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Jackies lil' Tower of Horrors


da boveda kid
Sounds like some delightful smoke! Good luck with everything. Looking forward to seeing the next phase.

Thanks Tyrone!
Still waiting for ACEs Zamal Bliss i ordered from oaseeds in september.... They wont answer to emails. And since i sent them the money in cash i have little hopes i'll ever see the cash back or seeds in my postbox....

Anyway, stealthy micro gardening is put on hold for at least a couple of months.

I will return back here at some point eventually, but for now i can only say thank you to everyone who showed interest and gave feedback.
Thanks to all the micro stealthy growers who paved the way and shared their builds and ups and downs. This is where the inspiration for this small scale project came from.
I tried to incorporate the things i had seen as much as i could.

So far i hope i could give something back to the community although legislation has made it easier for many of us and maybe no one really cares about growing herbs in a PC case anymore :biggrin:.

But hey, with a little bit of dedication and very simple tools and a couple things everybody can buy at hardware stores or electronics stores it is possible to do a lot of fun stuff.

- grow your own - make feminized pollen/seeds
- make your own f1/s1 crosses or pollen chucks

And who would have thought that one can grow south east asian, slow sexing long flowering 'sativa' landraces under 40 watts of screw in led bulbs...
Even cross it with another landrace, who was very well selected by ACE btw, and have your own special medicine or recreational stuff.

All with the infos gathered from these forums.

It was all worth the effort.

Thanks a lot!


Active member
Hey zapr hope your seeds come man! I really like those landrace sativas, I gotta stockpile some crosses of them after I finish the project im working on.

I think as long as there is small spaces that exist, somebody who loves to smoke will find a way to grow there viva la microgrow!


da boveda kid
Hey zapr hope your seeds come man! I really like those landrace sativas, I gotta stockpile some crosses of them after I finish the project im working on.

I think as long as there is small spaces that exist, somebody who loves to smoke will find a way to grow there viva la microgrow!

Unfortunately seeds havent arrived yet, after 2 months they said seeds were out of stock lol 😂.
Changed the order to Ace Ethiopian and Nepal Annapurna, they said delivery failed and theyll re send after i confirmed the adress a second time. we will see haha.
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da boveda kid
in the meantime, some more sampling of the nicely cured 'manipuri x lebanese' :)
what a nice smelling tasting and day enhancing herb.


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da boveda kid
So, since shit started to get a bit too real lately i decided to take a little hike, break out for a couple of hours, and took a skinny cigarette of Manipuri #3 with me.
I havent felt this 'fixed' in a long time. Enjoying a not too cold and sunny day feeling detached from the bullshit for a while. Engaging in little conversations with other hikers, looking and finding a small spot that could qualify for a small guerilla grow, kinda hidden in plain sight. Appetite is coming back and my chest feels a lot lighter now.

I think i can spare a few seeds i made with Manipuri #2 and the Lebanese... since the Manipuri went hermie but had a much more zippy high than #3. Hope the outcome, if theres any, will be a bit less mellow than my Manipuri#3 x Lebanese cross.




Active member
Hell yea man I knew we got along for a reason hehe. I love guerilla grows thats how I got started, I always look for the nettle patch and worm my way inside, always has great soil/sun for cannabis and good for keeping out deer and people in the nettle patch


da boveda kid
Hell yea man I knew we got along for a reason hehe. I love guerilla grows thats how I got started, I always look for the nettle patch and worm my way inside, always has great soil/sun for cannabis and good for keeping out deer and people in the nettle patch

Cool, thanks for the advice!
Its probably too early to look for nettles now but i found some promising blackberry patches. Might be problematic to get in there myself when its time to.
Ever tried using seed-balls? Or are you pre germing and vegging your stuff for guerilla?
2 years ago i put out some seedlings. came back a week later and they all looked good​​​​​.
A month later they were gone, some animal must have been digging around, and big fat slugs were all over the place...


Active member
Hell yea man, no problem! The blackberries patches are perfect also, you might have to cut your way in and save those thorns to put back on the entrance to keep out deer and people.

I never tried the seed greenades but they seem like a great way of keeping things moist for germination. I prepare the spot with plenty of leaves and bark I collect in garbage bags and use as mulch and I get a cover crop going of clovers/alfalfa. Then after the spot is holding moisture really well I come out after a rain and put in paper towel germinated seeds directly into the ground.

