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Kroeng Krawia Landrace


🪴Happy Monday everyone!

We have a lot of landraces in our collection, so we thought it would be fun to highlight some of them a little bit. Please feel free to post photos if you grow this one! I love to see what everyone does with these amazing genetics!

Kroeng Krawia

Kroeng Krawia, or simply “KK,” has a rich and diverse history deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia. Originating from the region’s tropical forests, this strain of cannabis has been cultivated for centuries by local communities for its medicinal and recreational properties.

It has played a significant role in traditional practices, including spiritual ceremonies and healing rituals. Over time, its popularity spread beyond its place of origin, captivating cannabis enthusiasts worldwide.

Thai landrace cannabis, often referred to as “Thai Stick,” holds a storied history deeply entrenched in the cultural fabric of Thailand. Originating from the country’s lush mountainous regions, this strain has thrived for generations in its natural habitat. Thai landrace cannabis gained worldwide acclaim in the 1960s and 1970s when Western travelers encountered its potent effects and distinctive long, slender buds, which were traditionally bound into “Thai Sticks” using hemp fiber. However, with the rise of hybridization and modern cultivation techniques, Thai landrace cannabis faced decline, highlighting the importance of preserving this valuable piece of cannabis heritage.

Kroeng Krawia is a landrace sativa strain from the Kanchanaburi province in Thailand. It’s celebrated for its unique characteristics:

•Appearance: It has long, thin leaves typical of sativa strains, giving it a distinct tropical look.

•Growth: KK is known for its vigorous growth, easily reaching heights of 3 meters (9ft) with lateral dimensions to match when given space.

•Flowering Time: It has a lengthy flowering period ranging from 16-24 weeks, but it’s resilient to humidity and related issues, making it easier to maintain plant health during this time.

•Resin Production: The strain is noted for its high resin production, which is a desirable trait for many cultivators.

Terpenes: Here’s a detailed look at the terpenes typically found in Kroeng Krawia:

•Myrcene: Often the most abundant terpene in cannabis, myrcene is known for its earthy, musky notes reminiscent of cloves. It’s said to promote relaxation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

•Limonene: This terpene has a citrusy scent and may provide mood elevation and stress relief. It’s also thought to have antifungal and antibacterial benefits.

•Caryophyllene: With a spicy, peppery aroma, caryophyllene is unique in that it may interact with the endocannabinoid system and provide anti-inflammatory effects.

•Pinene: As the name suggests, pinene has a sharp pine aroma. It’s believed to aid in alertness and memory retention, and it may also have bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects.

•Terpinolene: Typically found in lower concentrations, terpinolene has a complex scent profile with floral, herbaceous, piney, and citrusy notes. It may have sedative and antioxidant properties.

We distribute in North America for Zomia Seeds and have Kroeng Krawia landrace available on our website in packs of 5/10 seeds. Bruce always sends a few extra as well, to ensure you have better luck with 'the ladies' :)


(If you have any questions, BruceNCG or I will answer them for you here!)


  • Kroeng-Krawia-Thai.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 76


Well-known member
🪴Happy Monday everyone!

We have a lot of landraces in our collection, so we thought it would be fun to highlight some of them a little bit. Please feel free to post photos if you grow this one! I love to see what everyone does with these amazing genetics!

Kroeng Krawia

Kroeng Krawia, or simply “KK,” has a rich and diverse history deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia. Originating from the region’s tropical forests, this strain of cannabis has been cultivated for centuries by local communities for its medicinal and recreational properties.

It has played a significant role in traditional practices, including spiritual ceremonies and healing rituals. Over time, its popularity spread beyond its place of origin, captivating cannabis enthusiasts worldwide.

Thai landrace cannabis, often referred to as “Thai Stick,” holds a storied history deeply entrenched in the cultural fabric of Thailand. Originating from the country’s lush mountainous regions, this strain has thrived for generations in its natural habitat. Thai landrace cannabis gained worldwide acclaim in the 1960s and 1970s when Western travelers encountered its potent effects and distinctive long, slender buds, which were traditionally bound into “Thai Sticks” using hemp fiber. However, with the rise of hybridization and modern cultivation techniques, Thai landrace cannabis faced decline, highlighting the importance of preserving this valuable piece of cannabis heritage.

Kroeng Krawia is a landrace sativa strain from the Kanchanaburi province in Thailand. It’s celebrated for its unique characteristics:

•Appearance: It has long, thin leaves typical of sativa strains, giving it a distinct tropical look.

•Growth: KK is known for its vigorous growth, easily reaching heights of 3 meters (9ft) with lateral dimensions to match when given space.

•Flowering Time: It has a lengthy flowering period ranging from 16-24 weeks, but it’s resilient to humidity and related issues, making it easier to maintain plant health during this time.

