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Well-known member
^Snakedope, I feel like your argument sums up to "I believe good bud/full trichs under LED is very rare, and I have seen many examples of bad bud grown under LED."

Just because there are lots of bad LED grows doesn't mean you can't grow full trichs under LED. Just because you are better at HPS doesn't mean everyone is better at HPS. LED definitely comes with unique challenges, but that doesn't mean you can't dial it in.


Active member
Redrum 92 - i will address you as other just busy speculating and judging who and what i am before they even know me and my history, sorry i dont roll with that.

Its not about believing bro, its not god haha, the reality of the situation is that we had killer weed for many many years, and in the last 2-3 years the quality has gone so downhill its making me wanna smoke tobacco more then weed, can you explain why ?

Now if you think that all those people that grew killer shit for years and now all of these people suddenly forgot what they are doing is naive at best, you need to look more clearly about reality.
I searched for a long time what the hell went wrong, and i found the blame, L.E.D !
Dont believe me ? its fine, im addressing the OP, explaining why his HPS bud was great and LEDs bud is "aromatic and nice" lol :p
Saying that you all grow 20+ years, and still dont understand is even more perplexing to me :|
After seeing Curtis grows, Delta, and Wall, im safe in my explanation why this phenomena is happening, they are not different from other LED grows i see, in fact, LED grows so much similar traits (like under developed trichomes) that its so easy to tell LED and HPS bud.

Wall - "scientists and cannabis are 2 different things...you are not a scientist yourself, and not yet an experienced grower." haha thanks bro for clearing that up, you know me over 35 years so you gotta know what i am and what you talking about when it comes to me right ? sigh, you make me tired with you personal stuff, talk about matter of the stuff, BUD QUALITY UNDER LED, i am not the issue here.


Active member
Curtis, i like your inputs, they are on point and relate to the subject at hand.
Hoping for more people to share their thoughts and experiences in this field, and what they think and see.


No Jive Productions
let's see if i get this right, snakestuff! in this thread you have admitted to buying cannabis at dispensaries.

and you are supposed to be some kind of experienced grower?

no wonder you think modern weed is bad.

you are saying that modern cannabis is not very good and you blame it on led lights.

like douglas curtis above, i have been growing with hps for 22 years and leds for the last 4.

3 of those last four years i designed, built, and then became the director of operations for a 10k sq ft commercial hemp flower operation. all leds that i had custom built in china.

for 5 years before that i ran my own legal medical thc facility in oregon. this operation had 49 sunlight supply DE fixtures.

in both of these situations, i had access to and used lab facilities to help me quantify my product.

these coa's stated cannabinoid and terpenoid content, among other things.

i saw high-quality, potent, medical-grade flowers in both situations because i made sure the product was top-notch.

it was my job to grow better quality than my competitors and i monitored these coa's closely.

the pictures i have shown of some of my flowers show fully mature trichome heads. i take close-up photos daily near harvest to check them.

if you think they are underdeveloped please show me pics of yours that are fully developed so that i may learn from you.

how do you think "underdeveloped" trichomes got me a high-paying job in the cannabis industry?

the coa's showed that the cannabis i grew was high quality and we have you here saying that it's not.

so you see my attitude here.

this site is full of top-grade, world-class growers and you come on here insulting everyone's intelligence.

how do underdeveloped trichomes score 30% plus on cannabinoid tests?

even the hemp flowers i grew scored 18% cbd and were terp heavy.

i think that perhaps you may be noticing a decline in quality in your sphere of contacts. i suggest you find better growers.

also, i think that coinciding approximately with the universal acceptance of led's we are seeing a decline in genetic quality being offered because of all the crossing going on so you may think you see a correlation there.

also, on the subject of trichome head size there is a huge size range depending on genetics.

some sativas have tiny trichs and some of the native hash plants have huge trichs. and all sizes in between.

but you personally should be more careful about criticizing the flowers of growers on icmag.


Active member
The sun is tough & harsh, in my first year when I put my plants outside all leaves got bleached within a day, after 3 days all had fallen off.
:crazy: what?


Active member
Snakedope imo its been electric tumbling trimmers , genetics and greed . Thats where your glue has gone .

