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HOLY SHIT! Holy Anointing Oil from Exodus.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
-A quote from a post of yours GW.....
...."The last step is to finish decarboxylating the mixture. I say finish,
because it is the sum total of the time at temperature we have to consider.
If I want speedier meds, I need about 30 minutes at 250F and if I want
sleep meds, I want a lower temperature and longer time, like 225F for one

**Might be a silly question, yet in the above quote, the 250f and 225f are referring to the temperature of the glycerin cannabis mix or the canola oil in the electric fondue pot?**

Thanks for any help. Cheers, Pokearound
Technically the solution.

I have the vegetable oil at 250F, but don't use time. I watch the bubble production to determine how long.


Well-known member
Is it necessary to decarb the extract for topical application? Or, only for the sublingual / holy shit?

I am going to make some of this and try it on my bone spur on my foot. I have not seen anyone try it for that. Every step I take is painful. It would be an absolute miracle if this worked.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Is it necessary to decarb the extract for topical application? Or, only for the sublingual / holy shit?

I am going to make some of this and try it on my bone spur on my foot. I have not seen anyone try it for that. Every step I take is painful. It would be an absolute miracle if this worked.

It only needs to be decarbed to pass the blood brain barrier. THC-a is an anti inflammatory.


Well-known member
Sorry, can you put that in idiot terms? I think that was a yes.

Also, I usually decarb in the oven but this time I tried your method of heating on a hotplate and watching the bubbles.

I only used 1 gram of rosin in a tiny 10ml beaker. Temp ranged from 240F to 290F. It only took about 6 or 7 minutes before the bubbles stopped.

I usually go about 40 minutes in the oven. Do you think it's possible I got it all decarb'd in less than 10 minutes?

Thanks again and sorry to bother.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Sorry, can you put that in idiot terms? I think that was a yes.

Also, I usually decarb in the oven but this time I tried your method of heating on a hotplate and watching the bubbles.

I only used 1 gram of rosin in a tiny 10ml beaker. Temp ranged from 240F to 290F. It only took about 6 or 7 minutes before the bubbles stopped.

I usually go about 40 minutes in the oven. Do you think it's possible I got it all decarb'd in less than 10 minutes?

Thanks again and sorry to bother.

Yes and yes.


Active member
I am experimenting with some topicals now. Has anyone had additional success with adding terpene isolates to their blends? Perhaps something like this for psoriasis?

"Alpha fenchone has many medicinal benefits for humans. Alpha fenchone is antiseptic (treats wounds), and anitspasmodic (prevents and relaxes spasms). It also has many gastrointestinal health benefits, can boost reproductive health in both males and females, and acts as a stimulant." - https://www.extractconsultants.com/product/alpha-fenchone/

A few others could be (https://www.sclabs.com/terpenes/):

Ocimene for antifungal properties.

Limonene aids in the absorption of other terpenes through the skin and mucous membranes.

Terpinolene has been shown to exhibit antioxidant and anticancer effects in rat brain cells.

α Humulene exhibits potent anti-inflammatory activity.

β Caryophyllene produces anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Fenchol is known to exhibit antibacterial properties.

Borneol is beneficial for combating fatigue and recovering from stress or illness and exhibits both anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects.

Camphene recently shown promise for pain relief and antioxidant effects.

Camphor acts as a slight local anesthetic and an antimicrobial substance.

Menthol exhibits analgesic properties and is used topically to treat inflammatory pain.

Eucalyptol has been shown to possess potent antifungal effects.


Active member
I continue to be amazed the medicinal nature of cannabis derivatives. I made a small batch of topical for someone suffering greatly from psoriasis. Limbs were covered extensively in painful plaques. Within 5 days sores have dramatically healed and pain is largely gone. He has tried every Dr. prescribed treatment for decades, and this works better than anything previously tried. Makes me feel good to help.

Here is the version from SPR that I used as a guide for my recipe - Holy Anointing Oil Topical:

10 grams BHO Cannabis oil
8 grams Coconut oil
.7 grams Cinnamon Bark oil
.7 grams Cinnamon Leaf oil
.7 grams Myrrh Gum
1 grams Emu oil
* Optional Arnica Montana and/or Jojoba oil

I substituted a few ingredients and added a bit, but my mixture at same ratio is below:

10g Decarbed shatter
10g Shea Butter
3g Coconut oil
2g Jojoba oil
.7g Cinnamon Bark oil
.7g Cinnamon Leaf oil
.7g Myrrh essential oil

I made some with just coconut oil, but I found the mixture of shea butter seems to absorb better in skin.

Thanks to GW (for the chats) and initially providing this information!



Active member
I am interested in experimenting with a lotion for pain/arthritis that has a lower ratio of shatter to make it more practical for long term use. I am curious if the addition of cbd (decarbed?) and/or terpenes would add additional therapeutic benefits. I have more research to do but would love any feedback and guidance on essential oils. Thanks!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The topical that I currently use for arthritis pain, and which has made a fan out of most people that have tried it, is Biotone muscle and joint massage creme, with 1/2 gram of CBD crystal per ounce added. A gallon delivered is about $70, and I'm paying $10gram for CBD crystal.