•Resin Production: The strain is noted for its high resin production, which is a desirable trait for many cultivators.

Terpenes: Here’s a detailed look at the terpenes typically found in Kroeng Krawia:

•Myrcene: Often the most abundant terpene in cannabis, myrcene is known for its earthy, musky notes reminiscent of cloves. It’s said to promote relaxation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

•Limonene: This terpene has a citrusy scent and may provide mood elevation and stress relief. It’s also thought to have antifungal and antibacterial benefits.

•Caryophyllene: With a spicy, peppery aroma, caryophyllene is unique in that it may interact with the endocannabinoid system and provide anti-inflammatory effects.

•Pinene: As the name suggests, pinene has a sharp pine aroma. It’s believed to aid in alertness and memory retention, and it may also have bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects.

•Terpinolene: Typically found in lower concentrations, terpinolene has a complex scent profile with floral, herbaceous, piney, and citrusy notes. It may have sedative and antioxidant properties.

We distribute in North America for Zomia Seeds and have Kroeng Krawia landrace available on our website in packs of 5/10 seeds. Bruce always sends a few extra as well, to ensure you have better luck with 'the ladies' :)


(If you have any questions, BruceNCG or I will answer them for you here!)
Thank you for your work friend.

Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
Sorry to be a smart ass and a nay sayer, but I would be surprised though if Kroeng Kavia originated in the rainforests of Thailand as a naturally occuring plant as the op seems to suggest. According to cannabis studies people, and maybe they just have gluesticks up there asses, I don't know, but they seem to put the work in while you and I have stoned fantasies about the bud we're smoking. These hard nosed, probably sweaty and evil nerds at McGill University or wherever say sorry but there are no truly wild strains of cannabis anymore and there have't been any for millenia. I forget that guy's name, a Canadian professor who has written a massive tome putting together the best research around makes a good case for cannabis being basically a very domesticated plant dependent on human and human livestock manure and other tasty treats. That the archaeological evidence shows cannabis seeds as part of many old settlements dug up in around Asia and cannabis seems to just follow people around. Of course feral populations escape in many areas and grow untended probably for centuries such as the huge swaths of Kazkhistan where probably billions of plants grow go to seed and sprout anew every year in wild fioelds the size of western Europe, but its likely these were from cultivations left behind by nomadic farmers who planted them thousands of years ago.

Kroeng Kavia with its lush bud structure i think would not be that well suited to life as a wild plant in a dark wet and hot rainforest. More likely, people of Kanchanaburi developed the line or got it from somewhere else and grew it on hillsides cleared of any rainforest. Its hard enough even in that environment in Thailand to grow pot that doesn't turn to mush, I'd be surprised if it would even grow at all in a rain forest. Also the reseach suggests tropical strains are much more recent, that cannabis is basically a temperate climate plant, but it is very adaptable and people brought it into the tropics like India and developed strains that would tolerate more heat and humidity. Stil I don't find they tolerate it that well, it takes a skilled grower to pull it off, most Thai growers seem to prefer growing indoors now. After trying myself for the last two years to grow outdoors, I can see why, a lot of ruined buds is what you get. But, of course, you get plenty of seeds and i suppose thats all a naturally occuring weed plant would need, but who knows maybe you're right, maybe it is a jungle plant that was just waiting around for millions of years to be discovered by stoner Thai farmers. I just don't think so.


Active member
Sorry to be a smart ass and a nay sayer, but I would be surprised though if Kroeng Kavia originated in the rainforests of Thailand as a naturally occuring plant as the op seems to suggest. According to cannabis studies people, and maybe they just have gluesticks up there asses, I don't know, but they seem to put the work in while you and I have stoned fantasies about the bud we're smoking. These hard nosed, probably sweaty and evil nerds at McGill University or wherever say sorry but there are no truly wild strains of cannabis anymore and there have't been any for millenia. I forget that guy's name, a Canadian professor who has written a massive tome putting together the best research around makes a good case for cannabis being basically a very domesticated plant dependent on human and human livestock manure and other tasty treats. That the archaeological evidence shows cannabis seeds as part of many old settlements dug up in around Asia and cannabis seems to just follow people around. Of course feral populations escape in many areas and grow untended probably for centuries such as the huge swaths of Kazkhistan where probably billions of plants grow go to seed and sprout anew every year in wild fioelds the size of western Europe, but its likely these were from cultivations left behind by nomadic farmers who planted them thousands of years ago.

