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[History] Jewish role in Morocco’s hash trade


Well-known member
Great stuff - remember it's been 2 years now since they found the cannabis in the Temple in Jerusalem, confirming its role in early Judaism and thus Christianity, vindicating researchers like Chris Bennett:


Who is Chris Bennett and what is his research?
Hi all
I hope you dont mind, I dont trust much in current 21st century peered review papers because the incentive is put on just publishing as much papers as you can and it is not really important or necessary to present proof, as opposed to the scientific method used in the 20th century. People are peer reviewing each other and it is not really reliable
This is the full article about the Tel Arad altar:

They studied and described the content of the residue at the altar but didnt date it, I personally contributed to the contamination of all kind of biblical sites with hashish smoking and I certainly havent been the only one contaminating. Burn a piece of hash on the altar, cover it with a cup wait for smoke to fill the cup and smoke it at once. Hash is a very interesting and versatile substance that gives different highs depending on consumption method and this one smoking it pure on the cup is a trippy method, much stronger than smoked in a joint or bang mixed with tobacco.

Cannabis a a very mild entheogen, not the kind that will make you build temples in the middle of nowhere where almost nothing grows
They didnt need at the temple to import anything to get totally high and tripping or if they did, it was a small travel by camel of a few days
One of the few things that grow in that inhospitable area is

In Sinai grows the variety Hyoscyamus boveanus
The paper refers to Sinai cannabis plants as Sinai rudelaris suggesting it has low psychoactivity because it supposedly has low amount of cannabinoids
A friend of mine has in Sinai january 2020 and reported quality is as decent as it was in the 80's, meaning it is the best variety of all the middle east and mediterranean area, which makes me doubt about the knowledge of cannabis of the authors of the article and the peers that reviewed it in exchange for peer reviewing their own
I quote from the article:
"...One cannabis strain, or variety, called Sinai Ruderalis is an Egyptian landrace strain cultivated in the Sinai Peninsula by the local Bedouins (Clarke and Merlin 2013). However, Ruderalis contains very low amounts of cannabinoids. Furthermore, pollen analysis carried out on samples taken from both altars by Dafna Langutt (Tel Aviv University) concluded that no plant material was preserved on the Arad altars. In fact, no cannabis seeds or pollen remains are known from archaeological contexts in the Ancient Near East, as opposed to northeast China or southeast Russia, where all parts of the cannabis plant and seed were found at different archaeological sites and contexts and were dated as early as 2000 BCE (Jiang et al. 2016; Russo et al. 2008; Russo 2014). Therefore, we suggest that cannabis female inflorescences may have been imported from distant origins and were transported as dried resin (commonly known as hashish).

Every people has a messanger, an entheogenic plant which will allow to perform rituals to a different level.
Hyoscyamus has many different names. Hyoscyamus boveanus is the source of the drug hyoscyamine (daturine).

Hola Montuno
No conocia el sitio argarica. Gracias por tu link
O sea que encontraron en Tel Dan muralla como la que encontraron en El Argar y eso es evidencia mas que suficiente para validar la hipotesis que las murallas de El Argar y las de tel Dan estan relacionadas
Veamos la muralla de Tel Dan

Te muestro una pirca https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirca

Que te parece, si hago una analogia con el pensamiento cientifico de la nota de Argarica, entonces tenemos evidencia mas que suficiente que los incas eran en realidad esteparios semitas, no?


...como el Son...
Dónde dice que la coincidencia arquitectónica es evidencia más que suficiente ? : En ninguna parte

Son los estudios genéticos y lingüísticos los que más peso aportarían. Esto tampoco es nuevo.
Me preguntas sobre mi parecer sobre tu última analogía...: Pfffff...sin duda, y directamente obviando marcos marcos geohistoricos, se apoya en el mismo tipo de estudios e investigaciones científicas, como una de las expuestas:

El estudio del equipo hispano alemán que publica "Science Advances" cuenta con la participación de los más reconocidos investigadores de la cultura del Argar como Roberto Risch, Vicente Lull, Carlos Velasco, Cristina Rihuete y Rafael Micó y también del conocido genetista estadounidense David Reich cuyo estudio "The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years" desató un encendido debate acerca del impacto de las migraciones esteparias en la población ibérica.

