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Green Devil Mimosas [a Seeds Mafia Competition Diary]


Anne enn Normal
When life makes you "an offer that you cannot refuse", you make Green Devil Mimosas, specially after the loss of a bet that feels like a victory.
Personally, I've never poured a mimosa in my life.
Gin tonics, daiquiris, sex on the beach, Irish coffee, long island ice teas... You name the cocktail, I will have poured at least a botched attempt of it in my life. But never ever ever ever did i ever pour a mimosa. So I will have to learn me a recipe that involves a green devil to make Green Devil Mimosas!

For those of you who are still reading:
No, I'm not talking about cocktails in this diary, except now and on the title and maybe at the end.... I mean, I am talking about cocktails, but that's not the point, unless it leads to foxtails, (hint hint nudge nudge) .

Now, for those of you signori that are here for the @Seeds Mafia Competition take a comfortable chair, because it's gonna take a minute:

I received the goods yesterday

Really, I can't complain about their stealth. Really handy to have the stickers, too.
So let's get to the dirty:
How to grow weed for the Seed Mafia with Toky 101.
I'm Toky and I'm your host.

Step 1.
Gather your materials:

Seeds (check)
TP (check)
IKEA saucers (check)
Vengeance (optional, but I love Dethclock, so, that checks out too)

The following image is of the materials needed

Step 2.
Fold the TP enough times that it would cover the bottom of the saucer and have enough to fold onto itself (and possibly have another layer under it to soak and keep moisture longer)
Moisten it.

Gently open one box (to avoid confusion) and place the seeds onto the moistened TP in the saucer.

Remove the sticker lable from the box and stick it on the saucer so you know which is which. (this is why I'm grateful for the other stickers because I'll lable the pots they're in).
Do the same for the other box.

Below is what your sprouting set up should look like before you fold the "lid" over the seeds.

Step 3.
Gawk at them for as long as you have to, but leave them somewhere warm for at least 24 hours.

Step 4.
Smoke to let the time pass.

That's it. Thank you for coming abong I will be posting regularly, please like, watch and enjoint.
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Well-known member
Nice bro, excellent start to your cultivation diary and I'll also make myself comfortable with a nice cannon in my mouth and see your work


Anne enn Normal
I might have lied about not talking about cocktails.........




Little known fact I'm the least patient person on this planet. So while I wait for the seeds to sprout there is a strong chance I might go to the liquor store and start experimenting with a little mixology.

btw I'm a Jin&Tonic kinda guy...


Anne enn Normal
Potting of the sprouts:

Step2 (be gentle)


Repeat for every sprout. You might be asking yourselves why the handsome devil is in a bigger pot... Well, that's because it's an Auto, and I won't be repotting them, while I want to keep an eye on the size of the Mimosas; keeping them in smaller pots as seedlings will promote aerial growth rather than roots.


Well-known member
Wow I learned something today: never knew Mimosa was the name of a cocktail! I thought the strain name was just refering to the abundant yellow flowers...

Nice start, I'm taking a seat!


Anne enn Normal
I'm a bit worried about this little green devil IMG_20231206_171441_edit_2300640474443215.jpg .
Looks like it's struggling, I hope it's not a virus


Well-known member
When life makes you "an offer that you cannot refuse", you make Green Devil Mimosas, specially after the loss of a bet that feels like a victory.
Personally, I've never poured a mimosa in my life.
Gin tonics, daiquiris, sex on the beach, Irish coffee, long island ice teas... You name the cocktail, I will have poured at least a botched attempt of it in my life. But never ever ever ever did i ever pour a mimosa. So I will have to learn me a recipe that involves a green devil to make Green Devil Mimosas!

For those of you who are still reading:
No, I'm not talking about cocktails in this diary, except now and on the title and maybe at the end.... I mean, I am talking about cocktails, but that's not the point, unless it leads to foxtails, (hint hint nudge nudge) .

Now, for those of you signori that are here for the @Seeds Mafia Competition take a comfortable chair, because it's gonna take a minute:

I received the goods yesterday
View attachment 18923204
Really, I can't complain about their stealth. Really handy to have the stickers, too.
So let's get to the dirty:
How to grow weed for the Seed Mafia with Toky 101.
I'm Toky and I'm your host.

Step 1.
Gather your materials:

Seeds (check)
TP (check)
IKEA saucers (check)
Vengeance (optional, but I love Dethclock, so, that checks out too)

The following image is of the materials needed
View attachment 18923205
Step 2.
Fold the TP enough times that it would cover the bottom of the saucer and have enough to fold onto itself (and possibly have another layer under it to soak and keep moisture longer)
Moisten it.

Gently open one box (to avoid confusion) and place the seeds onto the moistened TP in the saucer.

Remove the sticker lable from the box and stick it on the saucer so you know which is which. (this is why I'm grateful for the other stickers because I'll lable the pots they're in).
Do the same for the other box.

Below is what your sprouting set up should look like before you fold the "lid" over the seeds.
View attachment 18923206
Step 3.
Gawk at them for as long as you have to, but leave them somewhere warm for at least 24 hours.

Step 4.
Smoke to let the time pass.

That's it. Thank you for coming abong I will be posting regularly, please like, watch and enjoint.


Anne enn Normal
Hm, how to start this one.
The Devils are not doing too good, they partied like hell, drank too much Mimosas and you know how it goes: mi mosa es tu mosa... And they ended up catching something...

Those mosas musta been radioactive mano.

I can't feel my stomata...

Stomata? What stomata with you?

And the Mimosas are just hermosas

Except Becky, Becky has to be a Karen and wants to talk to my boss...



Anne enn Normal
Little update on my little Devils.
We see the one that looked mutated might actually have just been nibbled upon by a thriptid cunt.

The other two are coming along nicely. Again, noticeable on one of the leaves a scar from a happy nibble during infanthood. The joys of real organic soil.

The Mimosas mosin in the corner


Anne enn Normal
Yo! Long overdue update!
Hello my fellow Cannagraphers! I hope you enjoyed the holidays, are still recovering from new year's celebrations or just chilling with your favorite bud rating the threads.
The three Green Devils are doing mighty fine,


And even the mutant, seems to have un-mutated and resolved for a life of peace and quiet.

The Mimosas on the other hand are not doing so great, one croaked and had to be removed. Another one is a male (did I get regs? Thought it was fems, anywhoo...)

But she's a dude...

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