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Feeding During Stretch


Active member
If your ground already has proper nutrition to finish the cycle, spraying amino N doesn't add any more N.It allows the plants to have available N and Ca during the heavy growth of stretch. Cannabis, fruit, corn..all benefit from it if timed correctly.

If you don't mind, i'm interested to understand the leverages applying there (on aminos). I'm not well versed in chemistry, i prevent ^^

I understand your context and your way ("living soil" etc...), i'm more "classic" indoor : amino L based nutrients, and sometimes amino (N + K) booster. And it's specifically the point of my question.

I always used aminos to compensate heavy pollination on females, i like to maximize, to cut off the stasis and to streamline/fasten a bit the process (exactly talking about seeded female's vigor). Even with limited early pollination, i never saw a stretch reduction this way.

Context : i don't need to regulate Ca, no "Cal Mag" all the way here. My soil is quite neutral/dead within the end of the veg also, i use seedlings soil specifically for this (in bonus to have a finest medium for root mass). The more exotic thing in the soil i buy is sometimes nettle compost included, but that's all.

Is the Ca the true catalyst of your trick ?
Or is amino L an antagonist of the trick ?


Well-known member
If you don't mind, i'm interested to understand the leverages applying there (on aminos). I'm not well versed in chemistry, i prevent ^^

I understand your context and your way ("living soil" etc...), i'm more "classic" indoor : amino L based nutrients, and sometimes amino (N + K) booster. And it's specifically the point of my question.

I always used aminos to compensate heavy pollination on females, i like to maximize, to cut off the stasis and to streamline/fasten a bit the process (exactly talking about seeded female's vigor). Even with limited early pollination, i never saw a stretch reduction this way.

Context : i don't need to regulate Ca, no "Cal Mag" all the way here. My soil is quite neutral/dead within the end of the veg also, i use seedlings soil specifically for this (in bonus to have a finest medium for root mass). The more exotic thing in the soil i buy is sometimes nettle compost included, but that's all.

Is the Ca the true catalyst of your trick ?
Or is amino L an antagonist of the trick ?
It is the combination of the two.

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Pgr's gets the name of the devil lol im not familiar with them.

Idk what pgr's the growers are using but it really is dire quality.
View attachment 18947715
My own bud.
View attachment 18947716
I wouldn't mind stopping leggy plants with some paclobutrazol but I'd rather suffer leggy plants than use something that might alter the end product.

Tbf I doubt you would be using paclobutrazol if had any negative effects but I need to ask does it affect resin production?

You need to do some research. In a nutshell it increase flower and fruit production and quality. The main benefit I look for is its affect on shortening internodes. This here old pHart gets tired of climbing on a ladder 2-3X a year to keep an avocado tree under 16' tall. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/paclobutrazol


Assuming a plant cannot reach its full potential unless grown full term in complete health I do not understand deliberately retarding its growth while claiming to want to experience the sativa effects when you won't hindering its growth and potential.


Well-known member
It would depend on the strain and plant with sativas.. Ive got sativas that will claw with any nitrogen in flower and store it right the way through till the end and come out finishing dark green brown once dried and grow with lots of little leaves growing out the buds... The same plant I can feed just abit of pk now and then through flower (no nitrogen) and they take up what little nitrogen they need from the soil... The leaves always finish Autumn colours with some dropping off at the end and the bud comes out gold as its supposed to...It depends on the strain and plant with proper sativas. You can get worked sativas with nl in or other things...they will deal with higher doses of food....some pure sativas can handle low doses of grow feed in stretch, some higher, some will be fine with bloom feed..
It depends on the strain and how much indica or sativa and were on the planet there from and what they have become accustomed too...
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Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
You dont do ground indoors.. You dont grow in tents. You dont grow sativas. This thread is about growing sativas in a tent. Please take your narcissistic &ss some where else.

If you weren't such an arrogant, disrespectful dumb ass and had used Google to search my name you'd realize that for decades I've grown pure sativas indoors, while you was still messin' in your drawers. YOU need to come up with a plan and stop your whining, child.

Knowing that I wouldn't screw it up...... Gypsy gifted me Zamal seeds after a trip he made to Reunion. Zamal is original sativa stock from Africa via Madagascar then to Reunion..... for today's history lesson. I communicated with the French breeder who couldn't believe I was growing it indoors. (I had no choice).

For those that may appreciate it here's the original correspondence with that breeder. FWIW I've saved 100's of OLD forum posts, most from the 90's. @Boo may remember some of that.

Message from Christophe to Uncle Ben,

I'll send you 1 picture of Zamal plant; (it's a plant on the left with color lights). It was 4 months old, but I cut him 2 months later. on the picture you can see only the half of the plant. I 'm very surprise because it's the first time I can see Zamal indoor and I wonder if Zamal is a good plant for indoor. I live in Réunion island and the average temperature in the year is 26°; we can breed outdoor all the year; I never plant indoor.

