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growing in oslo ?



hi all im thinking about moving to norway and i want to ask few questions . are in oslo any grow shops or i need to bring my equipment with me from abroad ? what with cops are they heavy on growing ?
do people in norway speak english like in netherlands or mostly norwegian ?


Let me try to answer this for you...

Cops are mostly interested in hookers and foreign street hustlaz. Lately its been very quiet regarding grow busts, there has been no major busts here on cannabis for a while now. Oslo is full of all kinds of huzzlers and dealers, there is shitloads of users and shitloads of drugs there. Cops have been cleaning out the streets for foreign street dealers/ soap bar hash peddlers. and leaving domestic growers alone mostly I feel. The current political situation gives hope of a revamp of the narcotics laws in the next election in 2013. There is talk, but talk is all it is so far :D

Oslo does have growshops, but expect everything to cost a wee more then it does elsewhere. Norwegian price levels reflect the wealth of the country, Norwegians in general can afford these prices and usually dont mind paying high prices in their domestic shops.

You should find people in Oslo speak English remarkably well, there will be no language problems in that regard.

Oh, and welcome to paradize by the way, im sure you will enjoy Norway once you get the hang of it, its a little paradize on this earth. hehehe, not so sure if ill include Oslo in the paradise, but its not so bad there either haaha...A song for you ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IynnDhVvpPQ

But do me a favor, while you are here, dont sit around in the city and look at brick walls. The rest of the country is twice as nice. ;)

Peace and have a great time :dance013:


thank for answer man . can i send u a PM about few other things ?


im not a Oslo resident myself. The exact locations of these growshops and exactly how many there are, I think that varies a bit. But I know for a fact there are atleast 2. But if these are the cheapest and best shops I wouldnt know.

The leading domestic online growshop is northgrow.no.

Maybe some Oslo local will see this and can tell you.

Peace m8, be good


New member
I'm located in Oslo, but don't think I've got enough posts for PM's yet.. Why not sign up on norcan.org? Lots of people there who can answer your questions.


New member
And about grow equipment in Oslo.. If you have a grow tent I'd reccommend bringing it with me as they are usually around twice as expensive in Oslo shops than European online stores. Lights are not that expensive though.
welcom to oslo my friend.
a tip just order from uk shops, half the price and fast shipping.
tent grows with boxed windows are grate and safe.
keep it real


Some more questions for those in the know about Oslo/No:

1. How safe is electrical usage? Any history of the cops trolling power company records?

2. What are the penalties like in Norway (with a decent lawyer) for possession/sale/manufacture?

3. How prevalent are undercover drug cops in the club scene?

4. Are landlords likely to be very "hands on?" Is growing in a rental feasible?

5. Do you think that customs would alert the local police if they found grow equipment in a container shipment along with furniture, personal items etc?

6. Has Norway recognized the medical side yet and do they support it? Is it possible to be a legal med user at all?

7. Any thoughts on why the country is so damn programmed against cannabis? Is it changing yet? Any mainstream press that is pro-pot? I know a lot of younger people in Oslo and it is just plain sad that blackout binge drinking is socially acceptable for 14 year olds, but pot is for "druggies." Is there anyone successfully advocating for cannabis?

8. Any hope that Norwegians will evolve past mixing weed with tobacco? That shit makes me aggro - if I gave a nice blueberry bud to a friend and he mixed it with that tobacco poison crap, I'd think twice about being generous in the future...

9. anyone want to speculate on the possibility of "getting away with it" if you are a responsible, middle aged, white (only saying that because I understand the reality of racial profiling in Norway related to the drug trade) american living and growing in Norway?

*sorry if any of this sounded anti-Norwegian - I don't want to give out too many details, but I have a lot of close relationships there (all non cannabis people unfortunately) so I feel like I have the right to be reasonably critical.


Some more questions for those in the know about Oslo/No:

1. How safe is electrical usage? Any history of the cops trolling power company records?

Its a cold country, its common to use quite a bit of EL..

2. What are the penalties like in Norway (with a decent lawyer) for possession/sale/manufacture?

Not sure really what the penalties are alike atm, some friends got 2 years for smuggling 10kg of hash..

3. How prevalent are undercover drug cops in the club scene?

Quite common in Oslo I should think.

4. Are landlords likely to be very "hands on?" Is growing in a rental feasible?

Growing in a rental is feasible, how suspicious your landlord is depends on your behavior and what type of property you are renting. However its likely that in the bigger cities landlords are less likely to bother you. There is enough junkies and crime in Oslo for people to mind their own biz..

