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Green Dragon.


so, i made some of this about a week ago, i pretty much fallowed the directions from the post, except i used 6g of trim bud and 3 0z of 151....... it cooked down to about 2 oz of green dragon. i put it into two 1oz dropper bottles..... well, yesterday i took one of the bottles to the park with me, dumped the whole bottle into a can of blue monster and chugged it( it tasted like crap btw) and went about playing some ball, that was at about 10 am..... well by 11 i realized i was really fuked up! i mean fuked up like a soup sandwich! it was awesome! a was a very psychedelic high, it seemed to make the trees and sky very vibrantly colored, kinda like how shrooms make things look. i never felt any anxiety or uncomfortable, like i do if i smoke to much, it was just really cool..im gunna bring the other bottle to earth day tomorrow, should be fun! well, i just thought id share my story.... peace, pot, and microdots


Yesterday, I went through the process using 4 grams of good bud and 2 oz of 96° alcohol. As I didn´t find my coffee grinder, I had to chop manually, but the results were good indeed. Me and my wife (I sound like Columbo) took 2 ml. each and we had an incredible 5 hour high, without nausea or paranoia, very clean headed and full of laughing fits. We loved this tincture. In the weekend we will try with 3 ml. each.
Just for the record, since I now have a herpes sprout in my leg, I decided to use the tincture on it. It works wonders! The inflamation went down almost immediately and there is almost no pain. I cannot believe this magical herb is illegal. Bunch of hypocrites...


I was sure I saw thie recipe here somewhere but I cannot find it. I take no credit for the write-up. I have edited it for easy reading though.

This is a great recipe for a cannabis tincture that will knock your socks off! I found it somewhere on the web and copied it for my own reference and to share with the world. Something like this should never be buried.

There are a few main points I would like to mention:
First, use alcohol greater than 75% or 150 proof. Anything weaker will only cause disappointment. 94% is best. Here in Canada we can get 94% alcool in Quebec.
Second, use the 200F method because it is easier to control. Both these points are in the text, but it is quite long so they may be missed.
Third, I use 5gr of good bud and 3oz of alcohol

Sit back and absorb the knowledge.................

Enjoy. :canabis:

I've made Green Dragon several times using trim. I've also made it using nothing but sticks and stems from harvested plants. I typically use 3 oz of frosty trim that's been ground in a coffee grinder and 1 liter of Everclear. I bake the trim in the oven for 17 minutes at 275 F. I put the trim in mason jars w/ Everclear and boil in a water bath at 190 F for 45 minutes, then strain it and store in the fridge. Its the strongest edible/mj product I've ever consumed, and everyone else that tries it agrees. Don't sleep on the Green Dragon, it's a beast!


Active member
Tagged this thread for sure, i be back for an indepth read just now! N1 I need Green Dragon badly, i gotta give up spliffs & my lungs aint what they used to be. great find this one! Niccccee1 cant wait to try it k+!!!!!


Active member
Good GD info here. I had 5ml of my new batch and I´m sooooo stoned. It doesn´t help that we have guests coming at six thirty.

Need to drop that dose to 3ml if I want to be able to function.
Made some (poorly, no pre bake or strain) a few months back. This thread made me break out my last three shots... I intend to be FARKED within the next 20 minutes.
I'm a little confused. I'm interested in making some tincture, but I'm curious about the quantity. Is it really an 1/8 of weed to 2 oz of liquor? that's like a shot of booze, right? how could you fit so much weed into a shot glass even ground up? It seems like you'd need more liquor, right? IDK I'm no scientist and I certainly don't have experience with this, but would it be possible to make more of it or "water" it down a little bit, or would that be bad for the product?

This is a cool post. I think I'll try this soon.

1/8th equals roughly 3 grams equals roughly 3/4 of a shot glass if you get my local dankness


An eighth is 3.5 grams of weed and a shot is about 1 ounce of liquid.

I've been experimenting with tinctures quite a bit lately, and I suspect that the reason some people on this and other boards have been unsuccessful with Master Wu's original green dragon recipe is that they're boiling off too much alcohol in the simmer stage. You need to keep the alcohol content as high as possible not just to extract the THC but also to deliver the THC into your bloodstream. The problem is that reducing the liquid by half in the simmer stage drastically lowers the alcohol content, which reduces potency (i.e., bioavailability of THC).

Solution: Try simmering the Everclear and weed mixture in a small bottle or test tube instead of a canning jar. This will decrease the surface area and inhibit evaporation. Or else cover the mouth of the jar lightly with the lid or with foil. It's not necessary to greatly reduce the volume of liquid during the simmer stage, so the starting volume of Everclear should be only slightly more than the amount of tincture you want to end with.


I tried it once when i read about it in "cooking with cannabis" from some dutch guy (forgot the name).
He only advised to put some nuggets into a bottle of vodka and let it sit for about 6 weeks. Tasted ugly. worse than ugly.
I think i might try your recipe though. Much more deliberate


New member
Have made this a bunch of times, have been happy with the final product.