En el mismo se analiza el genoma de 136 individuos ibéricos que vivieron entre el 3000 y el 1500 a.C. y también ha utilizado genomas anteriormente publicados de la Península Ibérica, por lo que, en total, incluye datos de casi 300 individuos prehistóricos que vivieron la transición de la Edad del Cobre a la del Bronce.

El trabajo destaca un dato que ya muchos preveían, la mayor preponderancia de la llamada "ancestría esteparia" o Yamnaya portadora del linaje masculino R1b que hace unos 5000-6000 años se expandió desde el sur de Rusia por casi toda Europa, sustituyendo paulatinamente al resto de linajes masculinos, especialmente los linajes de los primeros granjeros neolíticos que se impusieron en el continente hace 8000-9000 años procedentes de Anatolia.

Según ha declarado Cristina Rihuete para ABC «Un punto importante es que estas migraciones esteparias se han planteado como una conquista, una invasión, pero nuestro estudio demuestra que, aunque efectivamente hay una ancestría antigua, no es de nueva generación, sino que se fue larvando durante varios siglos. No se trata de alguien nuevo que de repente llegó e hizo algo diferente».
Efectivamente, la ancestría esteparia llevaba varios siglos dominando Iberia y como ya anunciaron el genetista David Reich y Carles Lalueza-Fox, del Instituto de Biología Evolutiva, en ese tiempo habían sustituido a la práctica totalidad de la problación masculina, pero no introdujeron una nueva cultura, a excepción del llamado "vaso campaniforme oriental", sino que en general adoptaron las costumbres de los pueblos ya existentes en la Edad del Cobre.

Al respecto y para poder explicar dicha sustitución, han circulado varias teorías que no nos parecen creibles, ¿una extraña enfermedad que sólo afectaba a la población masculina?, ¿una preferencia sexual por el aspecto de los recién llegados? A nuestro modo de ver, sólo un proceso de conquista y eliminación violenta de los hombres daría sentido a todo ello y justificaría por qué las antiguas ciudades calcolíticas como Marroquíes Bajos reforzaron de manera tan considerable sus defensas con imponentes murallas y gran cantidad de bastiones en torno al 2.500 a.C., precisamente las fechas en las que se estima que los descendientes de los Yamnaya comenzarían a entrar en la península. A esto sumamos otra 'coincidencia': los restos humanos arrojados al 'quinto foso' en Jaén que de haberse estudiado adecuadamente podrían haber sido la clave para detectar una invasión violenta.

Sin embargo este dato no aclara las peculiaridades de la cultura argárica: sus costumbres funerarias (enterramientos individuales en cista y en pithoi), su innovadora arquitectura defensiva y urbana que rompe con los modelos circulares anteriores, sus cerámicas sin decoración y estandarizadas, la fuerte estratificación social con ajuares nunca vistos como diademas y dilatadores para la clase dominante... un modelo cultural que no se parece a ningún otro lugar del continente occidental por lo que sería difícil atribuirlo a innovaciones introducidas por los pastores-guerreros esteparios.

Por su parte Roberto Risch aclara que la gran sorpresa ha sido encontrar ancestrías procedentes del Mediterráneo central y oriental.

Dicho componente 'sorpresa' sería el individuo hallado en el poblado más antiguo, La Bastida, cuyo linaje Y pertenece al haplotipo E1b (E1b1b1a1b1 / E-L618), uno de los linajes característicos de los pueblos afroasiáticos cuyos subclados más cercanos ('hermano' E-V22 y 'padre' E-Z1919) se encuentran precisamente entre los pueblos cananeos o protosemitas del levante Mediterráneo. No nos parece que sea una coincidencia que precisamente haya aparecido también el linaje afrasiático-semítico femenino R0a, en este caso en una mujer de La Almoloya que a su vez se ha encontrado en Sicilia, siendo esta isla la ruta más probable que conectaría ambas orillas del Mediterráneo.

