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How to spot a Marijuana grower (from Illinois State Police website)

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
The Illinois State Police needs your help in eliminating the cultivation of this illegal and dangerous drug. If you see marijuana or notice circumstances such as those listed below, please contact the nearest Illinois State Police District ...

* A tent or camper trailer on wooded property with no evidence of recreational activities.
* A pattern of traffic or a particular vehicle seen in the same isolated area on a regular basis.
* A large tin barn or greenhouse on property where these structures would not normally be used. For example, on heavily wooded land where there are no animals to feed.
* Large purchases by individuals of fertilizer, garden hoses, plastic PVC pipe, chicken wire, long 2x2 lumber, different size pots, machetes, camouflage netting and clothing, large trash bags, lanterns, portable heaters, extension cords, heat lamps, and fans.
* Wooded lands with numerous POSTED and KEEP OUT signs displayed.
* The use of guard dogs and alarm systems on property in the country especially in certain areas of the property.
* An unusual structure located in remote forest areas, along with buckets, garden tools, fertilizer bags, etc.
* Signs of cultivation or soil disturbance in unlikely areas.

Upon discovery of a suspected marijuana plot, remember that marijuana growers can be dangerous.

* DO your best to know the exact location by using existing landmarks.
* DO make note of any vehicles or persons in or around the area.
* DO exit the area on the same route you entered.
* DO notify law enforcement authorities immediately.
* DO keep this information to yourself after notifying the proper authorities.

* DO NOT enter an area or go any closer than is necessary to identify the plants.
* DO NOT look around for additional plants.
* DO NOT take a sample plant or segment with you.
* DO NOT leave any unnecessary sign of your presence in the area.
* DO NOT return to the area unless accompanied by law enforcement officials.

Cannabis grown outdoors is typically cultivated in remote locations, often on public lands. Growers may also access privately owned land and cultivate cannabis in corn fields or with other legitimate crops. Marijuana may also be cultivated indoors. Indoor grow operations allow year-round cultivation and provide a controlled environment conducive to the production of the high-potency form of cannabis known as sinsemilla. The indoor grow operation may range from several plants grown in a closet to thousands of plants grown in an elaborate, specially constructed room or building.


Re: How to spot a Marijuana grower (from Illinois State Police website)

I.M. Boggled said:
Upon discovery of a suspected marijuana plot, remember that marijuana growers can be dangerous.

:p That is hilarious
Haa haa haa.......

Haa haa haa.......

.........yeah mj growers are dangerous...........Boo.......... I said Boo are you scared yet?? :eek: Propaganda BS now thats scary:eek: :eek: :confused::rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Active member
I don't know about Illinois,but here in Cali they are partly right about the danger.Not from good ol' hippie dippy growers,but the Mexican Nationals who grow on public lands.These guys DO CARRY GUNS and should be considered dangerous.They are no friend to Cannabis,they are only in it for the money.They grow weed with a Cocaine attitude,and all the money goes back to Mexico to fund God knows what.
It's just a matter of time before one of them kills an officer and then all pot growers will be labeled as potential murderers.



I'm sure they're are a small % of MJ growers who are gangsta types that would do harm to anyone threating their crops. However the truth, as we all know is, most are peaceful. Probably more peaceful then the average person. Let's look at who the real danager is- LEO carrys weapons, we don't. LEO has a record of shooting unarmed people, we don't. How many times did the NYPD shoot that guy reaching for his wallet? And last year the police in Portland Oregon shot some poor woman for trying to drive away from a traffic stop. And LEO does this shit all the time. Then after the smoke clears who investigates their wrong doing? Well they do of course, who else. Yeah us MJ growers- ya gotta watch out for us!

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Mexicans and Marijuana...and the demonization of cannabis...

Mexicans and Marijuana...and the demonization of cannabis...

"Mexican cartels have taken over much of California's marijuana farming, boosting both the potency of the drug and the propensity for violence from armed guards protecting the crop, the nation's drug czar said....