Few precisions about Zamal (not Zamaal): This sativa (100%) was imported from Madagascar 200 years ago with slaves. Her degree of THC is between 15 and 30% (there are few qualities),

she is very powerfull and she unsticked the head of many old smokers. She has a good ratio (naturely): 9 females for 1 male; Her florewing begins between 8 and 12 weeks; but in winter (24° the day, 18° the night) it's not uncommon to cut the plant after 7 or 8 months; here few growers wait 1 year and sometimes more. I smile when you are afraid by 17 weeks of grow; sure it's expensive, but may be it's early to cut her. How many hours she is under the ligths by day? Sure it's a long time to grow in comparison with indica, but it's difficult to comparate this 2 plants (florewing, heigt, yield...)

Harvest depend of the heigt,but usually she is between 800 grs and 1 kg (dry) for average heigt of 3 meters, some plants can exceed 4 or 5 meters, with trunk of 15 cm of diameter! (I have a friend, he installed a swing on his plant)

Zamal is strongest than Durban poison or Malawi gold and more than many indica. She has not a strong odor (except when you smoke) usually her odor is carot-mango but depend the quality, her odor is less than indica. Buds are smallers than indica buds but biggers than your production. Outdoor she needs not too much water and she can grow in altitude (1500m). Usually she lives in volcanic earth and in fact she can grow in acid earth (PH: 5,6) In general she is resistant but she is kept fungus and ant. At all she needs a good sun.

But like I said, I haven't indoor experience and I wonder if Zamal indoor gives you the same quality than outdoor. If you want accelerate florewing, mix Zamal with indica; ex: Afghani special (male) x Zamal=florewing in 6 weeks.

Excuse my english and if you can talk in french, that's better.

Friendly, Christophe.

Grown old Mex sativa (90's) before it was bred in with other stuff, Was a very clear up high. Dalat Vietnamese, the Original Haze, etc. I was challenged by The Stretch.

Funny but this indoor Dalat (pure sativa) was so heavy with buds I used dog chains to hold the colas up. Topped this bad girl quite a few times too - 2004:



Zamal under pure HPS, 2001


How about that root system! :ROFLMAO:


Topped to get 4 Main Colas when it was a very young seedling with 6 nodes. ^

Zamal cola. Terpenes reeked of cinnamon.


Dese kids....... :cool:

Whine to someone else and figure out. I wasted enough of my time.

Uncle Ben

CocoNut 420

Well-known member
You need to do some research. In a nutshell it increase flower and fruit production and quality. The main benefit I look for is its affect on shortening internodes. This here old pHart gets tired of climbing on a ladder 2-3X a year to keep an avocado tree under 16' tall. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/paclobutrazol
Thank you for the link, I'll read later when I can absorb it better.

I was watching a you tube video that showed the effects of paclobutrazol at 1 ppm it made a huge difference.

How often do you need to apply it or feed?
It appears that foliar is more populal from the little bit I've read?


Well-known member
Thank you for the link, I'll read later when I can absorb it better.

I was watching a you tube video that showed the effects of paclobutrazol at 1 ppm it made a huge difference.

How often do you need to apply it or feed?
It appears that foliar is more populal from the little bit I've read?
You probably want to look at the risks before spraying paclobutrazol on something you want to put in your body.

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Thank you for the link, I'll read later when I can absorb it better.

I was watching a you tube video that showed the effects of paclobutrazol at 1 ppm it made a huge difference.

How often do you need to apply it or feed?
It appears that foliar is more populal from the little bit I've read?

1. I wouldn't bother with 1 ppm. My rate is 4 PPM. Root uptake is best. I usually apply once. Like all hormones you can overdue this stuff and get some weird results. Also, stuff isn't cheap. I used to use Bonzi.

Here's a new one I ran across on a Fakebook Mango forum. Florida grower had applied about 4X over the months. The adult tree was solid with panicles (flowers). https://www.peptechbio.com/product/brassinolides-0-01-pep-double/

Cannabis growers should play with this one. Its use in commercial ag is broad.



Active member
Zamal and Dalat are the materials i miss the most. Both are really singular to grow and to master. The smoke of both are worth the ride of course ^^ But i sincerely don't recommend them to growers not used to grow hazes, at least. Your bud of zamal are quite decent, to say the least.

Few precisions about Zamal (not Zamaal): This sativa (100%) was imported from Madagascar 200 years ago with slaves. Her degree of THC is between 15 and 30% (there are few qualities),

The potential source still a matter of debate, sometimes quite heated. There is only one thing that don't offer any margin : this strain belong to Tamuls.

Sans titre-13.png

This picture resume well my favorite theory, and also why i always trust more the shapes of the plants that the mouth of humans in general with cannabis.

And i'm the type of stoner that readed a bunch of books on the Bourbon's history just for checking the most fancy suggestions ^^

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
You probably want to look at the risks before spraying paclobutrazol on something you want to put in your body.

I have and that includes anything new. I'm a research freak. I'm not some dumb ass out to compromise my health or the health of the environment. But, if someone says it on the internet and someone repeats it then it must be true.