Heads are tumbled off before selling , made into concentrates . Via electric pollenators or trimmers . Esetially selling the same crop 2x . Flowers and concentrates

Genetics have all been steered towards , cookie flowers with purple nopunch frost . Bag appeal above all else .

Greed see above 2 posts


Well-known member
Just a grab..

RICHOME STATEStage of development
Unformed or Clear
  • The Trichomes isn’t fully developed yet. The stalk is still growing.
  • The head of the trichome isn’t formed or isn’t perfectly round yet.
  • No THC or CBD production has started.
Some are Clear, some are Milky
  • THC production has started in some Thricomes.
  • The levels of THC aren’t at their highest.
  • Not ready to harvest.
Mostly or all Milky
  • THC levels are at their highest.
  • If you’re aiming for an very upper type effect this is the window for harvest.
Mostly milky and some are turning golden/amber
  • THC glands are starting to deteriorate.
  • THC levels are starting to reduce.
  • CBD levels are starting to increase.
  • If you’re looking for that mildly upper high this is the time to harvest.
Mostly or all golden/brown
  • THC Glands have fully deteriorated.
  • CBD levels are at their highest and THC levels at their lowest.
  • If you’re looking for more of a chill/”couch potato” high this is when you want to harvest.


Active member
You like to talk alot of shit, xet, but that comment just shows how ignorant and inexperienced you really are.

Many plants/seedlings behave that way, bleached leaves that may even fall off, when you start them indoors and then suddenly take them outside under hot sun. You have to condition indoor seedlings to handle proper sun light by giving them only few hours of sunlight per day at first.


Well-known member
Sorry I tried to read the thread but it's really tiring sorting through the bro science and the people protecting their bruised ego lol

Is there a side to side comparison, of the same clone, in the same conditions, between HID and LED in this thread? Otherwise this is a waste of time. All or most of the differences in growing conditions are going to affect the final result in some way aren't they? Thus making a direct comparison between 2 random pictures totally pointless 🤷‍♂️

Speculating on a supposed decrease in "quality" due to a change in technology is not science. Like the quality of weed depended on the quantity or shape of the trichomes by the way, lmao. For Instagram influencers maybe, or to sell weed to people who care about it's appearance. Some of the best weed I have smoked had very sub-standard amount of trichomes, would give horrendous returns in extractions, and looked so ugly the pictures would be laughed out of instagram. Probably had trichomes shaped like a dick and balls as well.


Active member
Wow, talking about LEDs always gets people so emotional...

delta - Yes, i have a medical card, yes i buy from dealers too, sometimes i ran out of shit to smoke, its gone more fast then i can grow it, in the past the med weed was so good it was a gold std around here, all other growers tried to get there (some did) but the market was so good in terms of quality, no one had any problems, we didnt grow like today as we didnt needed so much, the med weed was killer enough and cost a dime.
Over a period of 6 monthes maybe, all these top notch growers (med and others) suddenly dropped the quality not by 1%, but by 80-90% in all areas ! high, smell, glue, sticky, you name it.
How is that ? no genetic change, no location change, same clone, same conditions, please explain it to me, its not only me, the whole market here is like that, people are mad ! they blame the Gamma rays that the med weed has to go through, They blame the pesticide agents, name something and they will blame it, we have seen reduction of quality in such extant its hard to convey it in words in forums... So who is to blame ? Hmmm i told u ive seen more then 1000 unites of HID lights in just 1 store, just sitting there.. "everyone switched to LED" the seller says... damn.
LED is so efficient now (g\w) that they dont even grow outdoor anymore... all they care about is the weight :(
Now its not just the hobby growers, its the med growers also and 95% of the market is LED owned today, at least in my country.

If you think that all these growers all of a sudden became shit growers you need to have a reality check.

Im sorry if i offended you somehow ? i never talked about your growing skills or history or experience, it dosent matter to me at all, you think im insulting you or other growers, nah.. i love many growers here and i think they are wayyy more better then me and you, and we both got a lot of experience.
When i need to learn something or see the best i go to Chunky or B4URTIME threads, there are more here that i dont remember now, that are doing killer job.