Aunque es un bajo porcentaje (14% de las muestras en La Bastida y sólo 2% en todo El Argar), este hecho vendría a confirmar la teoría que venimos defendiendo: que si bien los fundadores de la cultura argárica serían colonos cananeos, en poco tiempo se verían desbordados y conquistados por los pueblos esteparios que ya por esas fechas estarían bien asentados en la península y serían mucho más numerosos. De hecho en asentamientos más recientes como La Almoloya ya no aparece ningún linaje masculino no estepario, prueba de que los nuevos amos por lo general no toleraban la existencia de hombres competidores de otros linajes y sí al parecer a las mujeres.

Respecto al individuo E1b hallado en La Bastida ha sido datado datado entre el 2132-1949 a.C., es decir, en la primera etapa del Argar, pudiendo estar entre sus fundadores. Debe destacarse que era un niño y que además de haber sido enterrado en urna (sistema que al parecer es más característico de las élites o de un grupo social superior), presentaba ofrendas variadas, entre ellas algunas piezas de ovejas, y según Andúgar, Celdrán, Fregueiro, Lull, Micó, Oliart, Rihuete (2021), pocos enterramientos infantiles parecen merecer este tipo de ofrendas.
En cuanto al sublinaje de E1b1b1a1b1 o E-L618 los valores de frecuencia más altos en la antigüedad suelen hallarse entre pueblos afrasiático-semíticos (Egipto y tierras de Canaán) a los que les siguen algunos sitios neolíticos (de origen afrasiático-anatólico) de la Europa oriental (Hungría y Croacia), un único sitio arqueológico de Iberia (Barcelona, muy antiguo, del neolítico inicial), y en el Mediterráneo Central (Sicilia, pero solo en época medieval). Ninguna presencia confirmada aún en Creta, ni en Grecia, ni en ninguna otra isla del Egeo.

Comparando la cultura argárica y las regiones del Mediterráneo oriental tenemos por ejemplo una muralla casi idéntica a la de La Bastida en el yacimiento de Tel Dan (Israel) que incluso incorpora los bastiones tipo "pirámide truncada" que también podemos encontrar en el "Cerro del Rayo" en Almería.

Del mismo modo el urbanismo y la construcción de viviendas (de forma rectangular) se asemeja muchísimo al que venimos encontrando en todo el levante Mediterráneo durante la Edad del Bronce y rompe totalmente con la tradición ibérica anterior de viviendas circulares, si exceptuamos algunos edificios especializados como los talleres metalúrgicos de Los Millares.

Otro elemento fundamental son los tipos de enterramientos que son un claro signo de trasvase poblacional por su alto valor ideológico-religioso que da unidad cultural al grupo humano. Dos son los que prevalecen en el Argar: en cista (area rectangular delimitada por lajas de piedra) y en pithos o vasija (al parecer más característico de la élite gobernante). En ambos casos individuales siendo muy común la inhumación bajo la propia vivienda. Todo esto lo vemos reflejado en las sociedades del cobre y el bronce del Cercano Oriente, es decir, siglos antes de que la sociedad argárica lo hiciese.

Finalmente hay un elemento que también ayudaría a confirmar nuestra hipótesis y es la presencia de la ancestría de tipo "J2"(ver mapa adjunto Fig.1), también llamada "iraní" por ser este su antiguo lugar de procedencia. Esta ancestría si bien se expandió durante la Edad del Bronce por varios lugares del Mediterráneo Oriental, tiene la frecuencia más alta precisamente en la región cananea y en el interior de Anatolia, estando presente en menor medida en Cerdeña y Creta, otras islas candidatas a ser lugares de paso en el viaje marítimo que comunicaría ambos extremos del Mediterráneo.