Kroeng Kavia with its lush bud structure i think would not be that well suited to life as a wild plant in a dark wet and hot rainforest. More likely, people of Kanchanaburi developed the line or got it from somewhere else and grew it on hillsides cleared of any rainforest. Its hard enough even in that environment in Thailand to grow pot that doesn't turn to mush, I'd be surprised if it would even grow at all in a rain forest. Also the reseach suggests tropical strains are much more recent, that cannabis is basically a temperate climate plant, but it is very adaptable and people brought it into the tropics like India and developed strains that would tolerate more heat and humidity. Stil I don't find they tolerate it that well, it takes a skilled grower to pull it off, most Thai growers seem to prefer growing indoors now. After trying myself for the last two years to grow outdoors, I can see why, a lot of ruined buds is what you get. But, of course, you get plenty of seeds and i suppose thats all a naturally occuring weed plant would need, but who knows maybe you're right, maybe it is a jungle plant that was just waiting around for millions of years to be discovered by stoner Thai farmers. I just don't think so.
Thanks for cutting through the BS Herbert! Claims made by seed companies are usually fairy tales!


Well-known member
And they're using the same grow photo as Zomia :unsure:


Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
And they're using the same grow photo as Zomia :unsure:

I was going to say, I have had my eye on that strain on Zomia, one of the few I may actually buy anyway even though i don't need anymore seeds.


Active member
And they're using the same grow photo as Zomia :unsure:

Why these F2 cost the same of original?
What they do for the line for put these prices?
And they're using the same grow photo as Zomia :unsure:

Pssst, north coast and Zomia are affiliated.


Well-known member
Pssst, north coast and Zomia are affiliated.

And why would they do that when they could sell it from their own seedbank? I don't see any other zomia gear on their page

Nothing wrong with selling F2s. Seems like the classy thing to do though is use your own grow pics


Hey guys!

I'm the social media girlie for NCG, but Bruce would be more than happy to chime in with more specifics!
We work with Zomia very closely, and are free to use their photos :)

As for descriptions, we recently switched CC processors and they are -very- strict on what we can, and can not say on our website. It really sucks, but we can't say anything about sensory information, or even grow information.

We are working on a workaround for this, but in the meantime if you have any specific questions on anything, just reach out to us and we can help.

Appreciate your feedback always!


🪴Happy Monday everyone!

We have a lot of landraces in our collection, so we thought it would be fun to highlight some of them a little bit. Please feel free to post photos if you grow this one! I love to see what everyone does with these amazing genetics!

Kroeng Krawia

Kroeng Krawia, or simply “KK,” has a rich and diverse history deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia. Originating from the region’s tropical forests, this strain of cannabis has been cultivated for centuries by local communities for its medicinal and recreational properties.

It has played a significant role in traditional practices, including spiritual ceremonies and healing rituals. Over time, its popularity spread beyond its place of origin, captivating cannabis enthusiasts worldwide.

Thai landrace cannabis, often referred to as “Thai Stick,” holds a storied history deeply entrenched in the cultural fabric of Thailand. Originating from the country’s lush mountainous regions, this strain has thrived for generations in its natural habitat. Thai landrace cannabis gained worldwide acclaim in the 1960s and 1970s when Western travelers encountered its potent effects and distinctive long, slender buds, which were traditionally bound into “Thai Sticks” using hemp fiber. However, with the rise of hybridization and modern cultivation techniques, Thai landrace cannabis faced decline, highlighting the importance of preserving this valuable piece of cannabis heritage.

Kroeng Krawia is a landrace sativa strain from the Kanchanaburi province in Thailand. It’s celebrated for its unique characteristics:

•Appearance: It has long, thin leaves typical of sativa strains, giving it a distinct tropical look.

•Growth: KK is known for its vigorous growth, easily reaching heights of 3 meters (9ft) with lateral dimensions to match when given space.

•Flowering Time: It has a lengthy flowering period ranging from 16-24 weeks, but it’s resilient to humidity and related issues, making it easier to maintain plant health during this time.

•Resin Production: The strain is noted for its high resin production, which is a desirable trait for many cultivators.

Terpenes: Here’s a detailed look at the terpenes typically found in Kroeng Krawia:

•Myrcene: Often the most abundant terpene in cannabis, myrcene is known for its earthy, musky notes reminiscent of cloves. It’s said to promote relaxation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

•Limonene: This terpene has a citrusy scent and may provide mood elevation and stress relief. It’s also thought to have antifungal and antibacterial benefits.

•Caryophyllene: With a spicy, peppery aroma, caryophyllene is unique in that it may interact with the endocannabinoid system and provide anti-inflammatory effects.

•Pinene: As the name suggests, pinene has a sharp pine aroma. It’s believed to aid in alertness and memory retention, and it may also have bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects.

•Terpinolene: Typically found in lower concentrations, terpinolene has a complex scent profile with floral, herbaceous, piney, and citrusy notes. It may have sedative and antioxidant properties.

