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Hawaii Cannabis Consumers Union (not just medical)


Bong Smoking News Hound

Union = An association for mutual assistance and protection; a confederation of independent individuals for some common purpose.

A brand new organization, the Hawaii Cannabis Consumers Union, has recently been formed on the Big Island, offering information, support and referral services to all Hawaii residents. They’re seeking people interested in the subject to join them and participate as members in the union. You don’t need to be a Medical Marijuana patient to be a member. And, while HCCU members fully support of Project Peaceful Skies (the petition drive to stop Green Harvest on the Big Island) and related petitions, this union is something entirely new.

According to union head Alex Pinsky, “In Hawaii, individual actions to safely produce medical marijuana and to protect one’s civil rights are often futile. A Cannabis Consumer’s Union will provide consumers the opportunity to pool their strengths, knowledge and resources, retain their own union lawyers, achieve collective voting and advocating power, provide mutual gardening support, co-op buying power and a Union Hall where members can meet and socialize.

“Our vision is of a Hawaii where the ideas of individual liberty, justice, fairness and trust – combined with aloha – make an ohana of all citizens of our beautiful state. A Hawaii where few have cause to fear the government, where all healthcare options are freely available, where renewable resources are recognized and welcomed.

“Our vision is of an end to the civil war – the war on marijuana. A vision of a time when very few Hawaiians or any Hawaii residents are in jail, a time of peace and prosperity for all of Hawaii’s families. We encourage the medical community to become involved in this issue.”

HCCU promotes and encourages the implementation of these values:
• Dignity – for every Hawaii citizen, regardless of lifestyle.
• Civil Liberties, including respect, privacy, trust and justice.
• Healthy choices, freely made.
• An economy that encourages the use of renewable resources like hemp.
• Humane governance and thoughtful use of scarce government tax dollars.
• Simplicity – living with what we have, taking care of each other.

When you join the Hawaii Cannabis Consumer’s Union, you receive the Hawaii Medical Marijuana Information Service. They will answer your questions about: The HCCU: its mission and goals; Your rights under Hawaii’s Compassionate Use Act (Hawaii’s Medical Marijuana Law); How to qualify to become a legal medical marijuana consumer; What protection does the law offer; How to grow successfully within the law; How to protect your garden from thieves; What gardening techniques work well in your area; How best to feed your garden for optimum health and productivity; How do the law and rules apply to a particular problem; Who to contact for trustworthy legal and medical advice.

Contact the HCCU at [email protected] for more information and membership details.