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How do I find women smokers?



I'm in the market for a cool stoner chick as a matter of fact. :joint:

Smokin weed is such a major hurdle in a new relationship unless you meet at a party enviroment type deal where everybody is just kickin it so everything is on the table so to speak. When you meet some one out in the real world and your on your best behavior for a couple dates it is damn hard to say lets get high or I smoke weed. Now maybe if ya slide it in like ok do you drink? do you ride bikes, do you go boating, smoke weed, do you do pills(j/k) but like a quick baseline of there vices. But chicks will be tricky and say no and then you say no or maybe ya say well I do smoke out daily and ride bikes.hehe

Now your past the initial smokin tension but ooops I'm a full throw down grower. Now that one doesn't just slide by and at what point do you pull back the curtains on your jungle o buds?

Good thread, I am gettin back in the mix after 11 years with my significant other.(sucks, but what ya do?) Takes so much energy to find the right girl or even close to right anymore. Either way with devilish good looks :sasmokin: ,Texas charm, and cupboard full o buds I'm get back in the game.

I'm up around Dallas so if any ya stoner ladies out there can stand a low key stoner guy in his mid 30's I'm your Huckleberry...


Phish chicks always smoke and trip and shroom, I just have hard time with girls that weren't born before 1980, ya just gotta explain to much shit...Nothing against Phish.
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You will be my Huckleberry? hehehehe

I spent the longest 2 years of my life in Texas. I am a east coast kind gal though
Interesting thread

Interesting thread

It is tough. I was always concerned that pot friendly sites were just traps.
I just have hard time girls that weren't born before 1980, ya just gotta explain to much shit.

I hear ya TK, lol


Well I found my wife in a night club while Iwas totaly off my head when I was 22 so from there on in I knew she wouldnt mind about my smoking.. which is cool. She puts up with my growing and my running around to patients........

But I can see where peeps are coming from in its hard to find women smokers that are open about it.


i Finnish hempforum i started a thread labelled hemp-date, and its now 8 pages long. Many people have founda lifepartner there.


Active member
It's hard enough to find a woman that smokes let alone would be comfortable with dating a small time grower. There's no chance of me meeting anyone new as I can't stand going out and socializing.

At 42 years of age I have come to accept I will likely remain a bachelor for the rest of my life. Once I accepted that fact, it became alot easier to be a grower. I don't have to worry about all that relationship baggage and can concentrate on my ladies. So I suppose you could say I'm married to my garden.

I would rather have a woman to share my garden of Eden with though. If any of you women out there are interested in a teddy bear shaped puppy dog, look me up.

"I don't understand, by saying that you are not 20, what does that mean? Does that mean you are a teenager? or does that mean you are older?

I have a hard time finding anyone my age who smokes. I get a buzz alone 95% of the time."

Me, older, 40ish, and I smoke alone just about 100% of the time myself...I'm an animal lover (2 dogs and 5 cats home, all adopted), have become a Grateful Dead download junkie, and love British comedy (just got Little Britain recently, unbelievable, very twisted minds, right up my alley). But yes, some company would be great.


My little pony.. my little pony
And she must love long ostrich rides in the park.



I dunno about you guys but all the women smokers i have ever met dont like to smoke alot, and only smoke 1-3 times a week. But they definitly are out there, and you would be suprised which ones.


full time daddy
i dont wanna met any more of them...........

:D they only there tell the weed runs out...... or the money....... both tend to happen at the same time

oO( but i still smoke the next day :chin: and have cash )

ps. gurls crave grape ape
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potheadpixie, if you like Little Britian I strongly recommend the League of Gentlemen. Its really dark and twisted and Little Britian owes quite alot to the League guys. Alan Partridge is a must aswell, and a new series thats just started Hyper Drive, not sure if you'll be able to get that in the states though

claim to fame time, I used to live down the road from Matt Lucas.


:joint: Dress like a joint and splash on some hash oil? :pointlaug

I met Mrs Toke online, went out fer coffee, toked a few together and been together everr since. :woohoo:

She keeps me busy growin for her! :pointlaug

As for the younger days, tokin while fishin or outtings in the park, concerts, just bein yerself and women just draw to you naturally. Honesty, integrity without a know-it-all attitude always seemed to attract female friends, they have to want to get to know more about you and you have to be someone they want to smoke with. But then again, I haven't dated since the 60's! :bat:

Oh - and did I mention that I play drums and guitar. :pointlaug That helps, more female friends I know like drummers for some reason. :woohoo:
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It shouldn't be so hard to find someone to party with.....This makes me sad.


I was at a club one night and a woman came up to me and ask me " Hey honey...do you ever smoke after sex?" I just giggled and said " I don't know...I never looked down to see.":yoinks:

love to all
Hi BaffledMonkey, cool having lived down the stret from Matt, and oh yes, I'm well versed in The League, one of the very finest things the human race has produced, truly awesome, Tubbs should be Miss Universe, true? Do you go to the LofG site, it's quite local....nice one annac, he he..yes, having someone to share the bounty of one's harvest with would be nice, I haven't smoked a joint with a girlfriend in, uh, let's see, about a quarter century, yow! On top of the inherent problem of meeting a fellow head, I know I'm paranoid enough about people knowing that I do what i do that sharing such info with a woman is a harrowing consideration; I'm sure a pissed ex has sunk all too many growers.
Shit guys, I play bass, not like I once did but still competently, we need to get the band together.
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1Toke - I prefer guitar players myself. Guess you got it made both ways, eh? :woohoo: (Yes, Annac, I know you play guitar, too :wave: )

I find that friends make the best companions. People who share your interests, values, etc. My best friends have all come from people I've met doing things I enjoy (clubs I belonged to, people I met at specialty/hobby stores or the library, etc.). Unfortunately, many of today's pastimes are done alone (computer/video games, internet, reading, etc.) so there isn't a lot of social interaction.


Musician and a pot grower and an animal lover? Where have you been all my life?


Active member
LOL... i could use a grower chick... She doesnt even have to smoke... :) I have trouble finding younger women who grow.... or at least with an interest.... You can get the smokers all day... i suppose.. But a women to share my passion would be ideal.

Any of you ladies have daughters ?

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