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mini update...
the field was looking like it was going to finish in 2 different waves. but then we got 6 inches of september rains and a week of high temps and sun. kinda seems to have created a last flush of white pistils. so im giving them a few more days. just pulling out the most "well done" plants.

last year we got hit about 3 weeks early with the killing frost and it created a shit storm of chaos and anxiety. not to mention a prowler that my neighbor spotted. so we are doing our best to reboot this year but i would say there is some P.T.S.D. from the chaos of the '22 harvest.

this year has been challenging for different reasons. my health being one major factor. i tore my calf muscle in the spring. that effected my planting schedule. then this collarbone damnit right at harvest.
Oklahoma has been throwing some serious curveballs at the legal growers over here. its starting to reek of corruption already unfortunately... i think we are witnessing the first major legal "Culling"
its really unfortunate to see the gangs of white trucks and black trucks show up to a farm or dispensary and the next day you drive by and the place is closed and empty.
its definitely not truly legal.
i went legal so i wouldnt have so much fear in my heart. But it seems i worry more now that im legal.
i wouldnt sweat it so much but if i get in any trouble my ex hits me in custody court immediately. then i have to pay for supervised visitations and get treated like a junky.

Anyways. thats my fear based rant. just thought i'd keep it all honest. so often we watch these instagram posts with some bros walking fields with some reggae playing and colas swaying. but they fail to show the sweaty bastards that are sunburnt and covered in soil.
or the footage of the black helicopters circling your field.

not crying for sympathy just reporting live from the field.
goodluck to everyone and cheers to a calm peaceful harvest.


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Time for a little update.
I did a hard stop on my indoor exploratory grow last fall. i had a critter of some sort in there. It was time for a deep clean and a restart.
my indoor grow had turned into a runaway train. i was popping lots of seeds but i had so many things going i wasnt learning a whole lot about the individual strains.
Rather than trashing them, I moved everything outdoors and did a pollination
So i will have a whole new cast of characters that i will be sifting through.
Here's some random pictures as I ease back into this.


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This cross is unique because its super narrow leaf but the smoke effect is heavy and narcotic. im still learning what exactly im seeing within this line. it smells like a thai but smokes like an indica.
the picture outdoors is 1 of 3 narrow leaf females that popped out of this older batch of seeds. 2 males had more BLD expressions and they were siblings. I recombined the line so i could keep exploring.
Does anybody on here have experience with these narrow leaf indica expressions?


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oops i did it again... damn-it britney, i popped too many seeds. again.
wish i could grow them all.
im flowering everything early/sexing. seeing if anything grabs my attention.
far right 3 clones of carbon fiber have been sprayed with S.T.S. to see if they are willing to make some pollen.
i was given to many clones so i thought a reversal would be a good use of 3.

of all of the plants in there right now mean genes rootbeer has me most excited. its just starting to flower and it smells nice. no rootbeer smells yet but its a smell that makes you wanna breathe deeper? whatever thsts called bronchio dialator?