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Karma Genetics 2008


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
nice work on them cuts Karma !!
i''ll drop a few of mine in a bit...^^


wattup Karma,real nice shots yo,super frosty.
that amnesia looks like it is named accordingly,and the sssdh looks like some headcracker too bro.always good things goin on in here.peace -Y-

Karma Genetics

The Amnesia is crazy its much more then i expected from it its a real resin bomb.

The SSSDH has been hit by mites. I used a bio spray first 3 weeks of flower against it. Still they came and seem to have chosen for the SSSDH. I then put in natural predators in dutch they are called roofmites. They can eat a lot of mites and eggs in a day. Stil it seems to steadly get worse. So i used another bio spray but i ussed it an a clean kitchen paper and then whipped all the infected leafes. Hope that stops them enouf to finish this grow good. Because it would be shame if this SSSDH couldn't finish properly.

The Jack Herrer#12 is budding like i am used from here growing bud on bud as i call it.

And a shot of the Kushage#16 she seems to need the most time to finish.....



wattup Karma
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Karma Genetics again.

man bro,that sssdh and kushage look bomb,i love the jack too.
too bad about the mites bro.do you have acces to ladybugs?they can kick some ass too.i released 3500 or so in my room and they kicked some as before they all died...i knew nothin about them at the time.just ordered and released them LOL. well apaerently they like to fly in the lights so since i wasnt air cooled the got in there and was doin kamakazi missions into the 1000's like dummies...LOL ya shoulda seen it.
sendin some positive vibes ur way bro.peace -Y-


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
same here,sending good vibes...coz you realy want that sssdh ...trust me !!


Registered Medical Patient
whats up KG...ur girlz look super frosty & beautiful bro...That JH looks killer, I cant wait to try her out....Funny, I planted 3 Funky Dwarfs...1 popped regular, but very stretchy, and the other 2 werent poppin, then I checked em a few days later, and another popped, and I cracked the 3rd one open by hand, and it has now popped too...good genetics bro...very sturdy stuff..all but 1 CCC popped and are very healthy...Peace bro

- Z

Karma Genetics

hi Kathmandu the background is not known.....

here is what i can tell you:\

When I was working in a coffeeshop in 1996 we used to get some weed called Happy Brother
It was the strongest herb I smoked in those years. As I was also growing at that time I really wanted to grow this oh so tasty herb myself. So I asked that supplier if I could get some seeds from it. He told me he got the herb from an old Rasta man in Amsterdam. The brother of this Rasta grew this herb for his brother because he was paralyzed, the original grower said he made it but I don’t think so because he did not have any seeds. Then it went silent and I didn’t see this supplier for almost 2 years. In 1998 he came walking in with a new supplier of the Happy Brother and he brought me 3 clones’ that really looked like shit. The first grow I did with it was so special to see a plant produce my most favourite smoke. And up to this day it still is my most favourite smoke.

It is not a big yielder, but it’s very strong against insects and diseases. It makes rock hard little nugs that don’t shrink much when dried. It flowers for about 9 to 10 weeks.

But the taste and the effect is what this is all about. The taste is very hard for me to describe I have not smoked any other herb that tastes like this. I am sure all smokers will really like the taste.

I also let the lab test it they said it was some india hashplant crossed with a haze. But i am 100% sure no haze in this. Its a full indica strain with short internode's and rockhard buds.....


ICMag Donor
Karma Genetics said:
I also let the lab test it they said it was some india hashplant crossed with a haze. But i am 100% sure no haze in this. Its a full indica strain with short internode's and rockhard buds.....

You have a lab that can take a marijuana plant and tell what strains it's composed of? How does that work?

Karma Genetics

I dont now how it works. It was at the Highlife beurs in amsterdam rai. They said that the test shows THC, CBD and some other's and that by looking at the patern they could estamete what is was. They showed me other results and that it was similar to there test of india hash plant and haze's. I dont know what it is but there is defantly no sativa in there.......

Karma Genetics

Yes it got a strong odor. My wife always think the cat pissed somwhere when i have it in the livingroom. I persenly think its smelling sweet chemical flowers. It taste like geraniums flowers smell i ques. I am very bad at this stuff. I hope that other people that grow it in the future will be better at explaining the taste.


karmas happy brother is the kill! hope it will be avalible in seedform soon!









wooohaaa cant wait to pop them babies even if it is a cross...if thats in there its sure to be gunfire!!!!nice shots esben...
great genetics there Karma,thats one frosty ass bud bro.-Y-