Nótese según el mapa que la ancestría iránica es mucho mayor entre los linajes anatólicos de la Edad del Bronce Medio (que no tienen clados E1b1b1 ni R0a) y entre los linajes de las tierras de Canaán (con clados paternos E1b1b1 y maternos R0a como los identificados en El Argar) que entre los Minoicos y Micénicos (que tampoco tienen clados E1b1b1 ni R0a). Pero todos ellos comparten el linaje J2, un clado paterno dominante en la ancestría iránica. De modo que el porcentaje notable de aumento de ancestría iránica en la composición genética de los argáricos no tiene porque responder, obligatoriamente, a un origen Micénico o Minoico, ni de otro lugar del Egeo o de Anatolia, sino que bien podría responder a un origen en linajes paternos y maternos provenientes de las tierras de Canaán, como de hecho lo serán los clados R0a (materno) y E1b1b1a1b1 / EL618 (paterno) hallados en los dos individuos de El Argar (La Almoloya y La Bastida respectivamente).


Abdul Massih, Jeanine. The archaeological heritage of Lebanon. Near Eastern Archaeology 73:2–3 (2010).

Carrillo García, José Andrés. ‘El Argar y lo exógeno. Rasgos comunes e interacciones con relación al mediterráneo y Europa.’ Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Geografía e Historia, 2018.

A. Militarev in Examining the Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis, P. Bellwood, C. Renfrew, Eds. (The MacDonald Institute, Cambridge, 2003).

C. Ehret, S. O. Y. Keita, and Paul Newman. “The Origins of Afroasiatic,” Science 306 (3 December 2004): 1680-1681.

Fulvio Cruciani, Beniamino Trombetta, Federica Crivellaro, Roberto Pascone, University of Cambridge Sapienza University of Rome, ‘Tracing Past Human Male Movements in Northern/Eastern Africa and Western Eurasia: New Clues from Y-Chromosomal Haplogroups E-M78 and J- M12 Article in Molecular Biology and Evolution · July 2007 DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msm049 · Source: PubMed.

Vanessa Villalba-Mouco, Camila Oliart, Cristina Rihuete-Herrada, Ainash Childebayeva, Adam B. Rohrlach, María Inés Fregeiro, Eva Celdrán Beltrán, Carlos Velasco-Felipe, Franziska Aron, Wolfgang Haak, et ali, ‘Genomic transformation and social organization during the Copper Age–Bronze Age transition in southern Iberia’, Science Advances • 17 Nov 2021 • Vol 7, Issue 47 • DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abi7038.

Pd: Marroquínes Bajos = Jaén city.


Who is Chris Bennett and what is his research?

Hola Montuno
No conocia el sitio argarica. Gracias por tu link
O sea que encontraron en Tel Dan muralla como la que encontraron en El Argar y eso es evidencia mas que suficiente para validar la hipotesis que las murallas de El Argar y las de tel Dan estan relacionadas
Veamos la muralla de Tel Dan

Te muestro una pirca https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirca

Que te parece, si hago una analogia con el pensamiento cientifico de la nota de Argarica, entonces tenemos evidencia mas que suficiente que los incas eran en realidad esteparios semitas, no?

Funky, Bennett has wrote several excellent books. I have pre ordered his latest.
IF you want a deep dive in to cannabis use in ancient religion and cults he's the author for you.
His Sex,Drugs, and violence Bible book is eye opening.
I still need a copy of his first book, and Libre420.
But go on you tube and search his name he has many hours of talk on these topics.


Well-known member
Funky, Bennett has wrote several excellent books. I have pre ordered his latest.
IF you want a deep dive in to cannabis use in ancient religion and cults he's the author for you.
His Sex,Drugs, and violence Bible book is eye opening.
I still need a copy of his first book, and Libre420.
But go on you tube and search his name he has many hours of talk on these topics.

Never heard of this guy
Thank you very much for the tip
I guess this is it

A ver Montuno, la nota nos cuenta que:
Aunque es un bajo porcentaje (14% de las muestras en La Bastida y sólo 2% en todo El Argar), este hecho vendría a confirmar la teoría que venimos defendiendo: que si bien los fundadores de la cultura argárica serían colonos cananeos, en poco tiempo se verían desbordados y conquistados por los pueblos esteparios que ya por esas fechas estarían bien asentados en la península y serían mucho más numerosos.

O sea les alcanza con el 2% de los restos para inferir que los fundadores son cananeos y que los desbordaron

Comparando la cultura argárica y las regiones del Mediterráneo oriental tenemos por ejemplo una muralla casi idéntica a la de La Bastida en el yacimiento de Tel Dan (Israel) que incluso incorpora los bastiones tipo "pirámide truncada" que también podemos encontrar en el "Cerro del Rayo" en Almería

O sea que les alcanza con comparar dos pircas en dos continentes distintos para vacilar a medio mundo y contarte cualquier cuento bajo el disfraz de ciencia
Con este criterio los incas son escitas, no?
Porque de acuerdo a estos cientificos del siglo XXI estos esteparios nomades de los que estan hablando son escitas y como hay un dos por ciento de escitas que llegaron a todos lados perfectamente podrian haber llegado al imperio inca y enseñarles a hacer pircas a todos esos primitivos tercermundistas incaicos, no es cierto?...
Es lo mismo que nos cuentan aqui en el icmag acerca de que tienen frascos de semillas de cannabis de los años 70, que les germinan sin problemas al 30% y todo el mundo se la cree...si total pruebas serias para hacer ciencia en el siglo XXI no hace falta ninguna, solo que venga otro chanta con titulete de doctorete del ojete y que apruebe toda la huevada que publican gracias al famoso consenso de pares

Feliz semana y buenos humos


...como el Son...
Lo que si alcanza tu comentario es el elevado grado de tontería supina.
Te vuelvo a repetir que no tienes ni puta idea de los datos que intentas retorcer hacia el terreno de tus gilipoyeces, si no no te expondrias a un ridículo semejante.
Que en 2% en El Agar, en el 14% en La Bastida y en el 100 % en La Almoloya de los linajes geneticos masculinos sean exclusivamente esteparios, sea un echo fuera de tu comprensión, no es suficiente argumento para poder volver a tus razonamientos escatológicos sobre culos, anos, genitales y demás.


...como el Son...
En cuanto a tu infantil intento de paralelismo con los incas, si que puedes observar algo parecido con ellos : pero debes desplazarte (aprox) 3500-3000 años hacia adelante desde la época del Bronce hispánico, para observar como sus linajes genéticos masculinos "tradicionales" van siendo sustituidos por otros provenientes de España.
Y sólo si a partir de entonces, la arquitectura en zona incaica sufre una espectacular transformación (entiéndase solo cambio, sin juicios de valor) hacia modelos hispanos, podrá tomarse este echo como posible consecuencia de lo anterior.


Well-known member
Hola Montuno, buen dia
Admito el infantilismo en el lenguaje empleado y mis disculpas, a veces leo huevadas y me rayo, algunos reaccionan de un modo y otros de otro, le pasa a mas gente. Por ej tu patron Star Crash lee lo de semillas de mas de 50 anos de cannabis que germinan, se raya y no vuelve por unos dias...
Vas a encontrar esos porcentajes de restos esteparios esparcidos en muchos otros sitios arqueologicos y el paralelismo con los incas es que me resulta gracioso que vean/infieran conexiones a traves de murallas construidas en otros continentes

I see there is a language problem in the canna science on the lesson by the scholar Bennett
Mars Hydro Led
Ni hao shufu!!
I hope you can help
The chinese word for cannabis is ma

The chinese word for ephedra is the same character and it has the same sound. You can only understand what you are referrring to according to context, is this correct?


