kush. an indica dom pheno showing which is what i would really love. all the white 5 gallons are the local strain, indica dominant. the 1 green 5 gallon is mr. wierdo. the 4 3 gallons are 2 kush and 2 local strain. the 2 gallons are moms and the haze mom is getting grown out(weedfarmer strain).

they are all in 2-1 fox farm ocean forest to light warrior mix of soil. I feed them fox farm nute schedule sorta, really i read into em to see what they want, I am getting a lot better at this(3rd grow with the local strains and overall). I use FF Big Grow and Big Bloom, liquad karma, cal-mag, sweet, tiger bloom, and thinkin about using the 3pack(open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching). I have a decent amount of pics in my gallery and am by no means an expert, this is my 3rd time. So im outta lurking and here to share and learn from you all :D

I swear this local strain is the absolute fire, its so nasty, sticky, purplish, ooey fucking gooey, it almost stinks like feet and fruit, very good sat/ind mix i think, def some skunk1 and supposed ak47 long flowering cherry? pheno maybe? and something called cali-rado. its thru a friend of a friend, that i dont know so i just got them and was very thankful. defintely the best ive had on the local strain, thats why i do so many lol.

also 3 of my moms are in there with 2 small clones in the center but theyll go back in a veg box with floros, i just like em under the hps(1000watt) when i veg clones out.

17 days veg, 18/6


Ill get more organized lol and an updated pic soon, this pic is about a week old :D
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ok heres 1 shot of 1st harvest and a few from the 2nd.

1st harvest, local strain:



2nd harvest, local

straight up, messed them up, underfed in week 5 of flower and they ate all the leaves and didnt fatten up as good as they shouldve. I also had a fungus gnat prob and think i stressed them xplanting them too much. swear its the same strain as first pic

the kush, local strain, 2nd harvest:

weedfarmer purple haze, methinks its skunk, just call it wierdo:

weedfarmer super skunk, think its haze, took 77 to flower:

couple more veg shot, day 17

local strain, leaf:

overhead shot, same thing:

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and the next show is in

updates on current grow later :D, just had to show off some bud shots and my seeds lol im so happy




:lurk: come on out :lurk:

day 23 of veg, kush clones are in back, didnt get pics of them this time but will next update, got the kush seeds, local strain, skunk, and haze pics:

local strain stalk:


local strain up close:

super skunk:


Kush s2 seeds sprouted and goin strong with an indica dom pheno

more to come !


all praises are due to the Most High
the pics of the buds of the 1st harvest look as if they had mold...

the others look really great, specially the haze, yum.



heya paz,

I promise there is no mold on those babies. that pic was like 5-8 days after harvest, leaves are still green on em. I am not sure what looks like mold, but maybe the purple color that they get from keeping temps lower. The 2nd harvest got the purple leaves but ate them all(turned yellow). I assure you its some quality smoke that will knock you on your ass, i only wish i could get a clone or something in a real breeders hand.
Very nice, Methinks the haze is a skunkxhaze most likely. superskunk is traditionally sk1xafghani.

Ps. Pop a few of those SourdieselIBL and get a mom ASAP. You wont regret it. Every grow of the Sourd v2,v3,ibl everyone raves about the potency :joint:
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hunt, i agree, i think that haze is skunkxhaze, its got a lemony skunky type of flavor. it came from weedfarmer and was labeled purple haze lol.

