By working in cahoots with corrupt government officials? Hmmm. Good luck with that. All that accomplishes in the US is wealth accumulation.
Good luck brother they dont have a very good track record when it comes to keeping their word.Howdy, brothers Tang and EB, I miss you guys.
Im not there yet, thats still a few months away.
Zimbabwe law states that for a foreigner to set up a business in Zim, the business must have a majority share owned by a Zim native.
The managing member of the company has the brother to Zimbabwe’s head of Central Intelligence as the native member of the company.
This company is also working very closely with the current President, Mnangagwa, who was the previous Director of Intelligence.
So, pretty well set with the Zim government.
So the other concerns are 1) the locals rising up against the Zim government and killing any white businessmen working woth the current government (me) and 2) China/Communist Intelligence entities.
Perhaps its my naïveté, but I hope to bring empowerment to the people through agriculture.
Licensing is finalized, just waiting for finalizong with investors and on finalizing my contract with the company for breeding.
This is exciting.
I should be flying over there in a couple months.
There is always cheese in a mousetrap V.
Wish you weren't even considering this.
Whatever experiences you've had working with people in the past won't come close to the bad sh1t that can happen down there.
At least where you are now you know the land, the players, the laws. You can see the danger coming from a long way off.
Down there, you are on somebody else's turf, putting your life at risk based on promises from strangers with nothing but greed driving them.
Oh yeah. The assholes will steal all your strains.
You'll know you're screwed when the gentlemen with rusty AKs and machete's come to take your passport "for safe keeping". Whatever contract you negotiate before that won't mean sh1t.
Who are these guys gonna sell all this product to if they manage to pull of a successful crop?
International trade in cannabis is still illegal. The people of Zim can't even afford food. Nobody's gettin rich off domestic sales.
A lot of people care about you.
Will you have friends on the security team? I always assumed they'd be too smart to walk into a mess like that.
If you insist on going, make those green rushing bastards pay your first year salary in advance.
Get your affairs in order and make me the sole beneficiary of your will. I'll use the money to make sure your memory lives on through the internet. Will need some pics of you before you leave for the memes.
Its amazing looking back at this thread.
Wow am I glad that I listened to my friends and didnt go
Thank you guys
Pretty thankful right now
Happy to see your recent posts buddy.
Looks like you stayed in CA and have done well this year?
Thank you
Yeah, in NorCal
Rough year, lost all to a fire, but Ive committed to recoverrecovering by intensely breeding everything I had popped back in January
Phoenix moment![]()