Toxicity is not only related to the chemical but to the amount. Do you understand the term PPM?


Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Zamal and Dalat are the materials i miss the most. Both are really singular to grow and to master. The smoke of both are worth the ride of course ^^ But i sincerely don't recommend them to growers not used to grow hazes, at least. Your bud of zamal are quite decent, to say the least.

The potential source still a matter of debate, sometimes quite heated. There is only one thing that don't offer any margin : this strain belong to Tamuls.

View attachment 18947848

This picture resume well my favorite theory, and also why i always trust more the shapes of the plants that the mouth of humans in general with cannabis.

And i'm the type of stoner that readed a bunch of books on the Bourbon's history just for checking the most fancy suggestions ^^

Very nice. Check out my link if you want to see a Dalat out of control! I gifted some seeds to a grower in Santa Cruz.


Active member
You bet, already checked from another place where we had fun together on compulsive defoliation habits ^^
And we both know that being complimented on the fat asian is a lesser mark of respect than the same with zamal ;o)


Well-known member
If you weren't such an arrogant, disrespectful dumb ass and had used Google to search my name you'd realize that for decades I've grown pure sativas indoors, while you was still messin' in your drawers. YOU need to come up with a plan and stop your whining, child.

Knowing that I wouldn't screw it up...... Gypsy gifted me Zamal seeds after a trip he made to Reunion. Zamal is original sativa stock from Africa via Madagascar then to Reunion..... for today's history lesson. I communicated with the French breeder who couldn't believe I was growing it indoors. (I had no choice).

For those that may appreciate it here's the original correspondence with that breeder. FWIW I've saved 100's of OLD forum posts, most from the 90's. @Boo may remember some of that.

Message from Christophe to Uncle Ben,

I'll send you 1 picture of Zamal plant; (it's a plant on the left with color lights). It was 4 months old, but I cut him 2 months later. on the picture you can see only the half of the plant. I 'm very surprise because it's the first time I can see Zamal indoor and I wonder if Zamal is a good plant for indoor. I live in Réunion island and the average temperature in the year is 26°; we can breed outdoor all the year; I never plant indoor.

Few precisions about Zamal (not Zamaal): This sativa (100%) was imported from Madagascar 200 years ago with slaves. Her degree of THC is between 15 and 30% (there are few qualities),

she is very powerfull and she unsticked the head of many old smokers. She has a good ratio (naturely): 9 females for 1 male; Her florewing begins between 8 and 12 weeks; but in winter (24° the day, 18° the night) it's not uncommon to cut the plant after 7 or 8 months; here few growers wait 1 year and sometimes more. I smile when you are afraid by 17 weeks of grow; sure it's expensive, but may be it's early to cut her. How many hours she is under the ligths by day? Sure it's a long time to grow in comparison with indica, but it's difficult to comparate this 2 plants (florewing, heigt, yield...)

Harvest depend of the heigt,but usually she is between 800 grs and 1 kg (dry) for average heigt of 3 meters, some plants can exceed 4 or 5 meters, with trunk of 15 cm of diameter! (I have a friend, he installed a swing on his plant)

Zamal is strongest than Durban poison or Malawi gold and more than many indica. She has not a strong odor (except when you smoke) usually her odor is carot-mango but depend the quality, her odor is less than indica. Buds are smallers than indica buds but biggers than your production. Outdoor she needs not too much water and she can grow in altitude (1500m). Usually she lives in volcanic earth and in fact she can grow in acid earth (PH: 5,6) In general she is resistant but she is kept fungus and ant. At all she needs a good sun.

But like I said, I haven't indoor experience and I wonder if Zamal indoor gives you the same quality than outdoor. If you want accelerate florewing, mix Zamal with indica; ex: Afghani special (male) x Zamal=florewing in 6 weeks.

Excuse my english and if you can talk in french, that's better.

Friendly, Christophe.

Grown old Mex sativa (90's) before it was bred in with other stuff, Was a very clear up high. Dalat Vietnamese, the Original Haze, etc. I was challenged by The Stretch.

Funny but this indoor Dalat (pure sativa) was so heavy with buds I used dog chains to hold the colas up. Topped this bad girl quite a few times too - 2004:

View attachment 18947783

View attachment 18947786

Zamal under pure HPS, 2001

View attachment 18947796

How about that root system! :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 18947804

Topped to get 4 Main Colas when it was a very young seedling with 6 nodes. ^

Zamal cola. Terpenes reeked of cinnamon.

View attachment 18947805

Dese kids....... :cool:

Whine to someone else and figure out. I wasted enough of my time.

Uncle Ben



Well-known member
I don’t recall the particular conversation that Ben is referring to on his post earlier in this page, but I will stand and testify that that man has been doing insane sativa’s for at least the 23 years that I’ve known him…

IDGAS . I am not impressed. IDGAF if Old Douchebag created the MF'n Garden of Eden. He's still an arrogant narcississitc A-HOLE.

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