My question is dosage. There are people saying how just a few ml does the trick and hits hard. I have high tolerance (due to daily smoking for many years and dabs of bho don't help tolerance at all!) I put it in my coffee and find that 10ml gets a nice buzz going, and 20ml is a strong stone all day. 30 puts me into a deep sleep.

I've decarboxylized in the oven at both 200 for 20 and 325 for 5 and don't think I can tell a difference. I am however still ending up with a very green tincture, not brown. It looks nearly black in the jar, but when I take out a few ml in a syringe, it's green. Should I leave it in the oven longer? Different temps?

I make larger batches (1 oz ground bud to 16oz 190 proof Everclear), I don't see why but would this affect anything?

I guess it could just be tolerance. I made a batch of brownies a while back... I ate 2 and thought they did nothing. Had friends over and they each ate one, and were DONE. Could barely talk, couldn't get off the couch. They both slept a few hours.
ZBeebs, the color is really not that important. green is OK, especially if you use the 20 min @ 200F method. It sounds like you are doing fine.
The important thing is not to "over" cook it. Too high of a temp will just evapourate the THC into the air.
Larger batches are fine as long as it is dry out of the oven. Any water left will slow the rendering process down. 200F will not vapourize the THC out so you may leave it in a bit longer. Experimentation is key.
Also, when boiling it down, render the mixture out so you have about half of the alcohol left. This gives the perfect amount for titrating your dosages.

I am so glad to see this growing in popularity! :D


Well-known member

I have been smoking weed for over 25yrs. I have wanted to give up smoking for soooooo long. Pulling fire into your lungs is not good for you no matter what you smoke. I have tried eatables many times but never could get the dosage right or consistent and the time it took to effect me always varied so wildly from 2-3.5hrs.

I want to thank you because I followed your directions and changed a few things but basically stayed true to your directions.

I think I may have finally kicked smoking!!!!!.

The effects started around 25min and were full on by 1hr for sure. I couldn't believe it I was sitting watching TV with the better half when I felt it starting in my eyes around 25mins. I was suspicious because 25mins seemed to quick but I tried it again the next day with the same results. I used two 1/4 teaspoons (a little over 2ml).

I have a question about storage. Since it is mostly alcohol couldn't I store at room temp? I don't want it in the refrigerator. Not always home and don't want my kids accidentally getting into it.

I too would like to make a large batch but wasn't sure how long it could be stored?? Again being mostly alcohol I would assume as long as the container is air tight it could be many months.

If you are worried about the smell of the baking I recommend La Con for the weed. It has a very floral smell nothing like the skunky smell most are used to i.e. OG Kush.

Thanks again Mr DoRite or should I say DR DoRite.


Active member
I keep mine at room temps but I only make like 250ml at a time. If you´re afraid of THC breakdown you can pop it in the freezer, then again I´ve smoked two year old weed that was perfectly fine so I think breakdown is more a theoretical problem.


Well-known member
I keep mine at room temps but I only make like 250ml at a time. If you´re afraid of THC breakdown you can pop it in the freezer, then again I´ve smoked two year old weed that was perfectly fine so I think breakdown is more a theoretical problem.

Thanks for the info much appreciated. 250ml is over a cup of green dragon. That's the batch size i am thinking of making.

I also wanted to point out the fact that if you dose a couple of ml's and you want to intensify the effect you can just take another ml or two.

That's was not possible for me with edibles. I would have to wait another 2-3 hrs. The dosage seems so much more controlled and measured. I am really liking the green dragon for so many reasons.

Second question.

I'm sure I will build up a tolerance. When smoking I would just switch to a different strain to help fight tolerance build up. Does the same apply to green dragon??


Active member
My 250ml batch is reduced from about 500ml so it´s "double strength". Tolerance is always an issue, on a typical day (off from work) I´ll have a cookie in the morning, smoke half a joint during the day and wind down with 1-2ml´s of GD. I have chronic pain and this dosage helps. Switching strains is good, vaping can lower (?) tolerance and a few days break every month also helps.


Well-known member
dude thanks for the info much appreciated. I will be making my second batch and it will be a double for sure. I going with 8 oz of alcohol vs 4 and double up on the weed. I used 12g of La Con before I will go with 24g.

Reduce volume by 1/2 or 4 oz of green dragon. Still not a cup but I am still a newbie at this so I will start here.

Seems like a lot of weed but its all seeded. One or two of LA Cons got seeded because I missed a male. Thats what i like about the dragon it doesn't care if there is seeds. I don't de-seed at all just grind it up and bake it. I really love this dragon method.
Thanks so much for the kudos. I haven't been here in quite a while and though I would check in.
I have re-written this recipe so it is easier to understand and follow.
Since using Green Dragon I have completely quit smoking cannabis and using it exclusively. It also can be used to make gummies and such. It is a great additive for many things.
Anyway, enjoy.
P.S. Sorry for the large file.


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Well-known member
I am going to do this at some point, but am going to extract the flower with everclear first and then put the shatter into solution in 151, I am also going to scale it up, maybe to 1/2oz of bud and mix the end result into a gallon of lemonade