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I'm interested in Edible recommendations for HHC and CBD

I'm Steven, I worked for a UK Cannabis retailer for a while and it got me really interested in Edibles, as I never realised how popular they were and so it got me interested in trying them. It was a nice feeling, I had a HHC Brownie, took about three hours for it to kick in, but after that it stayed for the rest of the night and still had a mild feeling when I woke up. Because of this I'm now really interested in what people could recommend? Because I'm in the UK, would like to keep it CBD or HHC. I have HHC distillate so if you have baking recipes, would love to see them, I've made Brownies and Cookies so far.
Also if you know of any really good brands, as in they provide really good quality products. Would be very interested to hear about them as well.
Looking forward to chatting with you all.
Welcome Friend. So much better than smoking.
Agreed, one of the reasons I've never got into Cannabis was cause of the smoking aspect and to be honest, it's why I spent most my life being against it. But now I can try it and in the form of sweets and baking. I've become more and more interested in it. I really like the chart @goingrey linked me. As I have now set up my own company focusing on edibles, I like the idea of trying out lighter dosage. As I like the idea of bingeing a load of cookies and just getting a nice feeling. Where as before I was thinking the cookies needed to be at least 25mg each, which means you can only eat one at a time, well correction "I could only eat one at a time lol" and I would much rather munch on four or five (He says trying to act like he's never destroyed a whole packet of cookies before haha) with a cup of tea.