We distribute in North America for Zomia Seeds and have Kroeng Krawia landrace available on our website in packs of 5/10 seeds. Bruce always sends a few extra as well, to ensure you have better luck with 'the ladies' :)


(If you have any questions, BruceNCG or I will answer them for you here!)
To you who doubt what we have in our collection, I support Zomia Seeds and the hunts to acquire these cultivars and have the only permissions to sell their seed in our online store.


And why would they do that when they could sell it from their own seedbank? I don't see any other zomia gear on their page

Nothing wrong with selling F2s. Seems like the classy thing to do though is use your own grow pics
We sell Zomia seeds , his site is down and we distribute in North America. We’re just getting them their own page on our web site. We have quite a few strains in stock


And why would they do that when they could sell it from their own seedbank? I don't see any other zomia gear on their page

Nothing wrong with selling F2s. Seems like the classy thing to do though is use your own grow pics
Any F2’s created to adapt them to modern soil still have the royalty sent to them ,we are very close and I finance his hunts
It would be nice if Northcoast would atleast make an effort to fill in descriptions of the strains they have listed. Most don't have any grow information whatsoever, where they're sourced from, nothing.
we have a processor who crawls our site. We can’t put a lot of info on we would like too


Well-known member
We sell Zomia seeds , his site is down and we distribute in North America. We’re just getting them their own page on our web site. We have quite a few strains in stock

The sites back up but i get what youre saying. Where is your CG '72 sourced from may i ask? Thats crazy that theres cc processors still acting that way in todays climate. I mean its obvious you're selling seeds


Why these F2 cost the same of original?
What they do for the line for put these prices
If we have f2 ibls we pay royalties to Zomia. As you well understand the cost of running a business has increased to where we have to charge for the landrace genetics.
Sorry to be a smart ass and a nay sayer, but I would be surprised though if Kroeng Kavia originated in the rainforests of Thailand as a naturally occuring plant as the op seems to suggest. According to cannabis studies people, and maybe they just have gluesticks up there asses, I don't know, but they seem to put the work in while you and I have stoned fantasies about the bud we're smoking. These hard nosed, probably sweaty and evil nerds at McGill University or wherever say sorry but there are no truly wild strains of cannabis anymore and there have't been any for millenia. I forget that guy's name, a Canadian professor who has written a massive tome putting together the best research around makes a good case for cannabis being basically a very domesticated plant dependent on human and human livestock manure and other tasty treats. That the archaeological evidence shows cannabis seeds as part of many old settlements dug up in around Asia and cannabis seems to just follow people around. Of course feral populations escape in many areas and grow untended probably for centuries such as the huge swaths of Kazkhistan where probably billions of plants grow go to seed and sprout anew every year in wild fioelds the size of western Europe, but its likely these were from cultivations left behind by nomadic farmers who planted them thousands of years ago.

Kroeng Kavia with its lush bud structure i think would not be that well suited to life as a wild plant in a dark wet and hot rainforest. More likely, people of Kanchanaburi developed the line or got it from somewhere else and grew it on hillsides cleared of any rainforest. Its hard enough even in that environment in Thailand to grow pot that doesn't turn to mush, I'd be surprised if it would even grow at all in a rain forest. Also the reseach suggests tropical strains are much more recent, that cannabis is basically a temperate climate plant, but it is very adaptable and people brought it into the tropics like India and developed strains that would tolerate more heat and humidity. Stil I don't find they tolerate it that well, it takes a skilled grower to pull it off, most Thai growers seem to prefer growing indoors now. After trying myself for the last two years to grow outdoors, I can see why, a lot of ruined buds is what you get. But, of course, you get plenty of seeds and i suppose thats all a naturally occuring weed plant would need, but who knows maybe you're right, maybe it is a jungle plant that was just waiting around for millions of years to be discovered by stoner Thai farmers. I just don't think so.
If you’ve heard of Zomia Seeds , we’ve forged a partnership and distribute in North America for them, there hints are legendary
You should join the Zomia collective, on paetron and help support the hunts. We have a tour of the hash fields in India every year. You could join that tour if you wanted
Brendan travels to all these small villages in South Asia to meet all the growers
His trips are well documented


@BruceNCG Are all the listings of Zomia's seeds on your site F2? If yes, why is this not mentioned in the listing? If this perhaps mentioned somewhere else on the site that I and others are missing?

If you are the North American distributer for Zomia are there any plans to honor the patreon's discount code? Also, where on your site do you mention that you are a NA distributor for them?

It's still confusing why you are unable to give credit to others work on your listings such as Hippie Cannabis Genetics. Can you let us know the reasoning?

This community thrives on transparency and it always leaves a bad taste when we identify someone else's work/pics without any credit given. This is a good way to have negative rumors work their way through other forums.

I fully support anyone working with and providing these rare genetics to the community but when you're expecting us to spend a very high dollar price per seed we expect the communication and transparency to be just as high.