THC means nothing if you dont got glue, THC is a number, a figure of something out of 100 things that is present in the glue compound. like i said, i smoked weed with 28% thc and it was shit, all med weed here is 20% + and they perform harsh testing i assure u that, but where is that 20-28% glue huh ?? 28% without glue ? i smoked in AMS weed that was "16%" and it blew my mind off it was sticky with smell and glue from here to thailand ! keep talking figures instead of looking at reality
You are clearly not seeing what im talking about you continue rattle about experience, when i first grew i was 16 years old with a 400w HPS and didnt know wtf i was doing and got the most amazing shit.
Snakedope imo its been electric tumbling trimmers , genetics and greed . Thats where your glue has gone .

Heads are tumbled off before selling , made into concentrates . Via electric pollenators or trimmers . Esetially selling the same crop 2x . Flowers and concentrates

Genetics have all been steered towards , cookie flowers with purple nopunch frost . Bag appeal above all else .

Greed see above 2 posts

You are on point, but thats not the case entirely, the old killer weed was tumbled as well, but atleast the inside was kept, and the bud was way better then today.
Genetics are still fire, this switch to lame quality didnt happen in 10 years, it happend under 6 monthes, something else has happened.

i do agree that most genetics nowadays are purple nopunch ill give u that haha, bag appeal also you are accurate on that aswell.

Greed huh.. damn those money loving people
Sorry I tried to read the thread but it's really tiring sorting through the bro science and the people protecting their bruised ego lol

Is there a side to side comparison, of the same clone, in the same conditions, between HID and LED in this thread? Otherwise this is a waste of time. All or most of the differences in growing conditions are going to affect the final result in some way aren't they? Thus making a direct comparison between 2 random pictures totally pointless 🤷‍♂️

Speculating on a supposed decrease in "quality" due to a change in technology is not science. Like the quality of weed depended on the quantity or shape of the trichomes by the way, lmao. For Instagram influencers maybe, or to sell weed to people who care about it's appearance. Some of the best weed I have smoked had very sub-standard amount of trichomes, would give horrendous returns in extractions, and looked so ugly the pictures would be laughed out of instagram. Probably had trichomes shaped like a dick and balls as well.

Speculating haha, nothing to speculate about, you think we are idiots ? we talk all of this just for speculation ? this is a fact thats happening not just in my country, ive seen it all around the world, LED is universal haha
a flower dosent have to look nice to be dank, it has to have GLUE !
Thats why 16% flowers will crush you sometimes, they have more punch (glue) then 28% strains, GLUE is what your looking for, not THC, 15 years ago everyone thought the THC was just a factor of how much glue do i got on my plant in total, 100g plant, 25 gram glue, means you got 25% THC.

Now its all skewed.


Well-known member
Speculating haha, nothing to speculate about, you think we are idiots ? we talk all of this just for speculation ?

I didn't say THEY were speculating lol, YOU are the one that is speculating :D

speculation noun [C or U] (GUESS)​

the activity of guessing possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain

The definition to a T haha
I didn't call anyone an idiot either by the way.

Sorry to say, but your personal observations are worth nothing especially when you are quantifying quality as a percentage, like saying weed is 80% less quality in six months. Makes no sense and its worth nothing without a side to side comparison.

Quantity of resin,.if that's what you mean by glue, has nothing to do with quality of the bud either. Unless you grow only for extraction or are some kind of influencer.


Well-known member
You like to talk alot of shit, xet, but that comment just shows how ignorant and inexperienced you really are.

Many plants/seedlings behave that way, bleached leaves that may even fall off, when you start them indoors and then suddenly take them outside under hot sun. You have to condition indoor seedlings to handle proper sun light by giving them only few hours of sunlight per day at first.
exactly, though you can use a high-K MH bulb, like a 10K one, or UVA diodes 356-400nm, or even an UVB fluorescent fixture to harden them up indoors, then, they may take the direct sunlight better.

but all these lightwaves are growth-inhibitive (somewhat) and that may be a reason not to use that in veg

aren't you the same guy at RIU that made this lengthy similar arguments, just like now, at that Mars Hydro add thread? only to leave without showing his plants because "they are too far away"?

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