So what is happening is scholars are translating ma as cannabis instead of ephedra and the result is they are giving ganja the atributes of ephedra

Another myth is kaneh bosem from the bible which was translated by a linguist from Poland as cannabis
I understand hebrew is your mother tongue or at least you speak on mother tongue level
I would translate that word as perfume cane but never as cannabis. Any aromatic cane would fit into that I think
What would קנה בשם mean to you?
Thank you very much for help and have a nice week


...como el Son...
Primo, huevadas ridículas son intentar retorcer frases de un enlace, intentando que suenen tan ridículas como tus comparaciones:

Que en el 2% en El Agar, en el 14% en La Bastida y en el 100 % en La Almoloya de los linajes geneticos masculinos sean exclusivamente esteparios, sea un echo fuera de tu comprensión(...)

A parte, ignoras totalmente la comparativa entre el cambio de arquitectura en esas zonas ibéricas, con otras vecinas coetáneas donde aún no se produce esa sustitución de linajes genéticos paternos.

Ya me dirás que tienen que ver los estudios que enlazo con tu intento de que pasen por guiones de Indiana Jones, je.


Weed Cannasaur
Hola Montuno, buen dia
Admito el infantilismo en el lenguaje empleado y mis disculpas, a veces leo huevadas y me rayo, algunos reaccionan de un modo y otros de otro, le pasa a mas gente. Por ej tu patron Star Crash lee lo de semillas de mas de 50 anos de cannabis que germinan, se raya y no vuelve por unos dias...
Vas a encontrar esos porcentajes de restos esteparios esparcidos en muchos otros sitios arqueologicos y el paralelismo con los incas es que me resulta gracioso que vean/infieran conexiones a traves de murallas construidas en otros continentes

I see there is a language problem in the canna science on the lesson by the scholar Bennett
Mars Hydro Led
Ni hao shufu!!
I hope you can help
The chinese word for cannabis is ma

The chinese word for ephedra is the same character and it has the same sound. You can only understand what you are referrring to according to context, is this correct?


So what is happening is scholars are translating ma as cannabis instead of ephedra and the result is they are giving ganja the atributes of ephedra

Another myth is kaneh bosem from the bible which was translated by a linguist from Poland as cannabis
I understand hebrew is your mother tongue or at least you speak on mother tongue level
I would translate that word as perfume cane but never as cannabis. Any aromatic cane would fit into that I think
What would קנה בשם mean to you?
Thank you very much for help and have a nice week
Yo bro
Hebrew is my native language, and I consider myself fluent.
קנה בושם
In English is a cane of perfume.
While you COULD think its cannabis, or cinamon, or whatever else is a stick that smells, the bible doesnt work this way. It requires deeper knowledge than google translate to understand. For that type of things you need a good rabbi, not just a hebrew speaker. They need to cross reference it with other writings from that era and look for an answer.
As far as I know, there are various schools on this issue, but I dont know much more.
Some people do say it is cannabis.

Theres also קטורת הסמים and סמים ובשמים which is literally drugs. Hash was common at this age, so it might be connected.
Decades of outlawing cannabis erased a lot of that knowledge.

Sorry I couldnt be more helpful



Well-known member
Yo bro
Hebrew is my native language, and I consider myself fluent.
קנה בושם
In English is a cane of perfume.
While you COULD think its cannabis, or cinamon, or whatever else is a stick that smells, the bible doesnt work this way. It requires deeper knowledge than google translate to understand. For that type of things you need a good rabbi, not just a hebrew speaker. They need to cross reference it with other writings from that era and look for an answer.
As far as I know, there are various schools on this issue, but I dont know much more.
Some people do say it is cannabis.

Theres also קטורת הסמים and סמים ובשמים which is literally drugs. Hash was common at this age, so it might be connected.
Decades of outlawing cannabis erased a lot of that knowledge.

