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Eugenics backer...TN's Repub. Cong. Candidate...


Natalie J. Puffington
from: New York Times


Eugenics Backer Causes Stir in Tenn. Race

Published: August 3, 2004

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Republican congressional candidate James L.
Hart acknowledges that he is an ``intellectual outlaw.''

He is an unapologetic supporter of eugenics, the phony science that
resulted in thousands of sterilizations in an attempt to purify the
white race. He believes the country will look ``like one big Detroit''
if it doesn't eliminate welfare and immigration. He believes that if
blacks were integrated centuries ago, the automobile never would have
been invented.

He shows up at voters' homes wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a
gun, and tells them that ``white children deserve the same rights as
everyone else.''

Despite his radical views, Hart may end up winning the Republican
nomination because he is the only GOP candidate on the ballot in
Thursday's primary. His presence in the campaign has embarrassed
Republican leaders, who were blind-sided by Hart after they didn't
bother fielding a candidate. Democratic Rep. John Tanner has held the
seat for 15 years and is considered safe in November.

Republicans now desperately hope that a write-in candidate will stop

``I would characterize him as a racist, an elitist,'' said write-in
candidate Dennis Bertrand, a financial analyst and former military
officer. ``His idea of ... genetically altering the human race in order
to build a super race with super intelligence is appalling.''

Much of Hart's platform revolves around eugenics, which arose in the
early 20th century as a pseudoscientific movement to solve social
problems by preventing the ``unfit'' from having children. It inspired
33 states to pass laws that allowed the sterilization of some 65,000
people, and Nazi Germany used the U.S. examples to justify programs
that sterilized and killed millions.

Hart, a 60-year-old real estate agent, knows his views on eugenics are
far from the mainstream and viewed as racist by most people.

He insists his beliefs have nothing to do with racism and everything to
do with ``favored races'' from Europe and Asia and ``less-favored
races'' from Africa. To achieve his goal of a country populated by
``favored races,'' Hart proposes eliminating both welfare and

``If an individual demonstrates the ability to produce and contribute
to society, he or she would be encouraged to have more children. People
on welfare would not,'' Hart said in a telephone interview with The
Associated Press.

Bertrand says he found out about Hart's views after returning from
active duty with the National Guard and going on the Internet to learn
more about the race in Tennessee's 8th District. He says he is running
to make sure Hart does not win the Republican Party's endorsement.
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resident slackass
suprise!!! the outspoken racist won the gop nomination

suprise!!! the outspoken racist won the gop nomination

Racism still wins votes in Tennesse



For real-estate agents, it's all about location. James L. Hart is located in rural northwest Tennessee.

His thoughts, however, are located in Nazi Germany.

Hart is a 60-year-old Republican real-estate agent. He defeated a Republican write-in candidate, Dennis Bertrand, in August's primary.

Hart faces Democrat Rep. John Tanner in the November general election.

For 15 years, Tanner has represented the 8th District. In 2002, Hart -- running as an independent -- was defeated by Tanner receiving only 4,288 votes, or 2.6 percent.

Chances appear Tanner will break Hart's harmful heart again.

But not before heartless Hart spews vicious venom.

Hart calls himself an "intellectual outlaw."

Hart supports the pseudoscience of eugenics, once used to sterilize people to purify the white race.

If eugenics was practiced, "unfit" people would not have children, thus, making the world a better place. Thirty-three states passed eugenic laws sterilizing about 65,000 people.

As a result, Nazi doctors -- under the auspices of the Third Reich and using America's eugenics example -- wrote eugenic-based textbooks. The terrible textbooks justified sterilization programs for a superior race and millions were killed.

Hitler praised eugenics. Hart does, too.

"Why does Detroit look like it was hit by a nuclear bomb and Hiroshima look like it was on the side that won the war? Everyone knows the answer but is afraid to say so," said Hart. "The reason for Detroit's decline is there are less-favored races in Detroit and more-favored races in Japan.

"The poverty gene of less-favored races, which are spread by welfare and immigration, are destroying our cities no less than if they were hit by a nuclear bomb . . . unless we stop welfare and immigration polices, the U.S. will look like one big Detroit. I will save our cities . . . If an individual demonstrates the ability to produce and contribute to society, he or she would be encouraged to have more children. People on welfare would not."

Hart refers to "less-favored races of sub-Saharan Africa, which Hollywood continues to call black."

Now, before you spit out your morning coffee and yell, "Who the hell voted for this idiot?"

Well, thousands did.

Bertrand, a former military officer who served in Iraq, received GOP support but not their votes: Hart had 7,913 votes compared to Bertrand's 1,654.

Tennessee GOP officials abhor Hart, nevertheless people are applauding the Dr. Frankenstein-thinking candidate.

"I pondered Hart's position and could not think of one black community in the country that is thriving and where I would want to raise a family," wrote a supporter to his campaign's Web site.

Another supporter said, "Congrats for having the courage to say this in public. If we keep pretending we are all the same . . . we are going to pretend our way into a real extinction."

Although Hart admits he probably won't defeat Tanner, he has 12-plus weeks to slip on his bulletproof vest, strap on his .40-caliber pistol and hit the door-to-door campaign trail -- in a district reaching from Clarksville to Memphis -- and spew vicious venom.

Unless, of course, the person opening the door is black, then Hart just leaves campaign literature.

"I want to spread my ideas. Every person who opens the door -- as long as they are white -- I'll say 'I'm James Hart and I'm running for Congress,' " said Hart, adding he was forced to resign from his real-estate job.

"When I say white children deserve the same rights as everyone else, the enthusiastic response has been amazing."

For real-estate agents, it's all about location.

Perhaps Hart can locate a brownstone in hell.


I am from Tennessee and I have never heard of this idiot. That's probally because I don't pay attention to racists and idiots. We are not all like that trust me. :p


No worries ... I knew you didn't mean it that way. This guy dosn't get a lot of air time in our local news, matter of fact like I said I have never heard of him.

It really gets me sometimes when people still think that racisim is still worse in the South, it is a National problem, racists are everywhere. It is bad here, and when we are talking about race in the South we are usually mean white to black racism. There are more blacks in this area than in any other part of the US. The South Eastern States of Tn, Ky, Ms, Al, Ar, and Georgia.

I hate watching the news here because all I see is death, we have to be getting close to murder record, there are it seems two or three a day. Unfourtunatly it is usually black on black crime. I don't pretend to know why all I know is that it is just sad.

I hope nothing I have said offends anyone but these are just my observations.

mybeans420: I hope racism dosn't win votes in the Tn. It dosn't win my vote. I have a hard enough time trying to keep up with everyday life.

Peace and Stay Safe. :wave: