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giving lungs a break


Active member
i wanna clear my lungs out from all the blunts and newports cause ive been caughing alot and spitting up a ton of mucus and stuff so im only smoking out of my bubbler for a while, is that gonna work or do i need to stop smoking all together.


you need new lungs.. oh wait, science isn't that far yet... sorry.


lol thats a good one pack a bowl, but hey stop smoking cigs that will help a lot!!!


Yep, get a vape. If you like thick hits, get a vrip. Otherwise a bit of research will turn up a bunch of units that will do the job.


Ya just have to try one of these. I use less, taste is way better, and if I want to sample an upcoming crop ..... no problem, I just bump up the heat.

Oh yeah no black lung cookies :listen2:


Yeah, quit da cigs man before ya start talkin like Rita Cosby. :yoinks:

nope....if you want to clear your lungs you must stop all types of inhalations of foreign chemicals....that means no smoking and no vaping.

When you inhale smoke and such, it paralyzes little hair-like projecitons in your lungs that allow them to clean the lungs out....only way to clean your lungs is to get them workings.....only way to get them working is to stop smoking and vaping.

Make firecrackers your friends....I hate the taste of them....but they get me stoned!.


so how long do you have to stop to repair the damage done, of say...4 years of heavy bong ripping?


Does vaporizing paralyze the cilia? I would think it would help him... it might take a wee bit longer to clear out the lungs but it would probably happen with a vape.

Of course you could always start smoking oils and bubble hash... that would seem like less stuff your inhaling.

At least your smoking cigs. Those things are great for clearing the lungs. :)


Resident pissy old man
Dutch, just cutting down significantly will help clear the lungs up. I have COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmanary disease) from 45 years of smoking. At 2 packs a day, my lungs are always full of mucas and I cough a lot. If I cut back to 1/2 pack a day for a couple of weeks, the coughing stops and the lungs clear up a bit.


POPS - have you ever thought about using Swedish Snus, and also vaporizing your tobacco? Google swedish snus. They're these little packest of tobacco you put in your lip... supposedly way less health risk, because of the way they cure their tobacco! They're fun too!


Resident pissy old man
Actually I have thought about quitting(about 1000 times). All the snuff pruducts I have tried make me gag. I have had 7 heart attacks and need to quit badly, but have been addicted to tobacco since i was 16.
Indicad2006 said:
Does vaporizing paralyze the cilia? I would think it would help him... it might take a wee bit longer to clear out the lungs but it would probably happen with a vape.

I thought that too....and that's why I now have a vapor bros. vape, but I'm not coughing shit up, which means they ain't workin'. But when I quit for a day or two, I start to cough up the garbage in my lungs from smoking and vaping.

Trust me...I don't lie.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Click here for a LINK about the cilia and smoking

TrichomusCaesar is very correct! Some folks have to be prescribed bronchial dilators(like people use for asthma) when they quit smoking, because their lungs don't work correctly, I had heard this before, and experienced it after having spells where I smoked Tobacco.

And by the way, smokeless Tobacco(Chew) isn't all that much better for you, it can cause tooth loss at the least, mouth cancer, and has been linked more and more to Blood pressure problems and Heart Disease because it prolongs and increases the effects of Nicotine which is a stimulant(Rappid prolonged heart beat).
Its also no easier to quit, I know cuz I've been trying for a while, I seem to be winning at the momment.


I had some swedish snus from an exchange student my friend had living with him and in return I smoked some dank with him and what a trade.

That is the strongest freaking tobacco pouch I ever had....made me dizzy and nautious.


Fucking hell pops i thought the first heart attack would be enough to put you off smoking! have you tried hypnotism? I've heard success stories where they make u think of something else whenever u crave nicotine as in redirecting the impulse to make u want to smoke. i smoke cigarettes but they're so fucking disgusting and pointless aren't they? i just do it out of boredom when a spliff ain't in my mouth only a few a day. i think rolling tobacco is slightly healthier, feels smoother anyway and not so many chemicals added. I've found if i have a tight chest a good hashy joint helps believe it or not. my throat and chest feel way worse when i've smoked loads of ciggarettes when in out in bars etc.
I'll evenntually quit smoking joints even though it's my fav method. i'll probablystart eatin or vapin. oh yeah hash is healthier than weed, less carcinogenic plant matter being burned up. doesn't thc actually open the airways up? not in smoke form so much but yeah..
yep, BC is also quite correct. Snuff and chewing tobacco can cause some pretyt sick-looking and I'm sure fatal cancers in the mouth.....truely disgusting.

Check out some pics on the net.....if that doesn't single handedly make you want to quit tobacco altogether than you have got issues.

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