Sorry I couldnt be more helpful


Hi Fonzee
Thank you very much for posting, I understand this kne bosem the same as yourself

On the other hand, you make me feel like a dinosaur so I will leave these rememberings here for future archeological research
Do younger generations know about this?
I am afraid younger generations dont know
What you see in this picture is the stuff that your country was full of during the 80s, this is lebanese hash. The 80s happened not so long ago.
In your country you could not find anything else but hash(it was also washed with heroin but that is something else, there were plenty narcomanim in that time, what about today?), real ganja/grass was a rarity, for grass the closest destination you had was to travel to Sinai. I simply could not believe when the hash was over, I thought it was going to last forever. The last of it was over during the first Gulf War
Click image for larger version  Name:	0001.jpg Views:	1 Size:	125.1 KB ID:	18068057

A full sack of 200 grs was called a pita, it had the same shape as a pita. You can see the shape in the left of the picture above
Hetzi pita was half sack
A reva was what you see in the picture. As its name reva says, it was a quarter of a pita= 50 grams
Hetzi reva was 25 grs
And after that you had etzvaot. An etzva was a thin slice out of the hetzi reva. Usually was half finger long. The etzva/finger could be longer or shorter according to many variables and circumstances

Man, today this is archeology, paleonthology and historical antropology. It is sad.
I miss this hash, it was very good, much better than the stuff from Holland at the same time
Have a nice evening


Weed Cannasaur
Hi Fonzee
Thank you very much for posting, I understand this kne bosem the same as yourself

On the other hand, you make me feel like a dinosaur so I will leave these rememberings here for future archeological research
Do younger generations know about this?
I am afraid younger generations dont know
What you see in this picture is the stuff that your country was full of during the 80s, this is lebanese hash. The 80s happened not so long ago.
In your country you could not find anything else but hash(it was also washed with heroin but that is something else, there were plenty narcomanim in that time, what about today?), real ganja/grass was a rarity, for grass the closest destination you had was to travel to Sinai. I simply could not believe when the hash was over, I thought it was going to last forever. The last of it was over during the first Gulf War

A full sack of 200 grs was called a pita, it had the same shape as a pita. You can see the shape in the left of the picture above
Hetzi pita was half sack
A reva was what you see in the picture. As its name reva says, it was a quarter of a pita= 50 grams
Hetzi reva was 25 grs
And after that you had etzvaot. An etzva was a thin slice out of the hetzi reva. Usually was half finger long. The etzva/finger could be longer or shorter according to many variables and circumstances

Man, today this is archeology, paleonthology and historical antropology. It is sad.
I miss this hash, it was very good, much better than the stuff from Holland at the same time
Have a nice evening
We still have the same system, but with egyptian hash. Etzba is around 5-8g, depending how much your dealer likes you
It is rarely mixed with other drugs, but they do mix Xina and other shits to it to make it plyable and brown. It usualy tests at less than 15% thc.
I can enjoy some batches, if they werent dilluted with stuff

In the 90s tons of egyptian weed got into israel and was sold for 200 to 1200 ils per kilo, depending how far from the boarder it got.

Now we have many types of hash, very active local hash producers and much weed from all kinds.
While I do miss proper lebanese hash, the current iceolators some make in Israel is nothing inferior


Well-known member
....”Another myth is kaneh bosem from the bible which was translated by a linguist from Poland as Cannabis”

Why do you say this is a myth? The finding of Cannabis in the temple definitely adds credence to this.

hope you can help
The chinese word for cannabis is ma

Also, for anyone finding this, the Wikipedia linked above is incorrect in parts. Marijuana in Chinese is two characters as it states in the variations section. The beginning is incorrect. Ma without da is meaningless. Put together da ma. Big “numb” roughly. It’s also not close ephedra....
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Active member
Man, is impressive how much specific terminology and facts you know and the same time you are deeply wrong with the dates.

The Dinosaurs were extinct like 66 millions years ago (geological records said that).

Homo Sapiens Sapiens (our specie) are here (records said) since 200.000 years, and are fossils records of more than 40.000 bc on Europe. Also the Homo neardenthalensis is on earth since 230.000 until 40.000 so you could see the big difference in ages between dinosaurs goes extinct and the neardenthal apear.

What you was trying to said is about the last glacial period or Wurm IV that take part between 115.000 and 11.700 bc. I will recommend to you the book of Robert Clark and Mike Merlin, "Cannabis Evolution and Ethnobotany" Even if is not an specialize book they explain really well that process.

Also the Jews from North Africa comes from Spain, they are the Sephardies that have to emigrate in 1492 after Isabel, Queen of Castilla spelled from the country. The Sephardies are the older ethnic that live continuously on the territory of the actual Spain. They arrived like slaves of the Roman, when they bring people of the tribes of Levi and Judah to the north of Spain, this happened before Yashua. Also, once the muslims conquerer the territory of the actual Spain more Jews comes to Spain from Palestine.

Like some of you said the Hebrew people como from Asia, and they were dedicated to the trade, at the end was a nomadic group. They help to connect the route trades. We could see the genetic similarity between the Cannabis plants of India and West Africa.

But this is not the cause of Moroccan Hashish. Even is a part of Africa the tradition of the Hashish in Morocco do not come from long. The Cannabis cultivation was popularized between the people of the Riff after the war with the Spanish inn 1920.

And even with all the facts and the records we have we could not said who was or in which time the first human population arrived to Europe. We are here for more than 200.000 and we have barely record for the last 50.000.
Not once was the period of Dinosaur demise or Glaciation periods indicated in anything I said. All that was stated was the method of their breathing troubles. They also didn't "help" connect the trade routes. They were forced to participate in the caravans because they were enslaved by the Arabs.

*edit* The Semites travelled to COASTAL Hibernia amongst other territories home to the indigenous Gaels before Yashua but weren't residing there in any permanence until after Caesar.
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Well-known member
From my understanding, when the comet hit in the Gulf of Mexico and disposed the reptiles from being the number one predator on the planet, the mammals picked up the slack. Humans and animals similar to the noahs ark story were holed up in the mountains WORLD-WIDE, close to volcanos rather than on a make-shift super cargo ship. They needed the heat since the particulate clouds covered the earth creating a DEEP FREEZE.

When the dust settled there were few genotypes that survived the oxygen deprivation outside of the natural fortifications of the mountain ranges. There were Goidels, Neanderthals, and trilobites in Europe, Denisovans in the Himilayas, and others throughout the Andes and Northern Rocky mountains. I forget about Africa truth be told.
It really sounds like you draw a connection of the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction event and how primal humans dispersed over the world. But 66mya there were no humans at all.

Also trilobites are a marine species that went finally extinct during the Permian-Triassic event 252mya.


Well-known member
....”Another myth is kaneh bosem from the bible which was translated by a linguist from Poland as Cannabis”

Why do you say this is a myth? The finding of Cannabis in the temple definitely adds credence to this.

hope you can help
The chinese word for cannabis is ma

Also, for anyone finding this, the Wikipedia linked above is incorrect in parts. Marijuana in Chinese is two characters as it states in the variations section. The beginning is incorrect. Ma without da is meaningless. Put together da ma. Big “numb” roughly. It’s also not close ephedra....
I never seen this post
Kneh means cane and bosem means perfume. It could be any cane making perfume
The find in the temple is at least controversial, travellers went there and have smoked hashish and marihuana. Going to temples and ancient ruines to smoke is an amazing experience

Ma means hemp, it is not meaningless
Da Ma is marihuana. Ma Bu is hemp fabric
For scholars Hemp is cannabis. For scholars marihuana is cannabis
I disagree with scholars, calling both cannabis is a linguistic problem and they should be called differently like chinese do


Well-known member
Ma can mean horse, mother, hemp... Maybe “ambiguous” is better than “meaningless” . Ma bu can also mean a Kung fu Stance.

Had not considered the concept that someone in current times put thc containing residue on an ancient temple. Interesting thought, not sure how realistic. But I guess one that can’t be discounted.