I wanna pop the Reservoir genetics badly but im going to have to wait atleast til this is done. I just wanna focus everything on the sour and strawberry at the same time, grow all 20 out and pick out the best for moms :D. Those 2 strains are a huge part of why i came out of lurking and finally ordered from seedbay. I wish i had the room to do them too, but in the mean time i popped 5 of the bog medley for shits and giggles, thinking i can get em vegged and flowered by the time these are done. I hope they can veg under 2 24in floros ok, i dont really have a seperate veg area, just a room and a closet with some floros. Really i started out ghetto growing lol and adjusted as i went. Another thing too, i need to be able to afford better odor control. From what ive heard on the rez diesel genetics tho, im gonna need something good for odor lol and im scared to fuck thsee up, i just want everything perfect for them, my technique, atmosphere, everything. This is only my 3rd grow, and my best vegetative period yet as far as speed of growth and plant health, so after this flower period, if i double my yeild, which should not be a problem this time around, i think ill feel confident enough to do those diez.
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all praises are due to the Most High
tommy, cool, i was just commenting, i know pictures usually do not reflect the real colours of the actual buds, but if you look at the pics of the buds i am talking about, they have brown mold looking spots on them... Anyway, it is not important so long as it is not mold :D good luck and peace man.




4 weeks of vegative phase from clone on all these, except 2 s1 seeds from the lemon kush which are just kinda in the corner doin their thing.


Local strain, few pics with hps on and off:

Here, the white buckets are my local strain, the green pots here are the lemon kush(which have been fimmed due to their sative like stretch and to stay near the hieght of local):

super skunk:

and here are my s1 lemon kushes:

the skunk is 15 inches tall, the local is 17-19 inches tall, the kush is about 16 inches tall and the 2 seeds are 5-6 inches tall.

Does anyone think i should just flower the kush out now, or move them under some floros for a few more days/weeks. I am not worried about yield on these, just wanna flower them out and see if one is a keeper. Ill be cuttin a few clones off each one before they get deep into flowering. The plant they came from tends to be stretchy, but these 2 seedlings look a lot more indica than it does, atleast one of them does.

thanks for your comments, advice, criticism in advance, POST IT UP BABY!!!



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey whats up, glad i caught ur thread, itl be interesting to watch the lemon kushes grow.
i would veg the kushes longer, i mean if you want a taste. you want a good sized taste lol. i smoke the lemon nugs too fast its just good.

ps: the local strain looks nice as well.


hi jay, nice of you to join :D I got a cfl bulb and 2 other floros ill keep em with some bog medly seedlings i got going. Originally my pals had 5 lemon kush seeds and grew out 3, i thought i was given a hermy seed from one of those 3 but was told I got one of the other 2, and it turned out female, the 2 seedlings are 2 of the 3 hermy seeds i found on 3 clones i flowered out. They were all on the same bud, so these are s1 i think. I'm pretty sure they are gonna be female too, no pistil yet but just looks to me like female seeds ive grrown out in the past. I accidentally vacuumed up some of the fatter indica leaved one and its got some spots on the leaves where it looks like it was eaten lol.

The local is nice, heavy dense nug yielder, turns purple, it stretches 2x where the others are about 3x stretch.

thanks for droppin by


lookin good Tommy, im sittin in to watch the show, lemon kush eh? should be cool indeed. bd


Heres pics of all the lemon kush i got right now, except the mom, shes put away.

First we have a clone of the original mother, grown from the first seed i was given.

Next up, a clone, same mother, that has been fimmed and vegged for 28 days in 3 gallon soil.

This clone is from the same mother, she had 2 leads from the beginning and i topped a few spots on her 10 days ago or so. She also has been in veg 28 days.

Here is one of the seedlings i found in a hermied bud, 2 pics of this one, its got a lot of indica traits:

This is the other seed from the hermie lemon kush, it looks more like its more indica than the original one i have too:

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I just couldnt stand it. I had 61 seeds of assorted variety come in and just had to pop some, so i went with 5 bog medley seeds, and 3 gypsy gum. More to come on that.(all 8 sprouted yesterday).

My flowering stuff, well its gonna be a bit for some pics on that, that are interesting. I feel like flowers are gonna form any minute tho lol.

Thanks heavychevy, this is like an everyday big deal for me. I hope I can pull off some good eye candy.

Ill get some single plant shots next update, should be a week or less.




camera out of commission, updates this weekend hopefully with pics. Day 9 of flower today and we are moving right along...cant wait to shoot em