We've tried it with cannabis essential oil instead of CBD crystal, and it works as well.


Biotone also offers a CBD creme with Lidocaine, which I haven't tried because it is $89.95 for 1.76oz and mine works so well.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor


GW: "For moles, we smear on straight cannabis oil, and cover it with a bandage as necessary, to keep it off clothes, etc. It makes a permanent stain."

What kind of moles, raised of flat? I had a raised pretty large mole I put 35% H2O2 on - bubbled it right off. What came back was a flat mole that H2O2 doesn't touch any more than the skin.

What does this do to the mole site as far as when it is all healed?

Put some liquid nitrogen on warts and they will die and fall off. Wart tissue freezes and doesn't recover, but skin does. Is this similar with moles?

I have some very sore hand joints and would like to try cannabis cream on them. Does CBD work as well in a cream as the other? I know my shoulder and hip feel much better with CBD oil, which the good flowers and subsequent butter did not help.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
GW: "For moles, we smear on straight cannabis oil, and cover it with a bandage as necessary, to keep it off clothes, etc. It makes a permanent stain."

What kind of moles, raised of flat? I had a raised pretty large mole I put 35% H2O2 on - bubbled it right off. What came back was a flat mole that H2O2 doesn't touch any more than the skin.

What does this do to the mole site as far as when it is all healed?

Put some liquid nitrogen on warts and they will die and fall off. Wart tissue freezes and doesn't recover, but skin does. Is this similar with moles?

I have some very sore hand joints and would like to try cannabis cream on them. Does CBD work as well in a cream as the other? I know my shoulder and hip feel much better with CBD oil, which the good flowers and subsequent butter did not help.

Raised moles gone leaving clear skin.

I use 1 gram CBD isolate to 1 oz of Biotone muscle and joint massage cream, for almost instant pain relief.


I cant pm yet but let me ask you this grey wolf, i have some nerve damage and older fractures that i couldnt go to medical at the time of injury...........
the body i think tried to heal itself because of all the pt evolutions id force the injury through....refused to give in and im regretting it now at 47, locally i can find edibles that claim to be 100mg, thats really not even close to enough for my sorry azz it seems. Can you help me discern how to find my nirvana edibles type and dosage understandings? im 6'2' 195 lbs with a very high metabolism could this be playing a role in my body absorbing th edibles?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I cant pm yet but let me ask you this grey wolf, i have some nerve damage and older fractures that i couldnt go to medical at the time of injury...........
the body i think tried to heal itself because of all the pt evolutions id force the injury through....refused to give in and im regretting it now at 47, locally i can find edibles that claim to be 100mg, thats really not even close to enough for my sorry azz it seems. Can you help me discern how to find my nirvana edibles type and dosage understandings? im 6'2' 195 lbs with a very high metabolism could this be playing a role in my body absorbing th edibles?

If you are taking it for pain, you will need to titrate, as everyone is different, but typically falls in the 100 to 200mg range.

A high CBD strain works better for pain. We used Cannatonic, Harlequin, Mau Bubble Gift, and Charlottes Web.

A CBD topical actually works better for my pain, than a 200mg sublingual.

It works with both extract and isolate. I currently use 1 gram per ounce of CBD isolate from Hemp in a Biotone muscle and joint massage cream for relief within minutes


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I am gonna get a desktop rosin press. I wonder if that oil would have the same skin cancer / mole removal effect, maybe putting it on just after the squich while it is still warm and gooey.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I am gonna get a desktop rosin press. I wonder if that oil would have the same skin cancer / mole removal effect, maybe putting it on just after the squich while it is still warm and gooey.

My best guess is yes. Easy enough to try it once you get your press.


Boreal Curing
I made some oil about 6 months ago and wasn't impressed. It tasted like shit and was very weak so I put it in the fridge and forgot about it. I was getting ready to try again when I thought about it, so I decided to use it as a base. I used Liquid Coconut oil and this time had Liquid Sunflower Lecithin to add. I made it again and this time I had a few grams or has hanging around so I dissolved them in the oil and added 1 cup of ground bud to the 2 cups of oil.

It came out black and smelled like shit. I ordered size "00" Gelatin Caps thinking it would be easier to take. God damn... 1000 capsules showed up the next day (gotta love Prime.) I filled one to the top, and only half on the next capsule. I decided to take the "half filled" just to test and give me a baseline. If it worked at all.

Am I Ever Stoned! Too much. Been here for 2 hours so far and it's ain't slowing down. Really glad I didn't take the big one. lol

I'm going to buy #2 or 3s. If I need to take two, so be it. Now I will need a thousand.



Boreal Curing
About 2-3 grams of Black Leb and a cup of ground weed, plus the 1 cup of weed that was in the original oil. I think the first batch would have been fine if I had decarbed it properly.

That was the first full night's uninterrupted sleep I've had in months.

Does anyone know if I can cut it with more coconut oil to make it less potent? So if I have a cup, and add a cup of clean, potency will be reduced by 50% right?

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