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EMERGENCY Had to put em all in garbage bags


Glad that you seem to be OK...but damn man, 400 plants or so into bags, by yourself? What a pita...anythings better than being busted tho.


Good news, well better than the alternative. I got jacked. I lost the product but not to the man. So there is a loss but no follow up. That loss brings its own problems but I think it will be allright.


Active member
yamaha_1fan said:
Good news, well better than the alternative. I got jacked. I lost the product but not to the man. So there is a loss but no follow up. That loss brings its own problems but I think it will be allright.

:badday: a lost is a lost wether to the feds or someone else.. where you in the place when it went down? i get flash backs hearing this shit :dueling: no product is worth your life but we all deal with the issues differently.. write it off, change locations n get back at it again homie. be safe!! :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
if you got jacked time to move and mang 400 plants how the F do you sleep at night, honestly if you got ripped off some1 has your dime. if you stay and grow again your'll get jacked again, or worse black mailed into growing for the ripper. srry to hear about your bad luck but 400 plants is FN crazy nothing like 5 yrs mandatory in club FED if LEO comes a knockn the door in.

i would roll the dice and say some1 who knew your growing jacked you weather they knew outright about the grow or figured it out because they score the same bud from ya all the time. also the fact ya prolly have the same strains all the time our little circle is small compared to the rest of humanity. but in small towns or citys word travels fast in our circle, another thing to keep in mind if your supplying a med club possible you where followed home from there.


Active member
dam.I know how hard it is to move all that equipment and pack it back up.Its makes it tougher when ya living off the proceeds and you get so rudely interupted by one thing or another.once theres a security breach,meaning they know its your stuff and they dont know where you live,its just a matter of time.Ive alway said making its not tough,it only gets worrisome when it has to leave and go in someone elses hands.If you have family as well,it makes it all the tougher to pick up and go.DAm! It really does stink that people have to be the way they are.im sure cause of tougher times now it may even be increasing.Keep us posted.


Active member
Maj.PotHead said:
or worse black mailed into growing for the ripper.

has someone been watching weed's re-runs?

dont know who will ever do that in there right mind.. some people gotta take the risk and truth be told, Fed time is 10 times better then county or state..

but yeah yamaha like stated before, time to move shop unfortunately this is something some of us growers have to deal with :badday:


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
yamaha_1fan said:
Good news, well better than the alternative. I got jacked. I lost the product but not to the man. So there is a loss but no follow up. That loss brings its own problems but I think it will be allright.

you got jacked?? or did the plants just all die??

wow man, if you were jacked - this would be a good time to know a hitman



Its hard to explain and I dont want to go into details. Maybe down the road once it settles but nothing is traceable to me. I know its hard to explain but trust me, the dude that jacked me doesnt know who I am or where to find me. Zilch, nada. I had no idea it was a jack either until 2 days later. But I do know where to find him.......


If it were me, I'd just let this be a learning lesson without any action taken against the thief. It's truly shitty to take one in the stomach like this. However, if they truly don't know a thing about you, there's no need to expose yourself again. Just take precautions in the future to make sure you know who you're handing off the goodies to... Stay safe and hope all works out well.



Active member
astartes said:
If it were me, I'd just let this be a learning lesson without any action taken against the thief. It's truly shitty to take one in the stomach like this. However, if they truly don't know a thing about you, there's no need to expose yourself again. Just take precautions in the future to make sure you know who you're handing off the goodies to... Stay safe and hope all works out well.


exactly.thats always the hardest part..trusting someone with the goodies to come back with the dough.


Yamaha ---

Not sure if you do this already, but have you considered making hash and/oil with all your trim? You should be able to make quite a large amount with a 3K harvest every few weeks. If there's a market in your area, it should sell for a considerable amount more than buds by weight and could help lessen the blow of losing this crop both in the short term and in the long run.



Active member
astartes said:
Just take precautions in the future to make sure you know who you're handing off the goodies to... Stay safe and hope all works out well.


Sometimes you can "KNOW" the person your handing the goodies to more then you know your parents or wife.. sad but true, they are the ones who can fuck you the hardest. What matters here is that yamaha is safe n all is well except for missing a few bows of product..money dont grow on tree's but the bows do. yamaha we both know what you gotta do... be safe n do your thing :joint: :joint:

Like Wayne said.. Karma will take care of them.. if theres one thing i believe in the most its KARMA.. :joint:


Active member
yamaha_1fan said:
...The dilema is this is a f/t gig until I get back on track. By loosing the crop, I would loose everything, my house, my cars, etc as I am already behind on payments.....

this part right here hit so close to home...
moving 'erb to pay bills, ducking, dodgeing.
the usual game...
when you have only one source of income you cant fuck with your stability... :rasta:


Active member
yeah this is bound to happen in this line of work. I think it has happened to a lot of us whether it be on a small scale or large.

lot of cowards in this world. don't let'em get to you.