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House Vote


So the House of Rep's voted to continue to harrass medical marijuana users and growers. Isn't that special. What happend to Of the people, By the people, For the people? This vote was directed at states where the "People" voted to allow medical MJ use. The House vote allows the continued pursuit of medical users in those states by federal agents. I guess the theory is "we're from the government- we're here to help"

Does anyone know where the info could be found which Rep's voted for and which voted agianst this res.? If any of my reps voted for it I'd like to know so I can send them notice I won't be voting for them in the future.


Active member
phew, it took a little searching but....
I found this "list of losers" on a news talk forum..

......................List of losers

Aderholt Akin Alexander Baca Bachus Baker Ballenger Barrett (SC) Barton (TX) Bass Bereuter Berry Biggert Bilirakis Bishop (UT) Blackburn Blunt Boehner Bonilla Bonner Boozman Boswell Boyd Bradley (NH) Brady (TX) Brown (SC) Brown, Corrine Brown-Waite, Ginny Burgess Burns Burr Burton (IN) Buyer Calvert Camp Cannon Cantor Capito Cardoza Carson (OK) Carter Castle Chabot Chandler Chocola Clyburn Coble Cole Cooper Costello Cox Cramer Crane Crenshaw Cubin Culberson Cummings Cunningham Davis (AL) Davis (TN) Davis, Jo Ann Davis, Tom Deal (GA) DeLay DeMint Diaz-Balart, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Doolittle Dreier Duncan Dunn Edwards Ehlers Emanuel Emerson English Etheridge Everett Feeney Ferguson Foley Forbes Ford Fossella Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen Frost Gallegly Gerlach Gibbons Gillmor Gingrey Goode Goodlatte Gordon Goss Granger Green (TX) Green (WI) Greenwood Gutknecht Harris Hart Hastings (WA) Hayes Hayworth Hefley Hensarling Herger Herseth Hill Hinojosa Hobson Hoeffel Hoekstra Holden Hostettler Houghton Hulshof Hunter Hyde Isakson Issa Istook Jenkins John Johnson, Sam Jones (NC) Keller Kelly Kennedy (MN) Kildee King (IA) King (NY) Kingston Kirk Kline Knollenberg Kolbe Lampson Langevin Latham Levin Lewis (CA) Lewis (KY) Linder Lipinski LoBiondo Lucas (KY) Lucas (OK) Lynch Manzullo Marshall Matheson McCotter McCrery McHugh McInnis McIntyre McKeon McNulty Meeks (NY) Menendez Mica Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller (NC) Miller, Gary Mollohan Moore Moran (KS) Murphy Murtha Musgrave Myrick Nethercutt Neugebauer Ney Northup Norwood Nunes Nussle Ortiz Osborne Ose Oxley Pallone Pearce Pence Peterson (MN) Peterson (PA) Petri Pickering Pitts Platts Pombo Pomeroy Portman Pryce (OH) Putnam Quinn Radanovich Rahall Ramstad Regula Rehberg Renzi Reyes Reynolds Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Ros-Lehtinen Ross Rothman Royce Ryan (WI) Ryun (KS) Sandlin Saxton Schrock Sensenbrenner Sessions Shadegg Shaw Shays Sherwood Shimkus Shuster Skelton Smith (MI) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Snyder Souder Spratt Stearns Stenholm Stupak Sullivan Sweeney Tanner Taylor (MS) Taylor (NC) Terry Thomas Thompson (MS) Thornberry Tiahrt Tiberi Toomey Turner (OH) Turner (TX) Upton Visclosky Vitter Walden (OR) Walsh Wamp Weldon (FL) Weldon (PA) Weller Whitfield Wicker Wilson (NM) Wilson (SC) Wolf Wu

---- NOT VOTING 17 ---

Blumenauer Boucher Cardin Carson (IN) Collins Deutsch Hall Hastings (FL) Hinchey Honda Jones (OH) LaHood Matsui Meek (FL) Tauzin Young (AK) Young (FL)


Basement Garden Gnome
seen a lot of Stories

seen a lot of Stories

But none of them have the House Bill Number. I can't find anything at the House Website. Burried.

What's the Friken House Number?


Active member
sad ain't it

sad ain't it

This is just pitiful, these same ppl were probably burning in college while they were earning their degrees, right? I cannot understand their logic at all, who are they supposed to be saving from pot smokers? I know the effect of peer pressure though, and i can see a bunch of reps. just following the herd, to avoid any confrontation, or possible exposure of their pot smoking past. ;) when is America gonna wise up? pot smokers are not the problem.
On FSTV on the dish network there was a program called "The profits of punishment" did anyone other than me see this shit? They were explaining about the privatization of the prisons in the US. and showing how companies use prisoners for cheap labor. now this little tidbit of information set loose a whole chain reaction of thoughts in my head...like aren't these corporations the same ones that lobby in DC for tougher laws? They would have to - to ensure a lasting supply of cheap(read slave) labor wouldn't they? The economy of the US. is dependent upon this unending supply of slave laborers, these unpaid or underpaid laborers are the US's only alternative to the underpaid laborers in third world countries that other companies are turning to so they can remain profitable.
Now as an informed hippie, I have noticed, that many office products in use in goverment offices are manufactured by prisoners. Also, while i was incarcerated, I noticed that all prisoner products (ie. toothbrush, comb, soap, etc.) were wearing a Bob Barker label, WTF? so am i to assume that a company out there manufacturing personal care products for prisons is manufactured under the Price is Right line? No! this is a prison company, using prison labor, to manufacture products for prisoners, and then selling these same products to the inmates in the commisary. DOES THIS SEEM RIGHT? I am of the opinion that our entire legal system is in need of a serious overhaul. I mean what kind of world do we live in if the feds are chasing after medical marijuana patients, instead of actively pursuing the assholes who were responsible for stealing peoples retirement? They can't even locate the biggest mass murderer in US history, but they can track down thet med pot user without too awful much trouble. the gov. of the US needs to pull it's head out from it's ass, and wake up to the real dangers that are out there, and leave the peaceful pot smokers alone!!
P.S. This may not be wise but I know one of the voters pretty well, and if i get a chance to talk with him he will definitely get a piece of my mind. Kinda funny that a state rep would know a pothead ain't it?


I watch that channel time to time. That one and LINK TV. They show the shit that the big networks would'nt dare. Sad to see one California Congressman voted for that. He's not my representative but I'm gonna go harrass his ass anyways. Texas sure had a lot of votes in there, man how far off are these people? Get out and vote people. Put the Dems back in power and not these bible thumpers.