I find that when I use cups to start them outside the squirrels like to mess with them hehe, one time I found my plant thrown aside and an acorn planted in there instead haha. Slugs can be a problem direct in the ground, helps if there is alot of birds nearby to eat the slugs and if you put down egg shells around the base of the stem its also a jagged deterrant.

I always wind up having to plant a few more a couple weeks/days later, from losing a few of them. Im low on seeds at the moment, but you got me wanting to put some clones outside in my old spots this year hehe.


da boveda kid
Hell yea man, no problem! The blackberries patches are perfect also, you might have to cut your way in and save those thorns to put back on the entrance to keep out deer and people.

I never tried the seed greenades but they seem like a great way of keeping things moist for germination. I prepare the spot with plenty of leaves and bark I collect in garbage bags and use as mulch and I get a cover crop going of clovers/alfalfa. Then after the spot is holding moisture really well I come out after a rain and put in paper towel germinated seeds directly into the ground.

I find that when I use cups to start them outside the squirrels like to mess with them hehe, one time I found my plant thrown aside and an acorn planted in there instead haha. Slugs can be a problem direct in the ground, helps if there is alot of birds nearby to eat the slugs and if you put down egg shells around the base of the stem its also a jagged deterrant.

I always wind up having to plant a few more a couple weeks/days later, from losing a few of them. Im low on seeds at the moment, but you got me wanting to put some clones outside in my old spots this year hehe.

Stupid squirrels haha :D
Well i'll be in the blackberries then :)
Great infos, i had my seedlings in 'pots' i made by wrapping newspaper around a spraycan and folding the base in. great for starting seeds too, and the roots go straight through the paper. dug some small holes and put the paper pots in there. most of them got dug out and slugs took care of the rest...

maybe i'll try putting out an autoflower strain mid may, and my landrace crosses end of july or something so they wont get too big.

thanks again for the good advice!

getting a lil excited already when thinking about it :D woo hoo!


Active member
Haha hell yea man those blackberries are gonna be an awesome treat mid to late july, thats usually when they fruit around here atleast. Thats good thinking with the news paper, anything to help during drought will be good, lugging water through complicated terrain is never fun hehe.

Nice you will get some early smoke with really good weather if you throw out some autos in may and in july some nice colas if you have alot of seeds of those landraces you can plant them a little close get a bunch of them.

anytime man! im excited for you too, I might join you haha micro growing is fun, but the plants outdoors with the free lighting is the best!


da boveda kid
GanjaLion I have access to some cheap little auto seeds, greenhouse green-o-matic. they should stay very small, not the newest auto genetics. supposedly they have some moroccan in their ancestry, should be good with droughts. i'll try those out in 2 or 3 spots. later on when the vegetation of nearby plants gets going i'll decide where to put the landrace crosses. since they have a good portion of lebanese in them some might flower early aswell, and also have good drought resistance. also they probably wont smell too much, or at least not too skunky typical weed aromas. i'd like to keep them small too, so i'll have to go visit from time to time, maybe top them, who knows. i think i have like 30 seeds or something, and since the mother was intersex its not too much of a loss. still i'd be curious to see what comes out of them.


da boveda kid
Bought 3 Greenhouse Green-o-matic auto fems and 3 Dutch Passion AutoDuck fems.
Also ordered some stinging nettle seeds to prep the spots. They should grow large pretty fast. Gonna go and plant the nettles real soon :) hope this qualifies as micro guerilla grow haha.


Active member
This is awesome, much respect it takes alot of passion to grow out in the wild with so many variables. If you end up having alot of spare nettles around, they are a great fertilizer if you ferment them in a bucket of water, a foliar and and a diluted root drench. Im on the cusp of joining in on this with you hehe, good luck man!


da boveda kid
This is awesome, much respect it takes alot of passion to grow out in the wild with so many variables. If you end up having alot of spare nettles around, they are a great fertilizer if you ferment them in a bucket of water, a foliar and and a diluted root drench. Im on the cusp of joining in on this with you hehe, good luck man!

woohoo, go team micro guerilla haha :D


da boveda kid
Alright, i know its late but i managed to sneak out into the 'wild' today and put 3 GH Green-O-Matics out in between some blackberry and raspberrybushes. Even saw a fox sneaking around.

i'd be very surprised if they make it since i left them to sprout in some of these starter plugs. had to improvise cause it was a spontaneous little trip.

Sprayed a bit of my own urine around the spot cause i saw some deer shit too... rainy days ahead now... fingers crossed but i wont be surprised if i come back in 7 weeks and theres nothing left there.