"They're planting huge marijuana plots on public lands, creating a growing danger to hikers and hunters stumbling into the line of fire, said John Walters, director of National Drug Control Policy..

"California's Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement estimated that 84% of plants seized this year were controlled by Mexican gangs, in what the bureau called 'a major strategic and organizational shift' from recent decades...

"'Many people think of marijuana growing as just run by a bunch of guys who are Cheech and Chong in the movies, kind of fun-loving guys,' Walters said in an interview...These are violent organizations. They're using violence without hesitation — it's part of doing business to them."....

...The...interview with Drug Czar Walters perpetuates the familiar charge that Mexican pot cartels have taken over the California marijuana market. If true, this is of course testimony to the bankruptcy of federal marijuana policy, which, in the same manner as alcohol prohibition, has pushed the market into the hands of criminals...

...One can only guess at how much of the product from these so-called "Mexican plantations" actually reaches the California market. Because of their ambitious size and public siting, they are the first pot fields to be busted and account for the lion's share of the pot reported seized by California's Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP). However, a higher percentage of the surviving crop undoubtedly comes from smaller grows, which are less likely to be busted in the first place.


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You always post such imformative and helpful posts. You must spend a lot of time finding all these great stories and helpful articles. I would like to Thank You for that.
Everytime I see where you have posted, I always have to take a peek.


Well-known member
Lol this is gold.gonna have to save this thread for laughs later.i seriously doubt there are many cartel grows in IL.but I guess you never know.theres lots of land in the land of Lincoln


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah,,marijuana growers are very dangerous especially when that vicious mood takes hold ,called “The Munchies “
Special forces ain’t gonna stop ya from getting to that bag of Doritos.

St. Phatty

Active member
I don't know about Illinois,but here in Cali they are partly right about the danger.Not from good ol' hippie dippy growers,but the Mexican Nationals who grow on public lands.These guys DO CARRY GUNS and should be considered dangerous.

Once I was hiking off the road/ beaten path in Carlsbad, and came into a clearing with a home-made hut, made out of sticks, pieces of plywood, etc.

And there was an Hispanic Gentleman there, holding a handgun which was pointing at me.

I said something like "Solo estoy caminando para ejerciso, no quiero problemas".

Treat them with respect ... works 99% of the time.

As for their need to use public land to grow pot ... if I was in their shoes, I might do the same ... but in a more desperate fashion.

It was one of the last pieces of wild land in North County San Diego.

All bull-dozed, with condo's and pill box homes, now.

I tried growing pot there myself, but did it stupidly.

5 gallon bucket in the middle of a field, with a nice Skunk Sativa.

What was I thinking.


Well-known member
I saw a documentary where they kidnapped some hikers and wouldn't let them go until they trimmed it.

All of it!

Or maybe it was a horror movie.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Cannabis grown outdoors is typically cultivated in remote locations, often on public lands. Growers may also access privately owned land and cultivate cannabis in corn fields or with other legitimate crops. Marijuana may also be cultivated indoors. Indoor grow operations allow year-round cultivation and provide a controlled environment conducive to the production of the high-potency form of cannabis known as sinsemilla. The indoor grow operation may range from several plants grown in a closet to thousands of plants grown in an elaborate, specially constructed room or building.>

LOL. Yeah, almost sounds like an ad for indoor growing.


Well-known member
according to the description it souns like : Cannabis - it can be ANYWHERE so WATCH OUT folks! Go spy on your entire neighbourhood and let us know.


Well-known member
ive grown weed in IL cornfields.might even be doing it now.but its shitty weed cause its all pollinated by feral hemp.wast of time.lol ive never seen true sinse grown out here.that OP was funny shit.gonna have to show that to someone


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Plus the farmers have a nasty habit of spraying the GMO corn. They are hitting it with nitrogen here, even burns the roundup resistant horsetail.