5. Do you think that customs would alert the local police if they found grow equipment in a container shipment along with furniture, personal items etc?

hmm dont think so, as you would have to commit a crime to be investigated. Growgear is not illegal.

6. Has Norway recognized the medical side yet and do they support it? Is it possible to be a legal med user at all?

No, not even beans are legal..

7. Any thoughts on why the country is so damn programmed against cannabis? Is it changing yet? Any mainstream press that is pro-pot? I know a lot of younger people in Oslo and it is just plain sad that blackout binge drinking is socially acceptable for 14 year olds, but pot is for "druggies." Is there anyone successfully advocating for cannabis?

There is a positive debate going on regarding this subject. It is very embarrasing for Norway to have such major drug problems as we have while we are supposed to be the best country in the world to live in. So yes there is a positive murmuring, its all just shadowboxing tho. No real movement has come yet.

8. Any hope that Norwegians will evolve past mixing weed with tobacco? That shit makes me aggro - if I gave a nice blueberry bud to a friend and he mixed it with that tobacco poison crap, I'd think twice about being generous in the future...

lol norwegian smoking habits is closely connected to maroccan and middle eastern smoking habits.. Feks tobacco and hash mixed in a chillum with a rolled up newspaper or some type of tube for a bong is common in norway as in the middle east. I doubt your new ideas regarding hash is any more welcome in norway then if you were to try telling them to smoke their hash without tobacco in afghanistan tbh.

9. anyone want to speculate on the possibility of "getting away with it" if you are a responsible, middle aged, white (only saying that because I understand the reality of racial profiling in Norway related to the drug trade) american living and growing in Norway?

Depends if they were to see you as a foreign gold digger, or someone that were really interested in making a life in the country and only growing for personal usage. If you grow for personal usage you are likely to get away with it cheap..

I would say there is definitively a racial profiling in Norway, also a cultural profiling. Its not as bad as many other places tho, one is unlikely to be subjected to racially stigmatized violence for example. This happens, but rarely compared to other European countries. But one may be shun and shut out of the community. It may be hard to find accept I guess. The general atmosphere in the country is normally quite placid tho with little of the type of violent crimes and ruckus that is often seen in many other countries. Some there is naturally, but generally less then many other comparative places.
Oslo has an underworld that one would be well advised to be careful with tho. It may be a small country and all that but its definitively possible to easily get in touch with the wrong type of people.

The cultural scene in the country is complex, there is a long way and a major difference between the supermodern city of Oslo with hundreds of thousands of immigrants, to the cities up north and along the coastline which are more traditional Norwegian.

You will find that the cultural scene is complex, even for an American, also a bit different. Norway is a bit of a different country to the rest of Europe. Its strangely modern, yet its oldschool at the same time in a weird way.

*sorry if any of this sounded anti-Norwegian - I don't want to give out too many details, but I have a lot of close relationships there (all non cannabis people unfortunately) so I feel like I have the right to be reasonably critical.

lol not at all, its quite fine. And ill easily admit to it.

But listen, in Norway there is possibility of making it, safety good life and all that. However there has been foreign gangs pushing in on the country for quite some time. For example there was a large operation with asians that was growing big style in rented houses around the country. So foreign drug pushers are definitively a high target for both police and the local mob.

You will need some type of cultural foot to stand on to make it here, some type of real interest for coming besides growing for cash. The local people are likely to shun a foreigner that starts growing and dealing in their community. This could potentially be trouble unless one gets accepted through making friends or by maintaining some type of job or relevant life in addition to the growing.

Growing for yourself isnt likely to get you in trouble at all if you take precautions. Its unlikely if you keep a low profile and maintain some type of face. This goes for the smaller places and towns around the country, Oslo is much like other cities of its size around the world.

Hope this helps, basically its not a good place to come if one wants to start an operation and make quick money. Id recommend somewhere else for that. But its a good place to come if one has honest intentions of making a good life for oneself and just happens to grow weed because one likes it.

Americans in general I think will not find it very hard to adapt, most people speak English fluently and are generally welcoming towards Americans I should think. I know a few english speaking people, they are quite well adapted. However im far up north and these are wilderness nature minded types.


Mr B.

@ question 8:
It's very comon that we here in Oslo do use tobac to blend weed and hash.
You see easily who's smokin sigaretes and not..
You'll see those who toast their sigarets and not.
People who toast sigarets are often non tobac smokers.. trakes away alot of the parfume shit and much more from the tobac.

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